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If We Remove The Warframes What Will We Find Inside?


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What if it's like from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion?


Like this guy:



That our outer skin/armor isn't really armor it's something to protect the world from whats inside of us. As we all have the power inside us and the frames are just something that just contains it.


That idea seems to fit the theme with the game as there are stuff in this game that points to some Buddhism ideologies.


I also agree with this. Between the various quests I get the feeling that the suits are there to keep the host inside suppressed. The innate power of a Warfame comes from its host - not the frame itself (refer to child ember burning someone without a frame). The frame serves as an augment to provide energy, life support, defense, communication, etc. It also allows an external operator to take control.


Remember the very first encounter with Vor he attaches the Ascaris device that begins boring through the suit to break the connection to the Lotus and the operator. Your connection gets weaker and weaker until the device is removed (HUD distortion, loss of communication, system malfunctions, etc).


During the systems mission of the New Strange (Chroma Quest) there's an interesting exchange between Lotus and Simaris:

Lotus: "Chroma is one of the most powerful Warframes. Its ability to adapt is unparalleled."

Simaris: "But if it's not Tenno controlled, then what entity dominates it? That is the true prey."


This makes a clear separation between Tenno and Warframes - Tenno being the operators of the Warframes, not the Warframes themselves. Unfortunately the quest never reveals who or what is actually in control of Chroma, or if it's simply gone rogue.


Also looking at the recent 'glitched' bootup sequence load screen text, I think that the "Operator" (Tenno) is using a mental link to impose their will on the various Warframes (Dominated as Simaris puts it). The frames are what allow this - and it also allows you to switch between the various frames as desired. The host inside of each frame is unique - there's no matter transfer or shape shifting occurring. The more I think about it, the more Ordis always referring to us as "Operator" makes more and more sense, whereas everyone outside always refers to us as "Tenno". The rest of the world believes Tenno are Warframes, yet Ordis understands the true nature that we as operators can control any Warframe.


Perhaps operators are similar to the Lotus... it's obvious there was more than just the Lotus trained for her task (Natah Quest), and all of them would be capable to linking to a Warframe. What makes Lotus special however is that she's able to connect to almost all of the active Warframes in existence - instead of just controlling a single one.


The human inside of the Warframes - or what remains of them anyway are probably so distorted by the Void, the Technocyte virus, and the experimentation that there's only a trace of intelligence left. Just a feral beast similar to the rest of the infested. This is why the infested bosses are confused when we attack them. This also agrees with the Chinese posters that show the slightly damaged Warframes that reveal flesh - flesh that appears to be disfigured similar to infested.

Without an operator and without a connection to the Lotus, a Warframe would be an indiscriminate killing machine. This was the case with the hostile Chroma Warframe - it would equally attack the Grineer / Corpus and the player during those missions.


Or the Rhino from the Rhino Prime codex:

"I have seen this monster before. I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it. But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints. I have never seen it... free. I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance. The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth. It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done."


It's really kind of messed up when you think about how entire ships of children are sacrificed (sent to the Void) in experiments to create the hosts for Warframes (Ember Prime codex). Imagine being one of the 'successful' children chosen to be a host. The suit suppresses any of their own free will as the virus eats away at their mind, all while someone else is in control of their body murdering by the thousands... it's nightmarish. Or maybe if they're lucky the host completely loses awareness after being dominated by a Tenno.

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What if it's like from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion?


Like this guy:



That our outer skin/armor isn't really armor it's something to protect the world from whats inside of us. As we all have the power inside us and the frames are just something that just contains it.


That idea seems to fit the theme with the game as there are stuff in this game that points to some Buddhism ideologies.



No, we build Warframes and an actual person is still inside an Eva piloting it. The suit itself just isn't a machine, its an angel. That also isn't buddhist ideology, Eva is a smattering of religious symbolism of both eastern but predominantly western culture, for the sake of mere style, as admitted by the creators. Waframe also picks from a buffet of cultural influences.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I would go with energy. The average tenno has slept for an age. When we first donned armour our human bodies were within. But after time and void exposure we would be changed. Our physical forum would meld with the frame we inhabited, upon waking we have all sort out other frames. Our energies could transfer from one to another but I can't see how someone in a rhino frame would then fit in a nova.

The residual consciousness of the previous occupants would explain how we connect with our new body so quickly. It would also put to bed the whole male -female conundrum once and for all.

Note - keep the sexy females just make them energy ghosts.

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Why so resistant to a single physical Tenno that is adjusted to fit each different techno-organic-living Warframe? Machines with a tangible link to the Void-tainted Tenno that carry with them a shape and fragments of a personality.


Fits everything we know:

Flesh and blood Tenno: check

Single Tenno per player-account with many Warframes: Check

Warframes have a distinct personality: Check

Tenno are Void-tainted and nothing more: Check

Warframes are made from Techno-organic material: Check.

Players get to define the look and persona of their single Tenno while varying their behaviour Warframe if they want to: Check

Single Story progression track per player: Check

Intro requires in-situ Tenno in a Warframe in Cryo for the dramatic tension to work: Check

No never-mentioned-in-any-lore-ever extra clones per Warframe needed: Check

Warframes are still "Exo Armour" and "Hollow" without a Tenno: Check


It would greatly surprise me if DE went with this not from a game standpoint but from a real world marketing one. The idea tha you are a shape changing being  and can become male or female at will would be repulsive in many cultures which often have a large potential palyer base. While gamers and sci fi fans in general are pretty liberal, countries like the US, China and Russia have some pretty puritanical views on gender identity and sex in general. Many gamers don't even like playing an avatar from the opposite gender. For many the idea would be no problem, but there are a fair number that would find it repulsive. From a marketing view point going with a system like used in the "Avatar" movie would be safer as that movie broke the ground for the idea, and was a big hit. You the opperator would not be switching gender. Still the idea of being inside the body of the opposite gender would wierd some folks out.


One problem wth having a world wide player community of 16.6 million people though is you have to try to find story related content that would not be too offensive to the cultural and social standards of not just one country or region, but all of the regions that have your highest player base. I'm really curious as to how they are going to pull that off with the one Tenno is all frames and all genders concept.

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It would greatly surprise me if DE went with this not from a game standpoint but from a real world marketing one. The idea tha you are a shape changing being  and can become male or female at will would be repulsive in many cultures which often have a large potential palyer base. While gamers and sci fi fans in general are pretty liberal, countries like the US, China and Russia have some pretty puritanical views on gender identity and sex in general. Many gamers don't even like playing an avatar from the opposite gender. For many the idea would be no problem, but there are a fair number that would find it repulsive. From a marketing view point going with a system like used in the "Avatar" movie would be safer as that movie broke the ground for the idea, and was a big hit. You the opperator would not be switching gender. Still the idea of being inside the body of the opposite gender would wierd some folks out.


One problem wth having a world wide player community of 16.6 million people though is you have to try to find story related content that would not be too offensive to the cultural and social standards of not just one country or region, but all of the regions that have your highest player base. I'm really curious as to how they are going to pull that off with the one Tenno is all frames and all genders concept.


There is also the saying "If you try too hard to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one". DE shouldn't sell themselves or their story short just to placate conservative types. They should tell the story they want to tell. Every great story got that way by the writers staying true to what they wanted, not what others felt comfortable with. What do you think Lord of the Rings would have been like if Tolkein had based it on the social norms of the time? How about the works of H.P. Lovecraft?


I'm not trying to say that Warframe has a story that rivals those masterworks, nor am I expecting it to become that. I'm just pointing out that DE cannot let the timid masses dictate what they put in their lore.

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I have two trains of thought on what's inside a Warframe...

1. The warframes are actually robotic bodies and what drives them are the uploaded minds of the Tenno.

2.The warframes are suits of armor and if you open them up all your gonna find is an organic brain and a spinal cord.

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It would greatly surprise me if DE went with this not from a game standpoint but from a real world marketing one. The idea tha you are a shape changing being  and can become male or female at will would be repulsive in many cultures which often have a large potential palyer base. While gamers and sci fi fans in general are pretty liberal, countries like the US, China and Russia have some pretty puritanical views on gender identity and sex in general. Many gamers don't even like playing an avatar from the opposite gender. For many the idea would be no problem, but there are a fair number that would find it repulsive. From a marketing view point going with a system like used in the "Avatar" movie would be safer as that movie broke the ground for the idea, and was a big hit. You the opperator would not be switching gender. Still the idea of being inside the body of the opposite gender would wierd some folks out.


One problem wth having a world wide player community of 16.6 million people though is you have to try to find story related content that would not be too offensive to the cultural and social standards of not just one country or region, but all of the regions that have your highest player base. I'm really curious as to how they are going to pull that off with the one Tenno is all frames and all genders concept.


And yet Dark Sector, released in 2008 with the 5'5", female, Nadia Sudek, melding into the 7' tall male Nemesis Warframe was released around the world without issue.


And the point I'm making is simply that physical Tenno is IMHO more likely. The point about a single Tenno (Of whatever gender) switching between Warframes is just a given now, it was finalised with the Limbo quest. So we're already past this point. If people have an issue with that, well, I pity them, they are welcome to never let their Bro-Tenno squeeze into that curvy Saryn Chassis if it makes them feel confused. 


The only question is whether Tenno are.


A) Energy

B) Physical-but-mutable-via-Warframe

C) Physical-but-inherently-mutable


Single-Tenno-per-player is a done deal.

Edited by SilentMobius
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By hyper sexualized, you mean people with a general humanoid anatomy. Sorry Ani, but I don't identify as paste or a ham sandwich like the tumblr generation.

Amorphous oatmeal is as boring as you can get, nothing captivating or anything to relate to there, thats why we are given dynamic suits with the "hyper-sexualized" characteristics in the first place, and not a nebulous blob. A blob is lazy and has nothing distinct to it.

I also recall Steve saying he wanted players to picture people like themselves inside of the frames.

DE have frequently enabled the notion of humanoid beings inhabiting the frames, if not from background lore origin with the children of the Orokin, then off the cuff comments in streams or accepted fanart from the codex to Prime Times. Which is wise, since people generally like to see individuals that vaguely resemble people, and distiguished yet somewhat symmetrical bodies, as opposed to say, nebulous blobs.


 Your oatmeal theory is just that, not truth, and its contested by things like Lotus commenting on Infested Mesa. The concept of warframe is that there are beings within the frames from an ancient time (Orokin), end. Whether you want to say they are or aren't characters( About as much of a character as many other open ended Adventure game/MMO protagonists, with an origin and background, IE, you shape the characters personality through how you play or chat.) does not contest to them having an actual body inside. Do you see the NPC crew in Relays as "characters"?

Anyway, it will be nice when Update 18 rolls around and people can eat the proverbial technocyte crow.


I am NOT a part of the "tumblr generation". I'm just tired of seeing the same cliché time and time again.


Yes, because plain old humans with superpowers are so so much more interesting than a hermaphroditic metallic organism that is capable of changing form. If anything, the latter is more relatable. Because I'm just like, wow, these guys were once a human. And they've been turned into horrific monsters that have a symbiotic relationship with warframes.


Don't sound so sure that the Tenno are going to be pretty humans, by the way. Have you read Rhino Prime's codex entry? Mag Prime's? The character in Mag Prime's story talks about her like she is some kind of monster, even though she was saving his life. Here's a quote from her entry for reference;


"Vaguely human, vaguely feminine. Was this armor or some ornate carapace for the monster that lived inside? I strained against the harness as the ship yawed for final approach. I could see the Tenno standing there freely. Solemn and gold-gleaming, oblivious to the inertial force. I had been, until then, a Tenno denier. They were ghosts, propaganda, twisted casualties of the void era. Not possibly real. Yet here it was in the flesh. The Empire, in their desperation, was going to turn the demons loose and hope for the best. Who did we fear more, the enemy or this monster?"


I'm thinking, at the very least, that they will look like this;




Personally, though, I hope DE doesn't reveal what the Tenno are and just let our imaginations run wild.

Edited by Gammaion
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As we bleed, and need air I doubt that we are energy beings. It would seem that it is either multiple beings inside the suits and we take control of one as we need them, or we change form to fit a suit. The other possibility is that there is only one suit. When we dicover and build new suites what we are actually doing is adding modifications for our suit to switch its form and powers. Thus you are the tenno, and you are in a suit that enhances your powers, as you discover new "frames" you add those capabilities and your suit can now change shape and also channel your powers differently.The stories of the original Rhino, Mag, Ember et al. were all the initial test subjects to first manifest certain powers for which the different suit capablities were formed. Now depending on what "frames" you choose your suit has multiple ways of focusing your tenno power and can be switched from a Rhino configuration to a Nyx at the armory. You are still the same person in the same suit.

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I am NOT a part of the "tumblr generation". I'm just tired of seeing the same cliché time and time again.


Yes, because plain old humans with superpowers are so so much more interesting than a hermaphroditic metallic organism that is capable of changing form. If anything, the latter is more relatable. Because I'm just like, wow, these guys were once a human. And they've been turned into horrific monsters that have a symbiotic relationship with warframes.


Don't sound so sure that the Tenno are going to be pretty humans, by the way. Have you read Rhino Prime's codex entry? Mag Prime's? The character in Mag Prime's story talks about her like she is some kind of monster, even though she was saving his life. Here's a quote from her entry for reference;


"Vaguely human, vaguely feminine. Was this armor or some ornate carapace for the monster that lived inside? I strained against the harness as the ship yawed for final approach. I could see the Tenno standing there freely. Solemn and gold-gleaming, oblivious to the inertial force. I had been, until then, a Tenno denier. They were ghosts, propaganda, twisted casualties of the void era. Not possibly real. Yet here it was in the flesh. The Empire, in their desperation, was going to turn the demons loose and hope for the best. Who did we fear more, the enemy or this monster?"


I'm thinking, at the very least, that they will look like this;




Personally, though, I hope DE doesn't reveal what the Tenno are and just let our imaginations run wild.


What I am seeing here, is that you think the "hyper sexualized" frames you use, are boring. Maybe you should be playing another game then.

What is exactly more relatable about an uncommited and disassociative, oatmeal existence over a real body that you yourself actually have, other than tumblr logic?  The infested in general used to be humanoids as well but I sure as hell can't relate to them.

I read all the codex, btw, and the available synthesis(Have you?). Those Rhino and Mag entries are quite open to interpretation and wouldn't mean that the Tenno were anymore deformed than real life cannibals(Or fictional, like Hannibal) or beautiful vampires and demons in mythology.

Edited by UrielColtan
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We are assuming that the warframes are relatively form fitting, that could be a mistake. The idea that you could not use a Rhino and a Mag frame without changing form and gender assumes that the frame is close to the size and form of the tenno inside. If they were more like Iron Man's suits of which he has a large variety it could be that only the exterior design and the abilities (the way it focuses your power) change. Tony Stark does not change size or shape, but many of his suits are different sizes. Thus each suit that focuses your ability toward generating cold would look like the original Frost, but anyone man or woman could be inside. Same with Nyx, in honor of the first tenno to manifest those powers the suit would look like her on the exterior, but  the inside could be anyone male or female. Basicly each suit could be styled after the first tenno to manifest their powers in such a manner, the suits made from then on created to focus tenno energy in that way is crafted to look like the original.


The answer could be very simple: You the player are the tenno and are inside each suit, no change of form, gender, or other physical characteristic required.

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What I am seeing here, is that you think the "hyper sexualized" frames you use, are boring. Maybe you should be playing another game then.

What is exactly more relatable about an uncommited and disassociative, oatmeal existence over a real body that you yourself actually have, other than tumblr logic?  The infested in general used to be humanoids as well but I sure as hell can't relate to them.

I read all the codex, btw, and the available synthesis(Have you?). Those Rhino and Mag entries are quite open to interpretation and wouldn't mean that the Tenno were anymore deformed than real life cannibals(Or fictional, like Hannibal) or beautiful vampires and demons in mythology.


What you're seeing there is wrong because I am not talking about the frames, I am talking about the idea of a pretty human being inside the frame.


And those entries aren't as open to interpretation as you might think. They are both depicted as monsters.

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What you're seeing there is wrong because I am not talking about the frames, I am talking about the idea of a pretty human being inside the frame.


And those entries aren't as open to interpretation as you might think. They are both depicted as monsters.

The issue with a pretty human on the inside won't sit well with those who follow the "MonoTenno" idea, which is we are one individual that changes into the different armors. I may be biased, but I think DE is leaning that route, but we won't know for sure until The Second Dream (I hope).

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What I am seeing here, is that you think the "hyper sexualized" frames you use, are boring. Maybe you should be playing another game then.

What is exactly more relatable about an uncommited and disassociative, oatmeal existence over a real body that you yourself actually have, other than tumblr logic?  The infested in general used to be humanoids as well but I sure as hell can't relate to them.

I read all the codex, btw, and the available synthesis(Have you?). Those Rhino and Mag entries are quite open to interpretation and wouldn't mean that the Tenno were anymore deformed than real life cannibals(Or fictional, like Hannibal) or beautiful vampires and demons in mythology.


Being physically relatable does not equate to being a good character, and sometimes isn't even a good idea. Being human is a lot more than just having a body. And if you absolutely need a character to look just like you in order to relate to them at all... then the issue is not with the character, but with you. Sometimes the point of a character is to make you deal with something that you would normally find unrelatable and uncomfortable. To make you think about things from their perspective rather than your own.


Also, having a vivid imagination and being able to empathize with fictional characters has nothing to do with tumblr. Your taking something that a very small group of people do and applying it to anyone who disagrees with you in an attempt to make them look silly. It's getting old and no one is buying it.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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Being physically relatable does not equate to being a good character, and sometimes isn't even a good idea. Being human is a lot more than just having a body. And if you absolutely need a character to look just like you in order to relate to them at all... then the issue is not with the character, but with you. Sometimes the point of a character is to make you deal with something that you would normally find unrelatable and uncomfortable. To make you think about things from their perspective rather than your own.


Also, having a vivid imagination and being able to empathize with fictional characters has nothing to do with tumblr. Your taking something that a very small group of people do and applying it to anyone who disagrees with you in an attempt to make them look silly. It's getting old and no one is buying it.

The issue here is that DE will need to decide how to link or separate the Gameplay from Story. i.e. in LoL you play a character and change characters, there is no question of "storing them" or "controlling them" you are just a player picking a person. Will DE go that route, or try to weave in how we can be multiple "characters" while still being an individual.


Are WE the Tenno or are we just along for the ride "watching" the story unfold. I tend to think we are the Tenno and DE will attempt to reconcile how we can change warframes but still be the same entity.


This is always an issue since quests need to make us feel important, not just one among millions, but obviously be available to everyone. ex. Simaris stating Ordis is the first complete cephalon he's seen, or something like that. Obviously that isn't the case since others have done the quest already.

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