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Breakpoint: Genesis (Closed)


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Alarms blaring. Security lights blazing like brilliant suns on every corner. Indistinct orders being shouted this way and that. Astoria gave a mirthless, unseen smile behind her helmet. It was hardly ever different.


Corpus security cameras had caught sight of one of her current teammates, and the entire ship had been placed on lock-down. The Tenno were no strangers to direct combat, and so had begun another pointless and bloody battle to escape. In the hands of an Excalibur frame dangled a data capsule, in which the registries and logs that had been the entire point of the mission lay stored. All that remained was to make their way to their landing crafts, and the excursion would be complete... considering they all made it to extraction.


The Corpus and their proxies were exceedingly belligerent today, with lynxes flipping this way and that, every kind of MOA imaginable firing staccato bursts of lasers, and crewmen doing their best to kill their nimble Tenno targets. Astoria herself moved with a kind of liquid grace through the dance of battle, her scoliac's hardened bone edge slicing cleanly through flesh and robotic limb alike.


A fresh group of troops surged through an opening blast door, and though she loathed the results, Astoria saw a prime opportunity to reduce her opponent's numbers in one precise attack. With an outstretched hand she directed a focused stream of toxic spores into the sprinting crowd; with the other she smoothly sheathed her whip and drew her phage. The clicking limbs near the business end of the weapon seemed to chitter and clack in excitement, almost as if they knew what was coming next. With a frown, the Tenno pulled the trigger.


Several beams of bio-energy streamed into the Corpus right as the spores made contact: where the toxin touched, angry boils and pustules sprang in droves before the phage's tendrils swept through them, causing them to burst violently. In a matter of seconds, the all of the reinforcements were either dead or dying. Astoria made no motion of celebration, instead turning to the rest of her squad.


It appeared the battle was dying down. Her teammates were clearing the rest of the opposition now, and the path to their extraction point lay bare through a graveyard of sparking robotic debris and the moans of those clinging desperately to the last threads of their lives. A familiar twinge ran through the Saryn's warframe at the scent of so much blood and destruction, but Astoria ignored it.


Waving her team on ahead with the assurance that she would cover their retreat, she waited patiently until she was the last Tenno in the cavernous storage bay. Striding quickly over to an access panel, she keyed in an override sequence and managed to find what she was looking for: an incident log just over one cycle old, detailing an attack by a small covert group of Red Veil agents. It appeared they had been thwarted just outside the data vault, the selfsame area she and the Tenno had just relieved of its contents. Just what were they after? It seemed the attacks were becoming more and more common, and not just with the Corpus. Grineer logs had shown similar incursions.


"Soras," Astoria called through her comm in a distracted tone. "Prepare for extraction. I'm on my way."


At once, Operator, came the smooth male voice of her cephalon.


Astoria turned to follow her squad, thankful her grim expression couldn't be seen behind the emotionless mask of her warframe.

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Wright was having a rough day.


When she had been dropped into this mission, she had ended up landing wrong and smashing her codex scanner, leaving her woefully unprepared for any on the fly researching. That, and there weren't even any consoles on the way to their objective for her to hack into and get any information out of. She guessed she would simply have to get a copy of what they had extracted from the datamass. She weaved in and out of the innumerable crowds of Corpus and their walkers, delivering solid, painful blows. Mostly to the head region, or whatever controlled the walkers. A single swift strike was all it took from Wright for one of the Corpus soldiers to be knocked clean unconscious. Or, if she had somehow missed, well... The Corpus had their credits to pay for the mending of broken limbs, right? It made her feel better to think that they did.


Of course, she didn't mind her comrades taking a more... Lethal approach to their mission. Wright wasn't about to try and stop them. Why would she? It pleased her enough that she was able to carry out her objectives her way, and that was what mattered. Still, she frowned as she stepped over the rapidly decaying bodies of the Corpus left behind by her venomous ally. 'Was it really necessary to make them suffer in their last moments?' she wondered to herself as she came to a stop with her squadmates, her Bo sliding in on itself and shortening as she placed it on her thigh, watching the Saryn access a panel nearby.


"Anything interesting in there?" She asked as she bent down to pick up a nearby Dera, unloading the energy cell it used as its power source and tossing it aside, along with the weapon itself.

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"Boring, boring..." Jay said to his cephalon. "I want to come back with a blast, you know?" Jay said as he declined the offer from his cephalon, Ambar. "Well, there is the offer from the arbiters, operator" replied his cephalon with her female voice. "Wh... what offer?" Jay said as he checked his communication device. He read the message sent to him by one of the arbiters officers. "This... THIS IS AWESOME! This is the perfect oppurtnity! Oh, And the reward they offered... A brand new Telos boltor!" Jay shouted in excitment. "Ambar, tell them i am taking this offer." "consider it done, operator." His liset's engiens started, and he was on the way for the best thing that ever happend to him. atleast, thats what Jay thought.

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The captain has requested that i ask any insurgent forces currently aboard this vessel to please NOT hijack the transport, and please leave the premisses through the nearest airlock. Thank you.


The PA inside the Corpus vessel echoed on the halls, making the Corpus crewmen let out a few chuckles. Katherine, hiding safely in the vents, couldn't help but grin under her helmet. Indeed, it was somewhat amusing that such a simple PA announcement could make the Tenno leave the ship, even if it was such a polite and elequent request.


Gripping the hilt of her Dragon Nikana, Kat kicked the grating of the vent open and jumped down. The crewmen had but a second to react, before they were sliced into chunks of meat. She dashed foward, moving swiftly, her arms remembering her intense training and dedication, remembering what the Project had previously erased. Not a scream was heard inside the Corpus vessel, not a single alarming order was given, not a single MOA left it's cabinet, aside from the ones already patrolling the halls. The Valkyr once nicknamed "The Renegade" had lost her ravenous and hateful demeanor, becoming someone else, something else. She was now a statue of percision, discipline.


When the last Corpus of the ship was dead at her feet, Kat sheathed her Nikana with one swift motion, emulating the warriors of the ancient Tenno legends.


Operator, is everything alright? Salimarys' female voice echoed in her comms.


"Yes, Sally. Everything is good. Prepare for evac, i'm grabbing the intel."


Roger that, Operator.


With a small sprint, she had reached the bridge of the ship. For probably the first time in her life, Kat thanked the fact that she had learned the Corpus Cipher when she had been locked down. With just a few button presses and cipher overrides, the managed to extract the ship's datalog. Gripping it in her hand, she headed for the airlock, overcharging her frame.


"Sally, are you in position?"


Affirmative, Operator.


Kat dashed foward, grabbing her Sonicor and blasting the airlock open. As the sound of the void of space echoed into the ship, she jumped out. Her Mantis ship was flying along the Corpus vessel and turned around, grabbing her in a matter of seconds. As the airlock of the Mantis turned to bring her inside, Kat couldn't help but grin, more than happy with the outcome of her mission.

Edited by Wolfheart297
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A lone Liset floats calmly in space, drifting slowly as it's operator mediates in the main cabin of the Liset, wearing nothing but the skin and metallic texture of her virus flowing around her neck and nearing her cheek and jawbones on her back as she calmly focuses on the hum of her ship's engines, the floor was cold but she didn't mind.


Arachnie often did this before missions or when she had nothing to do aside from eat, sleep or resupply at the relays, then a low beeping was heard as her Cephalon activated "I apologise to interrupt Operator but I have to ask, do you have to meditate in the cold without your warframe on?" 


Arachnie opened her eyes and looked to her Cephalon "Truth be told Artimus, I do often feel Clostrophobic when I am in that warframe when I have to meditate, removing it helps me clear my mind." The Cephalon took a moment to process the information before replying "I see, also, Operator. You have a message from The New Loka, they require your skills on the Laundra relay, an accident has occured." Arachnie slowly stood up and approached the Holo-Armoury "Very well, Set co-ordinates to Larunda, Arm my warframe and prepare the energy reserves" replied Arachnie as she stood in the centre of her armoury after putting her skinsuit on, raising her arms out in a T posture as her Warframe, A Trinity prime formed around her. 


She raised an eyebrow at the swiftness it took before looking to her Cephalon's hologram with a smile "You are a fast learner Artimus" to which the Cephalon replied confidently "I do my best to please Operator."

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A buzzer sounds and Bear hears gravel crunching and crumbling, and turns to see several large boulders flying at him. With practiced motions he pulls his trusty Fragor out and swipes the first boulder to his right, brings the hammer down to floor the next boulder, with a loud crack he shatters the next boulder by digging in his left heel and spinning about for a mighty swipe to his right again. He notices several boulders flying at him at the same time now and continues through with his momentum spinning about 2 times deflecting the large projectiles into one another to stop some of them mid-air. He spins the Fragor about in his hands a few times to slow its momentum and sees a MUCH larger boulder flying straight at him. Bear laughs out loud, "GWAHAHAHAHA," and pours some of the energy from his Atlas frame into his hammer to perform the final motion of the Shattered Village style. With a heave, he spins about, pouring his strength into keeping the hammer going at its highest momentum, and causes the air to hum around the head of the hammer, almost with delight. The hammer impacted the large boulder with a large KRAKOOM, and time seemed to freeze for just a moment as the boulder shuddered, then sprayed away in millions of small shards, like a shotgun blast. The buzzer sounded again. Bear shouldered the Brokk Fragor and walked over to where his 2 Rumblers were standing next to piles of rock, "Nicely done!" He high fives the both of them and chuckles to himself as they fall down into lifeless hunks of rock. He always liked redecorating a rock garden with the crossfire of practice. He looked around to survey the results, and felt very at peace with the chaotic crumbling hunks splayed around the room, some of the shards from the large boulder jutting out of the wall. 

A familiar voice sounded into his helmet, "Operator, I have received some information that may interest you. Shall I inform the others to meet you in the Observatory as usual?" Bear replied with an inquisitive tone, "Interest me, eh? Sure. Tell me when they dock back in the dojo. I'm going to go hit the showers." Bear knew this must be good if his Cephalon, Vorpus, thought it necessary to gather everyone before telling him.

Edited by EagleStriker
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In all his time assisting the operator, Cephalon Aegrimon hadn't seen something as peculiar as he was now.

Earlier, Spy missions were not something that his operator had done frequently, only as he required - but now, they were commonplace, raiding them for whatever information they held - Grineer were common targets, but the Corpus were not ignored either.


His actual success, in this regard, mostly varied - Infinium, being who he is, could sometimes get the data without a hitch, and be out before anyone else knew it - those who did often were dead at that point.

Other times, he'd fail due to that one security system he'd not taken into account, and even though he didn't need to, he would often leave anyone in his path a mangled ruin on his way to the exit.


Even if he was wearing a properly specced Loki - Granted, Aegrimon found it too amusing whenever he cornered someone, and the resulting gorefest that could drive any janitor to madness.


Regardless, the reports had shown unusual Red Veil activity - raids against both factions had spiked, and it seemed to be similar to their own actions.


"Operator, Has the PSYCH - Red Veil provided any mission requests to you, as of late?" Aegrimon queried - Granted, he was mostly responsible for the upkeep of the Liset or Mantis landing craft, though the Veil simply forwarded their missions directly to those they thought could perform them.


"Whaddya mean, exactly?" Infinium responded, while finishing with the last of the grineer data-caches, leaving its contents open for the Tenno cause.


At least, that's what it was on paper.


"Bhargest, you know what to do, Grab that data - Now then, as for the Veil, well, I'll check the comlink for anything, in the meantime, set this ships autopilot towards the inner solar system, towards the dead-drop location."


As the Tenno sorted through his related files, the forest green Dirigia lazily floated to the console, before plugging two of its 'tentacles' into the console, and began to transfer them onto his mainframe, whilst sending a bare-bones copy over to central command, whilst the Cephalon over-rid the control of the Galleon, and altered its trajectory - It would burn most of its fuel getting to the location, then gravity would do the rest.


"Well, I did get something, something about....Actually, I'll brief you on it once we're back on the Liset, Orright?" Infinium had eventually replied, closing the small holographic menu, and holstering the Dread bow in exchange for the monstrous hand cannon that was the Lex Prime.


Inwardly though, Aegrimon sighed at the Loki's ineptitude. "...You do know I can access them when I wish, do you not?"


"Yes, but even If you did, I still know I can trust you with the contents." Was the reply from Infinium, double checking the Lex Primes' integrity, before turning to Barghest, and asking whether or not he was done.

All he got for his trouble was a light shock to his face, and a small assortment of distorted mechanical noises - Likely the equivalent of a chuckle someone would give if they pulled a particularly mean joke on someone.


Guh. More shenanigans.


Imitating someone clearing their throat, Aegrimon went to reprimand the two miscreants. "Please, we have completed our objective, no need to stay on th - FESTERING FILTHPIT - Galleon, any longer, now do we?"


They agreed, and the party set out to extraction, the Cephalon making sure that the nutjob that was Infinium didn't get too far off his metaphorical leash.




The Shadow dancer, was considered a work of art in Infiniums opinion. Rather, than the archetypical Liset, the craft had been significantly modified - Two hook like projections on either side of the craft  gave it an almost crescent sort of a look, though each 'wing' was fully loaded with weaponry & auxiliary systems.

More than a few enemies who had thought the supposedly harmless Liset an easy picking were torn apart by its energy weapons.

Provided, Aegrimon didn't just use the ship as a club and smash them into tiny pieces with it, considering it far & away outmatched any interceptor craft foolish enough to tackle it by virtue of its advanced armor.



"Well, according to the Veil, they've found something special - Its an Orokin stru -" Infinium was abruptly cut off by the impatient cephalon, who was under the impression that it was something new - something important, dammit!


"YES YES, ITS A THI- Ahem - What they likely found is an Orokin Tower, potentially a class four tower."


Waiting for the orange box that was Aegrimon to calm down, Infinium resumed speaking

"Not quite. Reports are going back & forth that its much more than a simple tower - Prolly bigger too - They're also claiming its a superweapon."


For a moment, there was a brief silence, as they both considered the ramifications for this object.


Aegrimon pondered for a moment. "That...Does seem like what the Orokin would do, considering the prolific looting we all have gotten away with, and that there is still more to steal."

Infinium only chuckled weakly at the statement, "Yeah. though, it does seem....Actually, remember that Orokin data seed we've got lying around? I think we just might find ourselves the key to it."


"And what makes you think that? That they would hide the key to something...No, wait, that's somewhat quite sound - If we do find the key there, then the data within the kernel must be of significant value, for superweapons are not something you leave unguarded."


Standing silently for a moment, Infinium crossed his arms & replied once again. "Acknowledged, but where would we even start a search? The Veil did find it, but they forgot to mark the bloody trail."


Aegrimon was silent for a moment, as the cephalon tried to formulate a plan to locate it, only to come up empty handed. Almost.


"Others will likely have heard of this - I will keep my equivalent of an Ear out - But for the moment, perhaps prepare for corrupted encounters while I try to find a suitable gathering."

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A pool of blood formed on the floor where the Corpus guard's head rested. Standing next to him, Brovash stared at the various screens on the wall. Through the security cameras, the ones the Tenno left standing, he watched the Tenno slaughter the Corpus crewmen and proxies. One was aggressive, using her toxins to kill all in her way, while the other warrior seemed more contained.
The spy let out a sigh.
Just when he was getting ready to steal the logs and get away undetected, the Tenno had invaded the ship and started the process of murdering everyone aboard. As they always did.
All of Brovash's planning and observation of the guard shifts, internal structure and security system; all of it was worthless now.
Why were the Tenno always so loud? It surprised him that they considered themselves more than brutes.
There was nothing for him on the ship anymore. He started to make his way to his shuttle.
Well, he thought, it hadn't been all in vain. He knew that these Tenno sook the same prize he did. But could he exploit that? Probably, he decided after mulling over it. He reached his ship. A vessel provided by the Perrin Sequence, equipped with no weapons, but many devices to conceal itself. For that very reason, it was small but comfortable enough. He then set the course to follow the Tenno at a safe distance.
When the ship took off, he started to rehearse the words he'd say when time came.

Edited by Jucesar
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Wright was busy.


Busy waiting that was. Communications with her Cephalon were a bit patchy, most likely having sustained damage during entry or from a stray Corpus laser blast. It wasn't always easy being what seemed to be the only Tenno in the Origin System that didn't want to freely slaughter without remorse. Sure, it wasn't as if she was being thanked by any of her enemies for sparing their lives, and yes, they did see her as yet another Tenno to be eradicated. But it was her principle she'd sworn to uphold. Or at least try to uphold. There was the other part... The Equinox shook her head as if to dispel the thought. It wouldn't do her any good to get distracted thinking, lest she and her ally be ambushed. Speaking of her ally.


Wright turned to the Saryn she was with, examining her from afar. She'd never met her before, nor even spoke to her outside of the question she'd asked before. Though, Wright preferred to stay quiet, honestly. She never really liked explaining why she didn't kill, whenever the topic came up.


And it always came up.




A familiar voice sounded into his helmet, "Operator, I have received some information that may interest you. Shall I inform the others to meet you in the Observatory as usual?" Bear replied with an inquisitive tone, "Interest me, eh? Sure. Tell me when they dock back in the dojo. I'm going to go hit the showers." Bear knew this must be good if his Cephalon, Vorpus, thought it necessary to gather everyone before telling him.


Finally able to get through to her Cephalon, she was pleasantly surprised to find that it had already been tracking her coordinates and making adjustments to arrive within its approximate estimate of when she would finish her mission. She could always count on Hex to be reliable at least. She noted that it had also included her next destination as well, a dojo she was familiar with, the Observatory within, for some reason. Before Wright left, she made sure to quickly grab a copy of the data they had retrieved from this mission; she would delight in sifting through it later. Most likely whilst on her way to the dojo her Cephalon had set a course towards.


"Ah... Right, Hex, send a message to the Cephalon you received those coordinates from. Tell them I'll be arriving shortly. At least, I will be when you arrive."


"I have arrived, Operator."


Glancing to her left, she saw indeed, that her Liset had docked and rotated the drop pod around for her to get in at her leisure. "Oh. Right. Thank you, Hex."


"It is always a pleasure, Operator."


With nothing left to say to her comrades, she quickly boarded her ship, the pod rotating back around and laving her alone in her Liset. She only knew it had taken off thanks to a slight vibration through the metal. Wright's helmet segmented and began to fold in on itself, down into the collar of her Warframe, leaving her hair free to cascade down. She took a deep breath and sighed as she began uploading the data she'd recovered into her own personal codex. "Hex, please organize the data I've recovered at your leisure."


"With pleasure, Operator. Please relax as I pilot the Orbiter to our coordinates."


Wright knelt down in front of her numerous holographic codex readouts and began tinkering with the scanner she'd broken, hopefully she'd have it fixed by the time she arrived.

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                                                                  Self-actualization was a beautiful thing.


To sip it was pure bliss, to immerse oneself in such deep thought was nothing short of intoxicating; every reflection expanded within one's mind until the overwhelming amount of information impaired one's physical and mental facilities. The sheer magnitude of an individual's potential and the realization of what could be possible when all capacities of an organism were activated and expressed......It was nothing short of frightening.


                                                                  Self-actualization was a horrible thing.


Worse yet, she'd been doing it nonstop for the past few terra cycles. Perhaps it was because of her situation, but the emergence of increasingly positive thoughts regarding herself and her role in the universe seemed to go on without end, as if her brain had decided to start releasing an excess of serotonin and oxycontin in an effort to keep her from going into hysterics. And now all the good feelings and warm thoughts had gone so far they looped back into fear. Namely, achievemephobia. When imagining all that one could do, the very possibilities were so intimidatingly limitless that she dread accomplishing anything at all. Not like she had many options though, her useless vessel had gotten caught in the gravitational field  of one of Saturn's shepherd moons and was currently drifting around the gas giant among the ice and debris. It was a miracle she'd been able to escape the Grineer blockade without her Liset being completely destroyed--though in its current condition, avoiding obliteration in Jupiter's upper atmosphere may just have delayed the inevitable. Auxiliary power was just enough to keep life support active, and nothing else. The Liset's engines were severely damaged and any ignition of fuel was just asking to blow the little vessel across the stars in smaller pieces. Aside from what little light that came in through the view port, the rest of the vessel was bathed in darkness, devoid of the usual electronic sounds of different systems at work. The interior had gone from comfortable to freezing in a mere hour. Space was cold, and quiet. She never noticed the quiet normally, but it was a deep, infinite quiet that seemed to swallow her words before they'd left her tongue. Besides, her Cephalon had gone silent days ago. She didn't have anyone to speak to anyway........on that note, how long had it been....? She ran out of food...yesterday? The day before? It was honestly hard to tell, but she estimated at least a week had passed. A whole week....The thought that she would die out here, drifting inside of her ship-turned-coffin was not as frightening as it had been initially.


At least, she wouldn't have to deal with the silence.





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Engulfed in the shadow of Saturn, a prospector vessel cruised lazily, its cargo bay loaded with reactor cores and valuable Cryotic coolant salvaged from Grineer Galleons. The nearby ship graveyard was full of ripe pickings, but also provided hiding places for the most dangerous of pirates. Not that the crew of the Foolhardy cared.

Inside the warmly-lit lounge of the vessel, the crew exchanged toasts and made merry. The captain raised a glass to their guest, who was currently serving as their bartender. And what a fine bar he could have run, with those cocktails he mixed and the exquisite stock he had amassed from all over the system.

The bartender nodded, raising his own in turn. He contented himself with a glass of Exta Brew, while the others all around him sipped shots of fruit-infused tequila blends and chugged tankards of malted eggnog. The lady among them appreciated the crisp, sour notes of pomelo wine. Even the Kubrow sprawled in front of the electric fireplace had his share, with his bowl filled with wildberry wine from Earth mixed with blood of some small mammal.

As the storeman went over the list of buyers for functional Galleon cores, the intercom beeped, and everyone lifted their heads as the current bridge duty spoke.

"Sir. We detected an immobile vessel in the debris field ahead. Not much larger than a boarding torpedo, so scans have only just revealed it now."

"Excuse me." the captain said as he rose from his seat and made for the bridge. The bartender's eyes followed him as he went, a curious expression in his brown eyes. For a merchant, his outfit was rather fit for battle, with his shielded jumpsuit, Ferrite cloak, field pack, weaponized Serro saw and all manner of bodily and external augments. But then, he fancied himself a travelling one, and perhaps even a treasure hunter of sorts. And men like them who took risks had to dress the part.

The ship had established visual contact with the detected vessel. The captain squinted at the scans popping up on the display. It had an odd organic shape, probably of a really old design. But it was also very small, he couldn't be sure if it was actually worth anything. Integrity scans showed signs of engine damage, and life support seemed to be functioning, though at temperatures that suggested hibernation.

"Oh my, that is a Liset, is it not?"

The captain recognized the voice of his guest, the merchant named Kettu.

"Perhaps so." The captain replied. "What of it?"

"They're insertion vehicles used by Tenno operatives. They come equipped with arsenals and foundries, who knows what components and gear it could hold?"

That was sufficient for the captain, who beckoned to his bridge duty personnel. "Draw it in to our loading bay with the tractor beams. Also have security down there, since there's apparently something not quite dead inside."

The pair of them headed down to said loading bay as retractors extended from the belly of the Foolhardy to the stranded Liset. They spoke little as they went, with the captain wearing an expression of wonder while his companion's eyes stared straight ahead with a calculating look.

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Continuing Arunafeltz's side of the story. Grineer's side.


"The wait is over Tenno, Baro Ki'Teer has arrived."


It's always been this line that Rahiik heard again, and again, for the past earth year. While it wasn't disturbing to say the least, The definite shift of gravity when many a Tenno crowded the Relay to visit Baro Ki'Teer and his latest shipment of exotic earnings from the Void ticked him off in a way. One not very unpleasant way. Grumbling to himself,


"Damn traders and their thirst for shiny tools."


Rahiik hasn't much to do in the basecamper Grineer Asteroid that Steel Meridian took over from a Grineer mining colony, aside from keeping Clem away from the Grakata ammunition stash, leading the communication and assault team and cleaning his Vaykor Hek. Too long since he saw real interception, Grineer justice taking the hammer down upon the foolish Corpus that tried to sweep over Tenno Cryopods to steal them for profit.


"Any strange commotions happening in the radar, Lieutenant?" Asked a Lancer, while carrying Rahiik's Vaykor Hek with him. Rahiik, however, only motioned the Lancer to put it beside him, instead of the usual happenings of him taking it firsthand from his soldier's hands. This gave Rahiik a weird look from the Grineer marines around him. Feeling a little bit of disrespect, Rahiik waved his hand towards the marines and shouted;


"Get back to work, or be disposed!".


"But what about your Vaykor Hek, Lieutenant? Should we secure it to another place of your nearest convenience?" The Lancer chimed in, voice clearly not afraid of the Lieutenant's petrifying gaze. The Lieutenant only gave the smaller Grineer a glance before laughing to himself. "I'll keep the Hek on my hands." Rahiik acknowledged while brushing his hands off of the leftover dust from the newly-raided ship and put his grip onto the handle of the Hek.


Rahiik scoffed at the sight of his Hek's white paint and tubular shells, but that admiration lasted for only so long until the Asteroid's radar picked up slow but steadily advancing movement coming from its northeast side. After a few attempts of signal interception, the communication system let out a brief message that relayed over to the entire room.


"-boarding torpedo, so scans have only just revealed it now."


A few of the Lancers and Ballistas looked around in confusion as to what they have intercepted. But judging from Rahiik's strangely timid reaction to it, they know that it wouldn't be a big problem... Yet. He then whispered something to the Lancer that carried his Hek and dismissed him, leaving himself on the main console. Turning around with a adventurous expression, he declared.


"Least I won't be the one getting raided for today. Protectors, hold your positions. We have detection of a lone Corpus mothership cruising around the system. They might be up for some simple negotiation."


The entire control room then got filled with commotion and activity again, waiting for another bloodshed to happen. Some hope that it won't, but all the control's in Rahiik's hand, and thus, no complaints were made. They just have to trust him, and that in itself has no doubts given unto it. holstering his Vaykor Hek, Rahiik and a few other Grineer boarded a Carrier Dreg and flew towards the mothership, waiting for the imminent impact of magnetic shells hitting their ship within seconds. Regardless, they are ready.

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Sitting down on the Orbiter Compartment, Katherine was meditating for a bit, while Salimarys was finishing processing the intel she had collected. On her lap, lied her sleeping kavat, Sekhmet. It's pure white fur went along perfectly with Kat's clothes. When she was at Relays, or in the Dojo, she would retract her frame until it would only cover her chest and abdominal area, and she would put on a long, white, flowy dress, with long, see-through sleevs. Along with the dress, she'd wear bracelets which, using technology similar to what the Simulor weapons used, could be used to safely absorb the dress for her to use the frame, should the need arise. Her hair was falling down along her left shoulder, waving ever so slightly with the breeze the ship's life support would make. Her Dragon Nikana was placed in front of her.


Operator, i've finished processing the data.


The urgency in Salimarys' voice made Katherine open her eyes. "What is it, Sally?"


The information you have collected was a message the Corpus intercepted, belonging to the Red Veil syndicate.


Katherine growled. She hated the Red Veil with a burning passion. To her, they were nothing but short-sighted, terrorist bigots. She got up, grabbing her Nikana, while Sekhmet would let out a small protest meow as she found herself almost thrown out of her resting spot. Kat walked to the console and slowly read the message. When she finished, her hands were shaking. "No... No, no, no, this can't be...". She quickly turned on her communications, openign the link to both her crew leader, Gideon, and the leader of the Arbiters.


"Tenno, you wish to have words?"

"Katherine, what is it? You don't often use this line."


"Im afraid i have bad news... Very bad news. I just intercepted a Corpus vessel, told to contain information. This is what i've recovered." With the press of a button, a copy of the message was sent to them. The silence that followed was so tense, one could almost touch it.


"These... These are grave news.."

"How did they discover this? Grand-Arbiter, we must share this with the Lotus, warn the other Tenno."

"Agreed. Tenno Katherine, you are to report to the nearest relay and meet with our representative there."

"I'll send Eva to meet up with you, something tells me you might need her help."


"Thank you." She bowed her head, as the communications were finished. She quickly ran, barefooted, to the Arsenal, where her dress and bracelets were removed, her frame released back to cover her body, and her attatchments, edo shoulder and knee plates, eos chestpiece and the igaro syandana, reattatched to her frame. She then ran back to the Orbiter Compartment.


"Sally, set naviga-!"


Already on it, Operator.


She could only grin. Salimarys was, in a lot of ways, like Katherine: quick to act, perceptive, and reliable. She had only but to kneel down, as the Mantis dashed through space, heading thowards Larunda Relay.

Edited by Wolfheart297
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The Larunda relay was a mess, An outbreak of an pre orokin virus has broken out amongst the civilian population on the relay, the worst of the population was either children or elders, fortunately for Arachnia -who was very unprejudiced to any syndicate- treated her patients as she can, exchanging words with the more ignorant minded of the population about why their enemies are being treated, fortunately there were no casualties so far but Arachnia was very cautious about such an occurrence, along with a recent Grineer attack on the Relay thanks to a nearby Fomorion would add to a problem of wounded and injured needing to be treated.


To which her answer replies "A trinity does not forsake anyone who requires any medical attention." it seemed weird to her that the New Loka would reach out to her but she had to settle that matter another time. The Prime took a moment to activate her internal cooling systems to cool her down from the hard work. Being a Tenno was indeed tough.


The only thing that did bother her was the fact the Red Veil had been awfully quiet lately during this time, in fact, not many of their members seemed to come out of their sector of the Relay which they had locked down for the moment. She worried about what they were doing, The Red Veil spoke about re-making the world with death and fire, a goal with noble intentions but simply on a downward spiral path.


Arachnia found them to be...misguided at best but she never had cause to attack them with words or actions like the other syndicates, She was currently in the lobby, assisting the medical relief and giving instructions to doctors and medics.

Edited by Drakeardian
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Perhaps it was due in part to the contemplation of dying in isolation, but time seemed to crawl along.  Immersed in her thoughts as she had become, she did not immediately notice that her Liset was no longer lazily drifting, but in fact being drawn away from the orbiting debris. Realization came soon enough however, and the Tenno caught a glimpse of greenish-blue energy coating the edges of the viewport. Yes, she understood. The motion was slight, gentle. but she was moving backwards now--her craft was being pulled in,attracted to something else.


                                                                                        But what?


A clear thought had broken through the usual fogginess of her mind, pushing aside all the others as it slowly grew in importance. One would hope that it was a Tenno who was responsible for this. Glancing out of the port again, she watched as a frozen bit of asteroid grew smaller.


                                                                        "But what if.....its something scary...?"


She gave a little gasp.  After such a long period of silence, it was....strange to hear her own voice. She swallowed, allowing her saliva to partially remedy her dry throat. The uplifting thought of rescue was now tainted with worry. She understood that there was a chance that her situation could get worse depending on where her Liset was going. It could be be Grineer, or even Corpus awaiting her.....or possibly......could Infested work a tractor beam?




She was thinking too much. A dull pain near her left temple discouraged her from continuing down the current line of thought. She would just have to wait, and see. A shadow had crossed over her tiny ship--she was now directly below something, something large. It wouldn't be long until her helpless craft was completely drawn into it. How much time did she have left? A minute? Three minutes? She didn't want to think about it.

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Quite the crowd had gathered in the cargo compression room, which had a view through an observatory window of the loading bay where the Liset was being loaded into. The captain stared straight ahead curiously while his crew craned their necks over his shoulders, their murmuring growing louder and louder as the tractor beam drew nearer. He gave the green light for opening the bay doors as it approached. He doubted very much that such a small ship would contain much of a threat, and Infested life form scans had come up negative, but safety was still a concern.


The tractor retracted to the rear of the bay, directing the Liset to a landing pad meant for maintenance craft. Surrounding it was a flock of heavily-battered MOA attendants armed with stun batons, ready to throw their robotic lives away for the prospectors that had purchased and repurposed them. With them were two security personnel with their Dera Vandals trained on the underside of the craft, which became visible as the Liset began levitating a few meters off the pad, fed by a choked stream of power that was enough to jumpstart its systems, but insufficient for most automated self-defense sequences. The merchant named Kettu nudged his way past the security, excitement now visible on his face. The captain had obliged him in entering the loading bay, as he was not among his crew and he had little reason to be concerned for his safety.


The captain waited several moments to give the Liset's communications modules enough time to reactivate, assuming they were even still operational. Then he spoke.


"You are now in the custody of the Foolhardy. Open up, so we may render further assistance."


He wasn't exactly expecting a response however, the temperature readings hinted that whatever that was still alive inside was probably in a state of hibernation or cryosleep. An Osprey drifted over to pry away at the underside of the Liset in an attempt to get it open.


The numerous floodlights of the loading bay cast their blinding glare like a spotlight onto the pad, security turrets unfolded from the ceiling, the MOAs stood at rapt attention with their weapons, and the infantry kept their Deras pointed at the revolving recess where operators entered and left the craft. It seemed like quite an unwelcoming reception. But there among them was a travelling merchant with fortune in his warm brown eyes, holding out an outstretched, helping hand, waiting for whatever that was inside to take it.

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Astoria was so absorbed in her thoughts whilst walking that she didn't immediately react to the question that the Equinox Tenno posed. When the thought did break through, she was spared a response by an interjected comlink message. Recognizing the voice, she smiled a bit.


"Same old Bear," she muttered, logging the invitation along with the coordinates provided.


It seemed the Equinox had received the message as well, as she no longer pressed for an answer; instead she extracted to her landing craft without another word. It was well enough, as Astoria didn't want to share her thoughts on that incident log. It seemed as though a visit to a Red Veil sanctuary would be in order soon.


"Soras, I assume you heard the message?"


Indeed, Operator, came the patient reply. Should I set course for the dojo now?


"If you would please."


With her equipment stored securely to her warframe's magnetic holsters, Astoria palmed the access pad to the nearby airlock. There was hardly a hiss of pressurization as the atmosphere equalized, as her liset had already sealed the far end of the small chamber. Striding forward and fitting herself into the rotary pod, the Saryn felt the familiar swoosh and lift before she stood once more in the soothing amber light of her personal craft. There was a tiny jolt as the ship disconnected from the Corpus frigate and engaged its main engines, carving a path through the ether until it was clear of any nearby foreign bodies. With flare of light and roar unheard through the silence of space, Soras fired the afterburners to begin the journey toward Bear's dojo.


It was a short walk down to the belly of her liset, and Astoria glanced around at the reassuring machinery that formed the heart of her craft. If there was one thing that was rather convenient about stimulating her Saryn's constituent cells, it was leaving behind the necessity of an armory to remove the suit. With a simple mental command, the seemingly solid armor began to writhe and retract, completely opening along the front and exposing the woman within.


She was sure it was a sickening sight, with thin tendrils extending from every bit of the inner surface of the Saryn and snaking along her own skin. These connections siphoned nutrients from her body, quelling the hunger that had awoken with the reactivation of the Technocyte cortex. Almost reluctantly the feelers recoiled into the suit, allowing Astoria to step down onto the cold metal of her liset. She shivered a bit. She couldn't even wear a synapse-link body suit in that Warframe anymore, as it hardly responded unless it could make contact with her bare body.


Thanking Soras as a nearby storage capsule slid open to reveal a simple top and pants, Astoria dressed as she watched her Saryn being grabbed and stored by the armory's mechanical limbs. The crackle of ice told her that the warframe had been chilled into stasis.


"Please display all of the incident logs I've recorded over the past few cycles," she muttered, turning and walking up the ramp to her cockpit.


Her cephalon complied immediately, and a holographic display of about 5 data reports now hovered before Astoria... all of them detailing incursions by the Red Veil.


"Was anything actually taken during these?" she queried, sifting through the data with a few swipes of her hand.


There are two mentions of theft, Operator came the response. Both pertained to encrypted coordinates.


"Do we have a copy of that data?"


I'm glad you asked. The cephalon's voice seemed tinged with a hint of pride. I've taken the liberty of decoding the information. One, taken from a Grineer escort craft, detailed the location of a possible new tellurium cache within an asteroid orbiting Saturn. The other referred to a black market rendezvous between a particular merchant and a Corpus informant that had taken passage on the frigate.


Though the Grineer communique was rather worthless aside from monetary value, Astoria's eyebrows peaked at the mention of the clandestine meeting. Though such things were quite commonplace for the Corpus, why would the Red Veil choose to attack that particular ship? Something about the circumstances told her that the meeting could be more enlightening than it seemed.


"Well, we now have three meetings to attend," she laughed, settling onto a round cushion she'd installed for long trips. "First Bear, then the Red Veil, then this secret get-together. Who knew that I'd be such a social butterfly this tetracycle?"


Operator, butterflies have been extinct since-


"I'm fully aware," the Tenno sighed. "I really must upgrade your vocal inflection recognition software."


I enjoy our time together during my upgrades, the cephalon intoned quietly.


"Me too, Soras. Me too."


Astoria spent the rest of her trip resting, waking only at a soft chime as the liset approached the dojo Bear had mentioned in his message.


"Time to speak to real people," she yawned, stretching and climbing into a fresh set of clothing before giving a teasing smile to her cephalon's hologram.


The blue matches your eyes perfectly, Operator, Soras complimented.


"At least you're charming."

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Once the small gathering of Tenno had started trickling into the dojo Vorpus alerted Bear, "Operator, the others are arriving." Bear grunted in response and walked to the Observatory. Upon entering Bear saw several Tenno already there, either meditating or looking at a holo-screen. 

"Greetings, friends. I'm glad you were able to make it back safely. We should probably see what seems so important as to summon us all together." Bear said. "Vorpus, if you would please also send a vid-com to the Cephalons for the Tenno who couldn't make it yet."

"Already recording, Operator. I will send it upon conclusion of the meeting via an encrypted coding as per usual standard.

Bear knelt down, and began to float upon one of the meditation pads near the briefing console. "Let us begin then Vorpus."

"Of course." Vorpus began projecting his voice through the projection console in front of the Tenno, and pulled up a display of a large Grineer battle ship that had scuffed black and red paint adorning it. "We have received intel from our spy that indicates the Grineer special forces, the Nightwatch, have a prisoner that knows the location to a part of the key to an Orokin Tower. Not just any tower, THE tower that the Red Veil has been seeking so fervently. The prisoner has been with them for some time, and we are unsure of the condition they are in. To ensure that we get the data we need it is advised that this mission be run in two teams. One team will rescue the prisoner, and the other team will capture the inquisitor that has been torturing the prisoner for information, in case the prisoner doesn't make it. They are not risking interception of the information, and are thus transporting the information in person to The Queens. To ensure that no spies leak the information, the inquisitor has kept the information to himself and keeps 2 elite bailiff eximi as a protection entourage. Our spy has been unable to ascertain what information the inquisitor has found. The Nightwatch are extremely dangerous, and should not be taken lightly. It is advised that you bring along a triage kit, or a healing frame to ensure that the prisoner is stabilized."

"I can see why you wanted to wait for everyone, Vorpus. That is the best news I have heard all cycle!" Bear grinned. Counting on his fingers, Bear frowned. "We might need a few more if we are going to pull this off though."

Vorpus continued, "I am sure that within my contact of other Cephalons we can fill the ranks as needed. We needn't have everyone here volunteer for such a dangerous mission."

"True," Bear said, "is there anyone here that wishes to volunteer for this? I'd not have someone join unless they full well knew the risks associated."

Edited by EagleStriker
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The Equinox was busy waiting. Waiting and re-reading the briefing on the datapad she'd been given. She perked up however once she had heard the Cephalon's voice begin to amplify itself. She collapsed the pad and stowed it away as she began to listen intently. In her head, she'd already accepted, and she was running through what exactly the situations would be like, almost as if running a small simulation. She wasn't of course, that would be silly. No one could accurately do that and take into account all variables.


"Hex? Please send a formal acceptance to Bear's Cephalon, just to keep it on record."


"Of course, Operator.... Sent."


Now that she at least had it in writing, she could happily volunteer for such a mission... Which she did, with gusto, standing up from her kneeling position, Equinox robes flowing gracefully down into position as she did so. Her voice was soft, measured, but nonetheless was projected so that Bear could clearly hear it. "I volunteer. Gladly." Her hands stayed clasped in front of her chest, in typical Equnox fashion, representing the duality within. "While I may not look much, compared to you, I would be of great assistance on this mission, in my own way."

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Jay entered the relay.

The relay was a really nice place;

A big Rhino statue (Jay always thought a Limbo statue needs to be erected there instead), The water fountains,

the plants... Everything. He walked past Baro, and the croud of people surrounding him. Jay thought he will be a part of the croud,/
but an important oppurtunity came up.

He entered his syndacites room, and kneeled on the floor.

"I am ready for my mission, master. Should I spread our truth, or expose lies, I am always on your side."

The sydacites master was quiet.

"Umm... My ship cephalon said you had a job for me." Jay said nervously.

"What are you talking about, Maxim? There are no jobs avalibable at the moment." said the master.

Jay stood up and told his cephalon to display the message. A hologram of the message floated above Jay's hand.

Suddenly, the hologram started glitching, and after a few seconds, the hologram displayed the face of the red vail's master.

"Death to the arbiters!" Someone shouted from behind the door.


5 minutes later, the whole room was filled with blood. Red vail operatives blood, but not the arbiters' blood.

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Quite the crowd had gathered in the cargo compression room, which had a view through an observatory window of the loading bay where the Liset was being loaded into. The captain stared straight ahead curiously while his crew craned their necks over his shoulders, their murmuring growing louder and louder as the tractor beam drew nearer. He gave the green light for opening the bay doors as it approached. He doubted very much that such a small ship would contain much of a threat, and Infested life form scans had come up negative, but safety was still a concern.


The tractor retracted to the rear of the bay, directing the Liset to a landing pad meant for maintenance craft. Surrounding it was a flock of heavily-battered MOA attendants armed with stun batons, ready to throw their robotic lives away for the prospectors that had purchased and repurposed them. With them were two security personnel with their Dera Vandals trained on the underside of the craft, which became visible as the Liset began levitating a few meters off the pad, fed by a choked stream of power that was enough to jumpstart its systems, but insufficient for most automated self-defense sequences. The merchant named Kettu nudged his way past the security, excitement now visible on his face. The captain had obliged him in entering the loading bay, as he was not among his crew and he had little reason to be concerned for his safety.


The captain waited several moments to give the Liset's communications modules enough time to reactivate, assuming they were even still operational. Then he spoke.


"You are now in the custody of the Foolhardy. Open up, so we may render further assistance."


He wasn't exactly expecting a response however, the temperature readings hinted that whatever that was still alive inside was probably in a state of hibernation or cryosleep. An Osprey drifted over to pry away at the underside of the Liset in an attempt to get it open.


The numerous floodlights of the loading bay cast their blinding glare like a spotlight onto the pad, security turrets unfolded from the ceiling, the MOAs stood at rapt attention with their weapons, and the infantry kept their Deras pointed at the revolving recess where operators entered and left the craft. It seemed like quite an unwelcoming reception. But there among them was a travelling merchant with fortune in his warm brown eyes, holding out an outstretched, helping hand, waiting for whatever that was inside to take it.


Slowly, the controlled stream of energy fed the Liset's power cells, creeping through the intact conduits and distributing throughout any system intact enough to utilize the charge. Slowly, lights and sensors blinked to life, and a dull hum filled the interior. The comm systems were possibly the least damaged, and after some slight interference the captain's voice rang clear in the small craft.




The lights had come on. Stumbling over the loose wiring and various broken equipment on the floor, she made her way to auxiliary console which previously would have taken a few steps. Now she had to maneuver on uneven footing and the guts of the pod itself. The projected audio-wave graph was still lighting up with the captain's voice as she approached, but she seemed more interested in a partially singed wall panel beside it. Two knocks, and she swore the entire craft shook.




She knocked again, but the Cephalon had not responded. Unseen, a frown formed upon her face.


On the exterior of the craft, the Osprey had just set to carving through a mangled section of hull plating when the lower frame of the pod groaned, and with a great screech of alloy friction, the revolving access broke free of the frame and came crashing down onto the pad below.The deep metallic -gong- of the cylindrical piece impacting the pad resonated once throughout the open space. A moment later, something dropped--fell from the ship hitting the object and then the floor with a dull thud.


As the infantry assembled around the landing pad tightened their grip on their weapons in unison, Anodyne rose, bringing a hand to her side on which she'd landed. The refitted MOAs seemed ready to spring forward and engage.




Turning around to face them, and the security forces arranged behind, the Banshee straightened up. Small in no sense of the word, she could have easily been 6'5", her frame seeming to suggest some hard-bodied form beneath. The portions covered by adaptive nanomesh rather than armor confirmed this; outlining a thick, sinewy physique evident to those gathered around the maintenance pad. Height and all, these physical characteristics gave her the appearance of a veritable pillar of muscle. The armor itself was rather chromatically uninteresting, dominated by a light grey with intricate white patterns here and there. Perhaps if not for the showy gold additions of the syndana and greaves, it would have been completely unremarkable.




She suddenly spoke, her helm's external comms transmitting a silvery, almost breathy feminine tone....which had dissipated into the air almost as soon as it was heard. She said nothing more, any thoughts or words expressing them having abandoned her, making the current silence feel emptier than before she'd spoken. Seconds became years. desperate for something to do, she began wiping away the frost that had accumulated on her arm plating.


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The captain's mild shock of actually finding something alive, well and responsive within quickly gave way to awe as he took in the Tenno's form. Despite all the mercenary contracts that the Tenno have been accepting as of late, he still had never had a personal encounter with one before. Tales of the prowess in battle were on the tip of every tongue, and he was becoming increasingly aware that she may not be very pleased about his decision to force entry into her craft, and that she would guess his motives for even salvaging it in the first place. 


"A lady Tenno! What an honour!"


The merchant's voice reassured him for some reason. He knew he was someone that could handle himself and others. The captain decided to let him do the talking for now.


"Kettu Lainen, at your service miss." he introduced himself, taking off an imaginary hat and bowing deeply as he did so. He would certainly have taken her hand and kissed it, but even he was well aware that that much was unwise when dealing with people such as Tenno. "My... associates here- our wonderful host, discovered your vessel floating in space and has very kindly offered to render assistance."


The captain grunted. That much he had mentioned, though not exactly intended. But then again, they could work out a deal.

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Terribly sorry I didn't post sooner - writers block & college makes things a tad difficult to sort out.


Infinium was standing at the viewport, arms crossed as he thought about the transmission sent out by the cephalon Vorpas, and its corresponding operator, Bear.

Though something didn't seem quite right about it either, well, at least that was what his instinct was telling him.


Clearing his throat, he began to speak to Aegrimon,


"Well then, that transmission - Perhaps set a course there? Might be valid, Whaddya you think?"


There was a brief moment of silence, before the orange box presented itself, small windows displaying all manner of information being moved about, most however were busy decrypting the data they had recovered from the galleon raided earlier.


"ITS HOG *Ahem*, Pardon my outburst; This entire scenario seems unlikely - Granted, I can confirm the presence of the *MAGGOTS* Nightwatch, but how on earth did the Grineer manage to find someone who has the knowledge of a key piece so quickly, and for that -"


Infinium merely raised his hand, moving to interrupt the cephalons analysis of the situation.


"Doesn't matter, the fact that they HAVE someone is reason enough - You know what the Nightwatch is like with their prisoners, if our encounter with Maroo a few weeks ago was any indication."

Standing up from his kneeling position, he began to move towards his arsenal section - the Nightwatch were...painful to deal with, to say the least, and he'd need the biggest guns he could carry.


Aegrimons avatar followed Infiniums movement, before beginning to speak again. "I am assuming, that you are intending to join this 'Bear' fellow on this quest, then?"

Going down the ramp, the Tenno walked to the section of the wall that held most of his military equipment, which folded out to show many weapons, all of varying make & origin, in particular going for the newest addition to his prized collection - A prisma gorgon and clicked the safety on before moving to inspect the weapon.


"Yes indeed, though I'm after that poor sod that the Nightwatch caught rather than the actual mission - Couldn't hurt to assist any other Tenno while I'm at it, right?"


If the cephalon was an organic, he would have furrowed his brow considerably at such a statement, Tenno were wildcards and in this situation - with the key to perhaps the greatest superweapon in the system, this could mean anything, from a warlord who wanted dominion of the system, or others who were looking to escape it.


"Correct, especially considering that this could turn out even worse than when you were clearing out one of their occupied vessels, in particular with the Bailif Eximi."


The tenno stopped, before turning around slightly, almost dropping the gorgon in surprise.


"Did you just sa-"


"I did. Reports are stating there are only two, but our problem still stands. You still up for this mission, operator?"


Placing the priceless gorgon back into its associated inventory slot and giving all weapons present a quick once-over, he turned to face the cephalon, only to remember that effectively the entire ship was the cephalon and give himself a good right-hook for his idiocy, before answering Aegrimon's earlier question.


"Certainly, would you be so kind to contact these two chaps about this? Better hop to it now than never."


"Affirmative, notification has been sent, request for docking permission has been asked in advance." Aegrimon chimed, before going getting a ping that the decryption process of the data they had stolen from the Grineer.
And it had proven itself to be quite full of juicy data, new developments in engine tech, armor development, and while it was only a trifle, it was still a great find.

"The decryption is completed - Shall we discuss our findings, Operator Infinium?"


"Affirmative, though you don't need to keep referring to me as if I'm some sort of master-entity."


"Whatever gave you that idea?"

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Sorry guys, had a mid-term this week that was brutal. Should be good to go, thanks for waiting!

Bear went over the mission again, it didn't seem right. For something this secretive to have been so easily infiltrated with a spy? Regardless, the mission was there and the challenge was exciting. 

The list of volunteers was rather short, but Bear didn't doubt for a minute that the ones there were talented. A couple of them had even run with him on missions before. The team had been split into 2 squads, capture and rescue. Bear was assigned to the rescue team.

As most Tenno do, Bear was going over his loadout before the encounter. He was packing several energy and health restores for the team, just in case the mission drug on. Gave his Opticor a once over and ensured that the mechanism wasn't clogged with dirt, he had made that mistake once before. The dirt had caused the reload mechanism to jam and the laser backfired, giving Bear a nasty burn on the shoulder, and a weird tan-line. Luckily that had long since healed. The Sonicor still was holding together, with the ironic intentional backfiring device attached, and the Brokk hammer seemed to be thrumming with excitement as he approached. He had Vorpus transfer them all to his Mantis-style landing craft.

"Vorpus, pack the new Odonata we just acquired. I'd rather be prepared for the worst when it comes to the Nightwatch," Bear said.

"Already done, Operator. Although, practice is advised before actually putting it to use in the field," Vorpus replied.

"I doubt the Nightwatch will wait for that," Bear said, chuckling to himself as he imagined the puzzled looks of the Nightwatch when they watched a transmission asking them to stay still meanwhile a Tenno practiced with training wings. "Alert the others, and begin our journey. Focus on speed until we reach monitoring distance, then redirect most of the power to the radar cloaking field."

Bear felt the Mantis disconnect from the dojo docking bay, and slightly accelerate before the stars started to looking like wet paint running down a canvas.

"Operator, if the Nightwatch are where our projected coordinates predict then we should intercept them in 20 hours," Vorpus said.

"Good, hopefully everyone else will catch up. I think we both know I will start the party as soon as we arrive," Bear smiled under his Atlas frame. This was one of his favorite feelings, the excitement before a challenging mission.

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