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Bringing Back Arcane Helmets For New Players


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Why are you still comparing founders to this? They funded the creation of the game, it's nothing alike to the discussion.


And why do you think you deserve anything? You aren't entitled to anything. Neither am I. This is why old event weapons are returning.


Oh, it is very much alike to the discussion. You just don't want to accept that because you don't believe founders should be penalized. Interestingly enough, I share that opinion. Founders were important to this game back when it got released. They shouldn't be penalized. But neither should I. Neither should you. Neither should anyone.


Nobody has to lose something just because others didn't get a chance to get it. If others didn't get a chance to get it, then just give them that chance. That is why, like you said, the event weapons are returning.


You asked me why I think I deserve anything. I would ask you why do you think you don't deserve anything? We've all been playing and supporting this game for different amounts of time an in different ways. Why should that be used to determine who gets  to be treated nice and who gets to be sacrificed? We're all players. The rest is just arbitrary social status we like to make up for ourselves.


So to get back on track, there is nothing wrong with arcane helmets existing. Just like there is nothing wrong with Excalibur Prime existing. They're both rewards given to players who were there playing and supporting the game at a certain moment. As Scott himself said when addressing this: "Welcome to the beta."

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Oh, it is very much alike to the discussion. You just don't want to accept that because you don't believe founders should be penalized. Interestingly enough, I share that opinion. Founders were important to this game back when it got released. They shouldn't be penalized. But neither should I. Neither should you. Neither should anyone.


OK, let me spell it out to you, slowly.











Founders are not being penalised here, at all. This has nothing to do with founders' items.



Nobody has to lose something just because others didn't get a chance to get it. If others didn't get a chance to get it, then just give them that chance. That is why, like you said, the event weapons are returning.


You asked me why I think I deserve anything. I would ask you why do you think you don't deserve anything? We've all been playing and supporting this game for different amounts of time an in different ways. Why should that be used to determine who gets  to be treated nice and who gets to be sacrificed? We're all players. The rest is just arbitrary social status we like to make up for ourselves.


So to get back on track, there is nothing wrong with arcane helmets existing. Just like there is nothing wrong with Excalibur Prime existing. They're both rewards given to players who were there playing and supporting the game at a certain moment. As Scott himself said when addressing this: "Welcome to the beta."


You said it yourself, we should be treated equally. But removal is a bad solution?


Right. So the best solution is to give them out to everyone, yes?


Good. This is fair.


And, just to clarify

Stop going on about Excalibur Prime. He is completely unrelated.

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Why don't new players have the old Arcane helmets? Because they weren't around 17 months ago when they were removed.


Should players that have been supporting this game longer than 17 months be punished for it? No, you twit.


This sort of "think of the children new players" mentality. It's everywhere. I hate it.



Right. So the best solution is to give them out to everyone, yes?

No, it's to go on Trade chat and say "WTB Arcane _____ Helm ##p". What's so hard about that?

Edited by PublikDomain
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1St I'm surprised there's little to no hate in this thread, and 2nd I feel like it's not that big of a disadvantage to not have it,most players don't even know about them, BUT if the we're to put something similar they should have a 2ndary arcane enchantment slot just for stat modifiers that can be put on any helmet like an arcane, and they can be placed with an arcane, then make a mission drop them randomly or have events(I would prefer a mission)

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1St I'm surprised there's little to no hate in this thread, and 2nd I feel like it's not that big of a disadvantage to not have it,most players don't even know about them, BUT if the we're to put something similar they should have a 2ndary arcane enchantment slot just for stat modifiers that can be put on any helmet like an arcane, and they can be placed with an arcane, then make a mission drop them randomly or have events(I would prefer a mission)

So double arcanes? All of the old arcanes have a downside. Give and take. The new ones are only positive.

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Considering a fair amount of people bought their helmets from the market and have now traded plat or other resources for them, removing them is not a good option. Honestly, IMO the bonuses are small and easily ignorable. They have been discontinued and that should be the end of it.

Edited by xRufus7x
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I'm saying your normal arcane, like arcane guardian for example, then have then arcane helmet effect on any helmet


This is Something I would back, if these arcanes would also be available to farm in the raids, for example.

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OP, why haven't you answered those of us that say these new players can go to trade chat to get them? Since that is how I obtained mine, I'm wondering why you don't see that as a "fair" alternative to your rather harsh way of dealing with them?

Also, I didn't pay real money...I used plat I got from trading my extras.

Edited by (PS4)PeetSquared
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OK, let me spell it out to you, slowly.











Founders are not being penalised here, at all. This has nothing to do with founders' items.



You said it yourself, we should be treated equally. But removal is a bad solution?


Right. So the best solution is to give them out to everyone, yes?


Good. This is fair.


And, just to clarify

Stop going on about Excalibur Prime. He is completely unrelated.


You can spell it out even slower if you want. It's not gonna make any difference to me. I already told you what links this to the Excalibur Prime situation. If you want to keep saying "no it isn't" you can do that, sure. But you didn't really need to make such a big deal out of it. A simple "I disagree because [reason]" would have sufficed.


I didn't say the helmets should be given away. I said DE could give new players a chance to get what they want. The same chance that was given to me, you and all older players. But now that you mentioned it, I do occasionally give away arcane helmets and prime parts for free, yes.

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OP, why haven't you answered those of us that say these new players can go to trade chat to get them? Since that is how I obtained mine, I'm wondering why you don't see that as a "fair" alternative to your rather harsh way of dealing with them?


Oh, I have:

"You need platinum to purchase them from other players. That is the only way you will get them. This is not OK, and it shouldn't be left like this."


(Page 3, comment #43, For some reason, I couldn't format this properly)


As I quoted, I think that's an unfair solution - especially when we could get them in alerts for free.



You can spell it out even slower if you want. It's not gonna make any difference to me. I already told you what links this to the Excalibur Prime situation. If you want to keep saying "no it isn't" you can do that, sure. But you didn't really need to make such a big deal out of it. A simple "I disagree because [reason]" would have sufficed.


It doesn't link to Excal Prime. At all. Excalibur Prime was not a thing you could get for free. Stop. I disagree because you clearly are wrong.



I didn't say the helmets should be given away. I said DE could give new players a chance to get what they want. The same chance that was given to me, you and all older players. But now that you mentioned it, I do occasionally give away arcane helmets and prime parts for free, yes.


Yes, this is OK, and I agree with this. I do believe all players, old and new, should have access to now vaulted items some time in the future, be them vaulted primes, event weapons, and (in this case) Arcane helmets.

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Sorry man, this is no different than mods that were in events but now are only available through trade. It's like this in the real world too. There is a reason why my vintage Star Wars action figure collection is worth 10s of thousands of dollars now...and this is similar. I'm ok with , as is 95% of the folks in this thread. Sorry, you lose. Deal with it.

If you can't tell, I'm mostly messing with you, as I see your logic as flawed. ;)

Edited by (PS4)PeetSquared
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Not in thier current form, as it would simply bring back the original problem.


Right. So, what would be better? You can't leave them vaulted forever, because this is the current problem that we have and it will persist and get worse over time unless something else trumps it.


Is there a better solution?


This is why I started with the crazy idea of the arcane helmets possibly facing a complete removal.



Doesn't seem to me like OP cares about a new balanced system that's better than old one


Balanced system? You mean a limited amount of available items that players without access to them have to fork out to obtain? Nah, this is very one-sided.



Sorry man, this is no different than mods that were in events but now are only available through trade. It's like this in the real world too. There is a reason why my vintage Star Wars action figure collection is worth 10s of thousands of dollars now...and this is similar. I'm ok with , as is 95% of the folks in this thread. Sorry, you lose. Deal with it. ;)


I'm not giving up on this :P


They should have just been removed when DE had the chance, to solve all these issues.


Besides, this is a bad comparison - while said action figure is merely an item of value with no other advantage, the arcane helmets actually have an effect on the game, since they alter stats.

Had they just been cosmetic, this wouldn't be an issue.

Edited by IANOBW
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Right. So, what would be better? You can't leave them vaulted forever, because this is the current problem that we have and it will persist and get worse over time unless something else trumps it.

Is there a better solution?

This is why I started with the crazy idea of the arcane helmets possibly facing a complete removal.

Yes, there are better solutions you can suggest. Instead of jumping to the conclusions that they either have to be brought back exactly as they are or removed completely. Those are two of many different options you can suggest, discuss and explore. 

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Right. So, what would be better? You can't leave them vaulted forever, because this is the current problem that we have and it will persist and get worse over time unless something else trumps it.

Is there a better solution?

This is why I started with the crazy idea of the arcane helmets possibly facing a complete removal.

Balanced system? You mean a limited amount of available items that players without access to them have to fork out to obtain? Nah, this is very one-sided.

I'm not giving up on this :P

They should have just been removed when DE had the chance, to solve all these issues.

Besides, this is a bad comparison - while said action figure is merely an item of value with no other advantage, the arcane helmets actually have an effect on the game, since they alter stats.

No way man...do you even know how many times that action figure collection has gotten laid? :))

Again, I go back to my opinion that 15% bonuses aren't enough of a big deal to piss off those of us who have supported the game both monetarily and with our efforts in trade chat.

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Right. So, what would be better? You can't leave them vaulted forever, because this is the current problem that we have and it will persist and get worse over time unless something else trumps it.


Is there a better solution?


This is why I started with the crazy idea of the arcane helmets possibly facing a complete removal.




Balanced system? You mean a limited amount of available items that players without access to them have to fork out to obtain? Nah, this is very one-sided.




I'm not giving up on this :P


They should have just been removed when DE had the chance, to solve all these issues.


you do realise  arcanes don't matter in the game at all when there are plenty of other options compared to a year ago the exilius slot easily replaces vanguard rhino, arcane aura can be replaced with prime continuity they are now obsolete with so many ways around them. players like me who still use and want them can because its our award for playing warframe for a long time and should not be punished and have them taken since there are alternatives.

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Yes, there are better solutions you can suggest. Instead of jumping to the conclusions that they either have to be brought back exactly as they are or removed completely. Those are two of many different options you can suggest, discuss and explore. 


Ok, lets do that. What other plausible options do you think we could have, besides ignoring the problem?



No way man...do you even know how many times that action figure collection has gotten laid? :))

Again, I go back to my opinion that 15% bonuses aren't enough of a big deal to piss off those of us who have supported the game both monetarily and with our efforts in trade chat.


Wait, what? The collection of action figures got laid?


Well, yeah, they might not "piss people off", but players do want them.



you do realise  arcanes don't matter in the game at all when there are plenty of other options compared to a year ago the exilius slot easily replaces vanguard rhino, arcane aura can be replaced with prime continuity they are now obsolete with so many ways around them. players like me who still use and want them can because its our award for playing warframe for a long time and should not be punished and have them taken since there are alternatives.


Well, they do, actually.

I could potentially have my sprint speed increased by a total of +60% , with Rush, Armoured agility and Rhino's Arcane vanguard helmet. Why should new players not be allowed that without having to pay another player a huge sum of plat?

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Ok, lets do that. What other plausible options do you think we could have, besides ignoring the problem?

Wait, what? The collection of action figures got laid?

Well, yeah, they might not "piss people off", but players do want them.

Well, they do, actually.

I could potentially have my sprint speed increased by a total of +60% , with Rush, Armoured agility and Rhino's Arcane vanguard helmet. Why should new players not be allowed that without having to pay another player a huge sum of plat?

Cmon, don't tell me you are one of those people who don't understand sarcasm...because you've been employing it at will throughout this thread (remember the multiple link thing you thought was so funny?)

And the reason the new player can't have the same thing as older players is because they weren't there when the arcane helmets were easier to get. They have to put more effort into getting them. No one feels bad for them...except you, apparently (not one person has agreed with you yet!).

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