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  1. Is i have PC account and PS4-5 account both using same Email address, my main account is on Playtstation, i made PC account and have made progress on it too, now my question is when cross-save arrives and i want to use MY playstation account, what will happen when i log using the same email on my PC? will it use PC save or PS4-5 save?
  2. I admit i joined late but the time on event was set for 1:30+ hours and it ended in 50 minutes, i couldn't complete the 30 minutes timer to get the reward , please DE send the umbra forma for all players
  3. they should be other ways to get this mod and other login gated mods
  4. we have many parkour mods not used , its a waste they are sitting in our inventory, please let us use them on our cosmetics and become true ninja with our superior movement mods
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