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Rhino Iron Skin Is So Pathetic D=


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They should get out the "fveryones fly" skill and separat the iron skin in two skills : a taunt and an iron skin that puts an iron skin !

I mean something that can withstand damage a lot and make you immune to status effects.

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If you have issues tanking without iron skin i suppose. Once they fix stomp i just freeze the boss and beat then till they die :P


Since IS is his main tool for tanking, and Rhino being a tank frame. Then yea, dead frame.

Edited by WARLOCKE
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The cap it gives its roughly around 800 or so (so its like 800 extra shields) and if you level him up and put a decent redirection mod


well my friend with his redirection giving 200% more shields he's got 850 shields on level 21   and with iron skin he's got 1650, thats like, more than any Warframe can ever dream of getting to,  HOW do you run out of that many shields that quickly?! not even on pluto did he lose his shields once with like 4 MOA's spraying on him >.>


you just have to be careful, like....uhhh...i don't know, hide behind a wall to recover the shields? and stop wasting iron skin, use it when you see you need to, like when your allies are surrounded and stuff pop that in,tank a little bit, hid behind a wall

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The cap it gives its roughly around 800 or so (so its like 800 extra shields) and if you level him up and put a decent redirection mod


well my friend with his redirection giving 200% more shields he's got 850 shields on level 21   and with iron skin he's got 1650, thats like, more than any Warframe can ever dream of getting to,  HOW do you run out of that many shields that quickly?! not even on pluto did he lose his shields once with like 4 MOA's spraying on him >.>


you just have to be careful, like....uhhh...i don't know, hide behind a wall to recover the shields? and stop wasting iron skin, use it when you see you need to, like when your allies are surrounded and stuff pop that in,tank a little bit, hid behind a wall

Yea, cool! pop ur main tank ability and hide, what? Run like Forest Gump and let buddy's kill!! Master, rly master..

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Since IS is his main tool for tanking, and Rhino being a tank frame. Then yea, dead frame.

You wanna know what really sucks? Lech Kril is using the pre-nerf IS. I found that out the hard way when farming for the Frost Systems. I found my super-charged Gorgon did absolutely nothing to his hp/shield bar whenever he looked all chrome colored, like the IS graphic. This happened when they made him deadlier in this or the Vauban update, so players have god-mode is wrong, but giving god-mode to an already bullet-sponge of a boss is a-okay for DE.
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Rhino is currently still a dead frame. The static 800 damage is useless because against trivial content it feels completely over powered and against anything challenging it lasts 2 seconds.


That is because it doesn't scale at all.


For all the props that Scott got in the livestream for developing Vauban so well, whoever came up with the Iron Skin change needs to be spoken to about basic design.


They should have upped the cost of Iron Skin or reduced the duration, not put a static maximum absorb amount.

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Yea, cool! pop ur main tank ability and hide, what? Run like Forest Gump and let buddy's kill!! Master, rly master..


you completely missed the point, you cannot become flat out indestructible using a single skill

you should NEVER just activate IS and go to town on enemies, its just an extra layer of defense, NOT invincibility,

you just gotta spec around it, PLAY SAFE, don't try to tank 25 enemies at the same time because you know that won't work for you because you can take damage now with iron skin


Also that last sentence...its exactly whats Rhino supposed to do, DISTRACT enemies while teammates help kill them, if that means hiding behind cover to recover then so be it


while i do think they should buff the 800 extra shields to around 1000-1200 on max skill level, its still good enough to tank damage, specially with the 80% damage reduction you get when the extra shields run out

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Got rhino about a week and a half ago, and here are my thoughts on this.


IS is very effective, if not OP, in planets such as mercury, venus, and saturn.  However, the difference with IS is the diminishing returns as you level up. By Sedna, IS has hit its last mildly effective area, and you won't even get through the whole system and have it last.  Hell, when I was fighting Lech Kril in Ceres and used IS, I could take one, JUST ONE, hit from his hammer before IS would crap out on me with his next strike.  When leveling up a warframe, you should have increasing power and effectiveness to your abilities, not decreasing power as you progress.  Most people have said this, but by eris, the IS is basically the suicide button, as you instantly get mauled to death by everything around you in 3 seconds.


Yes Iron Skin had its flaws, namely being WAY to OP to start with, but now its so awful that its almost not even worth touching Rhino anymore.  His stomp I've found is extremely effective in grineer mobile defense, but that is about it, his first ability is like a crappier slash dash, and his third ability is like a terrible fragor AoE.


Hopefully, if they touch rhino again, it should be to fix this deadly flaw.

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you completely missed the point, you cannot become flat out indestructible using a single skill

you should NEVER just activate IS and go to town on enemies, its just an extra layer of defense, NOT invincibility,

you just gotta spec around it, PLAY SAFE, don't try to tank 25 enemies at the same time because you know that won't work for you because you can take damage now with iron skin


Also that last sentence...its exactly whats Rhino supposed to do, DISTRACT enemies while teammates help kill them, if that means hiding behind cover to recover then so be it


while i do think they should buff the 800 extra shields to around 1000-1200 on max skill level, its still good enough to tank damage, specially with the 80% damage reduction you get when the extra shields run out

Wait so if Rhino is supposed to be the distraction, then what the hell is loki there for?  The problem is, Rhino is a worse tank than Frost, a worse decoy than loki, and a worse runner than literally any other warframe.  At this point its not "where does Rhino excel?", its "what can Rhino even do?"

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you completely missed the point, you cannot become flat out indestructible using a single skill

you should NEVER just activate IS and go to town on enemies, its just an extra layer of defense, NOT invincibility,

you just gotta spec around it, PLAY SAFE, don't try to tank 25 enemies at the same time because you know that won't work for you because you can take damage now with iron skin


Also that last sentence...its exactly whats Rhino supposed to do, DISTRACT enemies while teammates help kill them, if that means hiding behind cover to recover then so be it


while i do think they should buff the 800 extra shields to around 1000-1200 on max skill level, its still good enough to tank damage, specially with the 80% damage reduction you get when the extra shields run out



No, Rhino is a tank. A tank in MMO terms is a charecter who takes damage so others dont. HIding is not tanking. Not even going to go into how wrong the rest of your post is.

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Wait so if Rhino is supposed to be the distraction, then what the hell is loki there for?  The problem is, Rhino is a worse tank than Frost, a worse decoy than loki, and a worse runner than literally any other warframe.  At this point its not "where does Rhino excel?", its "what can Rhino even do?"



Nothing, which is why im calling it another dead frame. They wont fix him anytime soon. Not enough backlash to.

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I used Iron Skin in a Tier 3 Void Exterminate mission with 4 Corrupted Heavy Gunners, an Ancient Infested Corrupted, and untold amounts of grunts to safely hold aggro while my teammates do work on the actual enemies.

My Iron Skin lasted the full duration while all the enemies pew-pew'd their lasers at me in vain.

Learn to dodge, and Iron Skin is anything but useless.

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I used Iron Skin in a Tier 3 Void Exterminate mission with 4 Corrupted Heavy Gunners, an Ancient Infested Corrupted, and untold amounts of grunts to safely hold aggro while my teammates do work on the actual enemies.

My Iron Skin lasted the full duration while all the enemies pew-pew'd their lasers at me in vain.

Learn to dodge, and Iron Skin is anything but useless.


Yeah, I've been quite happily running T3s (A lot of them) with my Rhino, and doing very well overall. Did I need to be more cautious than I would have been pre-nerf? Yeah. But could I still tank? Absolutely.

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Personally i think Iron skin is perfect right now and the agro affect  makes it the tank it was supposed to be from start. Unless they nerfed it again in last hotfix? I have easely over a hundred hours + on Rhino alone since he came out, leveled him twice so far. Could it be u have a bad mod or weopon combination? Or maybe he just doesnt fit u'r playstyle?


You must beplaying 10-15 then becuase on 20+ he goes down in literal seconds.

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You must beplaying 10-15 then becuase on 20+ he goes down in literal seconds.

There's a set of keys on your keyboard that are generally associated with movement.

They are W, A, S, and D.

If you tap the sprint key while holding one or more of the aforementioned movement keys, you roll and are very hard to successfully hit.

This allows you to draw aggro while also preserving shields and health.

Try it some time, I was in a Tier 3 Void mission and I died ONCE, because I couldn't hit Iron Skin fast enough.

All my other teammates died upwards of 4 times, a Frost included.

Learn to adapt.

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Radial Blast is a weak Fragor jump attack.  It does terrible damage, and has a very small radius, and costs way too much energy for how little it does.

You serious? It's basically a cheap, faster version of Avalanche (With what feels like infinite vertical range), and the damage radius is quite respectable as well. Since they buffed his Radial Blast, it's all I've been using.

It's an amazing panic button, and that sound when everything around you explodes into delicious gibs is worth every point of energy.

edit: Sorry bout the slight OT, but on the topic of Iron Skin, I'd actually prefer they revert to the earlier 80% damage reduction, allow that to be affected by Focus (Maybe change it to 75% reduction, so even with 30% Focus it will never reach 100% reduction), but keep the aggro and disruption protection.

And of course, remove that damage cap.

Edited by McKiwi
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Why do people boast about using iron skin and then just dodging and hiding for the duration? Loki can cast his decoy in a hard to reach spot, shoot stuff in the face and has full on invulnerability (invisibility) in case something goes wrong. Iron Skin is now functionally a weaker version of decoy. Still waiting for DE to invite challenge into the gameplay of other warframes.

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I used Iron Skin in a Tier 3 Void Exterminate mission with 4 Corrupted Heavy Gunners, an Ancient Infested Corrupted, and untold amounts of grunts to safely hold aggro while my teammates do work on the actual enemies.

My Iron Skin lasted the full duration while all the enemies pew-pew'd their lasers at me in vain.

Learn to dodge, and Iron Skin is anything but useless.


Excelllent story.. IS breaks on three level 33 MOA's firing for 3.4 seconds. Its been tested. By me.

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Why do people boast about using iron skin and then just dodging and hiding for the duration? Loki can cast his decoy in a hard to reach spot, shoot stuff in the face and has full on invulnerability (invisibility) in case something goes wrong. Iron Skin is now functionally a weaker version of decoy. Still waiting for DE to invite challenge into the gameplay of other warframes.


Because you get all types of people on a internet forum One type is the "pro player". You know, the ones who tell you that you suck for not being able to dodge hit scan weapons. And that everything is fine. Its you. The word "adapt" is frequently used if its a subject dealing with a nerf.

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There's a set of keys on your keyboard that are generally associated with movement.

They are W, A, S, and D.

If you tap the sprint key while holding one or more of the aforementioned movement keys, you roll and are very hard to successfully hit.

This allows you to draw aggro while also preserving shields and health.

Try it some time, I was in a Tier 3 Void mission and I died ONCE, because I couldn't hit Iron Skin fast enough.

All my other teammates died upwards of 4 times, a Frost included.

Learn to adapt.



You mean pick a better frame with a faster rolling motion/movement rate and more responsive motion controls and hide behind soft cover for the duration of a defense mission?


Because that's actually what you're suggesting.


The point of a high armored defensive unit is to be exactly that, defensive. In its current state Rhino doesn't do anything that another frame does better, including tank and including draw aggro, and certainly not dodge.


With the utility of IS being essentially completely removed in lategame scenarios, the rather glaring deficiencies in the rest of the scheme are rather handily apparent.


Since I main Rhino, I'm not particularly interested in trading him out for a better moving frame, so your suggestion isn't particularly salient or even on point... or useful, for that matter.


Maining Loki on the path to acquiring Rhino gave me all the tutorial necessary on motion control and damage redirection anyway, nevertheless thanks for your brilliant and obtuse insight into my playstyle, of which you apparently have keen insight into.


Meanwhile back at the main topic, Rhino's uber has utility still, buuut it's also pretty much a copy paste remix of two other ubers, which essentially also kind of covers both his other abilities.


If DE still intends for Rhino to be the Hek/Gorgon of frames and a defensive powerhouse, (which they have stated they do), then his other stuff warrants a serious look over, especially if he's supposed to be a juggernaut frame, capable of handling stuff from bosses down.


Another consideration you hamtastically hazarded was level of skill.


As a former fighting game pro, I know level of skill does indeed play a role, but not the one you think it does. Every frame needs to be accessible on a sliding scale of proficiency and ability, and Rhino rather ironically now fills the role completely opposite of what it was designed initially to, which went from using simple and powerful direct schemes and powers in a straightforward fashion to achieve goals to being the "ooooh, look how skilled I am at this game, I outscored you using the purposefully gimped character" which I'm fairly certain wasn't DE's intention, judging by the livestream, and also fulfills nothing useful either, seeing as Warframe is, you know, a co-op game where e-genital waving paradigms are both redundant and obnoxious.


(PS I'm left handed so the WASD suggestion is also not really helpful either)

Edited by -Kittens-
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Here's something different: why not change IS to give the Rhino insane shield regeneration for X amount of time, and continuous that won't be stopped by damage, while keeping the immunities and taunt?  Aggro entire room, keep on running and gunning if need be, lets you have those few seconds of survivability to pick up a teammate, and makes it the Oh snaps button if you need it to be.  Of course this could be a stupid idea, but hey, tossing something new out there.  Also gives it a new flavor rather than oh hey, damage reduction.

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