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My Excal Is Getting Decimated :(



Hi folks


I'm still Mastery rank 1 and Excal frame rank 9 with a +80% vitality and damaged Redirection armed with a rank 7 Skana with a rank 7 Pressure point mod, a rank 9 Mk1 Braton with a damaged serration (haven't found a proper serration yet...damnit RNGsus) and a few clip size increasing mods, and a Rank 6 Lex (God damn what an amazing sidearm!) with a Heated Charge. I'm soloing it.


Problem: I keep getting steamrolled. 


I'm not sure if this is just me being a terrible player or if Excal is kinda squishy early game. 

I mostly focus on causing maximum weapon damage and save my powers (mainly Radial Blind and Radial Javelin) for those oh sh*t moments. I have not yet unlocked Exalted Blade (one more level to go I'm told). I try taking headshots whenever possible but I end up staying in one place too long and a damn Butcher sneaks up on me and kills my shields in like TWO SWINGS. Really?   -_-


I'd like some playstyle tips from you excellent folks. Excalibur is definitely endgame viable from whatever I have seen on Youtube so it's entirely possible that I'm playing him wrong.  Any tips will be tremendously appreciated!

Edited by Legion216
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Meh...nerfs is relative. The worst nerf was the rework of the channeling system, what actually enables a higher efficiency, what made the problematic "wave spamming" playstyle even stronger, opening him to blind rage.

The only thing that was rly nerfed was the "slash dash" build i was playing. (I'm playing in ps4 tho...did i miss something?)

Aaanyway. Excal is kinda squishy but his kit is pretty decent. You might wanna get yourself a huras kubrow or a shade sentinel asap. Stealth works wonders for him. His radial blind is your bread and butter without adequate efficiency. Blindet enemys are effectively disabled and opened to "stealth finishers" (melee attack that ignores armor and shields, gives bonus damage for heavy weapons. 700% for axes (greatswords) and 800% for hammers. Around...what was it? 2-400%? For evrything else... There is also a augument that gives you 400% additional finisher damage), blinding whatever possible and taking the big guys out with a single strike (while you approach them cloaked, fully protected against evrything that isn't blindet, gaining another 4x stealth multiplier) should make your life a lot easier.

Don't stay on excal tho. Go ahead and try different frames. Not evry frame fits ones playstyle and there is a lot to explore. You can allways return to him once you have better mods at hand.

Most frame parts dropp from bosses, some from enemys (ash, oberon), alerts(vauban) or quests(limbo, mirage, chroma) and the blueprints can be purchased in the market for credits (don't spend platinum on frames)

A couple frames also have "prime" versions that dropp in the void (or can be purchased much cheaper in the trading tab!), which are sometimes significantly better then the unprimed versions.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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People complained about excal being too good, and screamed bloody murder at DE endlessly to get him nerfed into the ground.

Some of those hardcore nerfs were fairly recent, so those videos may be from when excal was actually fun to play, before the nerf hammer came down hard.

No one I play with finds excalibur to be a fun frame to play since the nerfs, and have shown no interest in playing as excal when I recently asked.

You may want to consider looking at other frames to migrate to until excal is looked at again.

I know it's not what you asked for, but it's the best I can do.

Are you serious? Since when did the removal of syndicate effects become a heavy nerf? Or maybe you mean that blocking doesn't negate all the damage now? Try building into survivability then. Use rage, quick thinking and life strike to become almost invincible.

Excal is the only frame that can easily solo T4 Survival.

Edited by -Ksaero-
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Are you serious? Since when did the removal of syndicate effects become a heavy nerf? Or maybe you mean that blocking doesn't negate all the damage now? Try building into survivability then. Use rage, quick thinking and life strike to become almost invincible.

Excal is the only frame that can easily solo T4 Survival.

I main Excal and I agree syndicate nerf didn't really nerf much, however even for him it can get hard to solo a t4 survival, he can only go for so long before you need skill, also the survivability part of build is a must, your not immortal but it's pretty Damn close with enough skill
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I wouldn't mind helping you out either if you need the extra hand. I'm on more often than I'm not (I never shut off my game), so feel free to toss me a PM if you need to!


I remember the days of ranking up Excalibur, and they weren't easy. Granted, I'm not a godly awesome player like some are, but I can say that playing solo adds a feature that you won't find when you're playing on public (or with a squad in general). There will be no bleed out, and no friend to revive you. Your death is instant, and you only get 4. With a new frame, they can go with the snap of a finger. I've found that when you're first ranking a frame, it's best to build for survivability before anything else. When your frame gets a little tougher, you can then worry about the damage.


I'll be more than happy to give you some good start out mods if all else fails, but you'll need to reach MR 2 before you can earn that one trade to make it possible. In order to get that mastery rank, you'll need to max out your frame and weapons so you can take the test. Get some new weapon blueprints when you get the chance as well. :) (And if you want to practice the test when you get there, unlock nodes in the path to Larunda Relay on Mercury, and you can practice to your heart's content!)


If you need some help, advice, or heck, even just a random person to run with or talk, feel more than welcome to add me ingame!

Edited by DaganEldr
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His armor points indicate he lasts well as a health powered frame. Get armor and health related mods to last longer like Rage, Steel Fiber and Vitality. If you manage to get a life strike from dark sector missions, and some channeling efficiency mods, that would help heal as you wield exalted blade.

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Basically to summarize:

You're still early in, don't worry about it.
You'll get better mods and level up over time.
Don't force yourself into areas where the levels are much higher than yours.
Move and shoot, move and shoot. (Also jump and dive, but eh.)

You'll get the feel of it over time :3
(Also trade in the Mk-1s when you get a chance, they're basically the lowest damage weapons in the game)

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Basically to summarize:

You're still early in, don't worry about it.

You'll get better mods and level up over time.

Don't force yourself into areas where the levels are much higher than yours.

Move and shoot, move and shoot. (Also jump and dive, but eh.)

You'll get the feel of it over time :3

(Also trade in the Mk-1s when you get a chance, they're basically the lowest damage weapons in the game)

I think it's more important for movement and deciding if he wants to master guns or me less, most people are great at one and suck at other, also mk1s are not as bad as people make them out to be
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Folks here are pretty much right in regards to early game; it can be tough! The Warframe and weapon ranks you listed indicate that you don't have many mod points to expend on mods, making it fairly difficult to up your damage output until you rank up your warframe and weapons...shoot, your Excalibur doesn't even have all his abilities activated, yet. 


But don't despair! To compensate for warframes and weapons which have yet to be fully ranked up, and even if your play style is solo, you really should play in public mode so that your squad mates can help out with the damage and revive you if needed. Also, don't try to take on missions which are too high for the low amount of damage of which you are currently capable. Don't worry too much about trying to acquire mods; I know they seem all too rare for you, now, but soon you'll have dozens of duplicates. Also, keep in mind that adding an Orokin Catalyst or Orokin Reactor to your warframe or weapon, respectively, will allow you to double the number of mod points available to that item.


Also, you can trust in that the more you play the game, the more effective you will become with even lower power warframes and weapons. So, Tenno, keep fighting!

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I just mod Excalibur for Radial Blind. Blinding enemies up to 58 meters, for 16 seconds. That with the Radiant Finish syndicate mod for 300% more finisher damage, makes most battles a walk in the park.

I absolutely hate Exalted Blade, I never use it.

Like others said, however you build it, you will need mods.

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Thank you folks for all your responses!


UPDATE: I've been practising moving around and I cannot even begin to tell you how much of a difference it made. 

I'm wiping rooms clean in minutes. Learning not to stay scoped for too long (or not scope at all and hip-fire) made all the difference. Run in to under 50 ft, and at that range even a body shot from the Lex will make short work of most Grineer. That way I don't spend 4+ seconds trying to aim the perfect headshot.


I'll keep you folks posted with my progress! Thank you so very much! 

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People complained about excal being too good, and screamed bloody murder at DE endlessly to get him nerfed into the ground.


Some of those hardcore nerfs were fairly recent, so those videos may be from when excal was actually fun to play, before the nerf hammer came down hard.


No one I play with finds excalibur  to be a fun frame to play since the nerfs, and have shown no interest in playing as excal when I recently asked.


You may want to consider looking at other frames to migrate to until excal is looked at again.


I know it's not what you asked for, but it's the best I can do.

Excal is a good and fun frame. Nerf hammer? Not really.

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