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Frost Freeze Need To Be Nerfed Having Immobile Targets Is Not Fun


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Finally some responses to a post that make sense. NO NO NO. No more nerfs. No more changing the entire game for a few very loud "nerf it" whiners.

Why? Because you don't like it? If you think something's wrong with the OP's statement, give a valid reason. Saying that everyone who disagrees with you is a whiner is no reason at all.
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Bastille, Molecular Prime, Radial Disarm, Chaos, Mind Control(similar to Decoy but better), Snow globe, Frost 2nd, Overload, Disco ball(Mirage non LOS massive aoe blind), Oberon 4th, Shadows of the dead, Vortex, Rhino Stomp, Miasma, Landslide(Free flow punching), etc.


So many other enemy disabling fun killing abilities to spam so go ahead with the nerf :)


So are raids fun for anyone?

Edited by Sorise
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