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Void Key Drop Rate Is Unfair


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I'd hate to be "that" guy, but of course it's unfair - it was >never< meant to be fair.


I have to agree it is unfair for people who do not play this game religiously.

I am slowing down on playing this game since there are more important things in life than Warframe (in my life anyway).


An option to beat the unfairness is quantity over quality friendships.

Make lost of random friends, suck up to them even if they are d bags and leech for void keys.


Basically the same rule for people who want big nerd jealously inducing, e-peen engorging dojos.

Recruit bulk randoms for materials regardless of how much you may dislike them.

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I see only one after hours of farming all defences, include pluto to wave 30.

So...keys are pay to have...or farm to death.

So ridiculous and greed to need to pay or ultra farm to play a level.


Yeah.m.Im the first than undertand that they need  money...but, for enter a game level?...I see the future so dark.

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I'm sorry, what are you doing to only make 3USD an hour?

Are you asking me?


If you do, I work, have a family, have a mortgage, have a car payment, car insurance, health insurance, have diabetes, so doctor bills, have credit cards, have a car so I have to put gas, take care of maintenance, oil change etc, buy food, pay for electricity, pay for phone bill, pay for house insurance, buy shoes, clothing, taking the wife out once in a while. So not a whole lot of money left


I am not one of those kids  that asks daddy for his credit card to charge whatever you please.

Edited by Kantazo
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My post somehow offended you?

I simply stated the problem with the current system in a reasonable manner. DE knew of this problem, mentioned it in livestream and that's as good as it can be at the moment. This problem will persist for a while until DE can find an optimal solution that create good drop for both individual and the entire population.

DE has no incentive to do so; the entire reason for the keys and the forma is to make people continually pay for content.  Making it easier to get is counterproductive to that goal.


I don't have access to the statistical information, but my guess based on my clanmates and friends experiences, and the number of votes for people complaining about it is that it's much more rare than you think.  They're not impossible to get, but the RNG for rewards is broken, particularly on defense missions, and they acknowledged that, the same way they have before.  They keep saying they'll fix it, and they don't, because it's not in their best interests to do so.


The RNG for rewards is broken; that's why you get hellfire repeatedly, or streamline, or any one of the other few mods.  Every once in a while you'll get something else, like a vitality or redirection.  And yes, a Banshee BP or even a void key (i've got a few, I admit).  I'd say out of 100 defense missions ran, I've got 4 keys, one of which came from a raid rather than a defense mission.




Suggestion for those wanting to farm keys: don't do defense.  Do something you can run quickly for a reward, like a raid, and do it over and over.  Skip the content in the way it irritates DEScott, and get that reward as fast as you can, over and over.  More rolls == more chances to get the roll you want.  Most of what you get will be garbage, that's intentional on their part.  They want it broken.  Every once in a while it will spit out something you want.  If it makes someone at DE mad that you're playing this way, perhaps they'll have an incentive to fix the RNG for rewards finally.  more likely they'll just throw up a roadblock to slow you down, because fixing the RNG isn't in their best interest of getting you to buy void keys.

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Since U8, I get 1-3 keys a day from defense mission/daily rewards.  I usually inviting people on my contact/clan list to help other people.


The stalker on the other hand  hasn't not visit me once. Farmed a lot of bosses since U8 and every time he appeared he was after someone else.


RNG is weird biaaat*#.

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Since U8, I get 1-3 keys a day from defense mission/daily rewards.  I usually inviting people on my contact/clan list to help other people.


The stalker on the other hand  hasn't not visit me once. Farmed a lot of bosses since U8 and every time he appeared he was after someone else.


RNG is weird biaaat*#.

Im glad the stalker is rather slow atm, before U8 it seemed like he appeared every other mission for me when I was pugging it.

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Since U8, I get 1-3 keys a day from defense mission/daily rewards.  I usually inviting people on my contact/clan list to help other people.


The stalker on the other hand  hasn't not visit me once. Farmed a lot of bosses since U8 and every time he appeared he was after someone else.


RNG is weird biaaat*#.


no keys since U8 but got like 3 or more times of stalker and i already have Despair, that RNG is a beatch

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I'd much prefer some kind of token system towards void keys or something. I don't mind farming for them but aimlessly grinding and hoping you get lucky isn't all that enticing.


indeed ant whats more annoying is that you farm for 2-3 days and nothing,zip,zero,nada, other ppl log in played for 2-3 hours and get 3 keys...

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I got 2 in an hour today, 1 for login reward 1 for defense wave. I guess this highlights the disparity the RNG can give however since keys grant access to the highest, closest thing we have to end game they cannot give them out like candy.


Everytime someone says "x should be easier/cheaper to get i ask myself "would you keep playing if you had everything" and the answer is always "no"


Also, only the host uses a key so if you find someone else with keys you can share them, thus doubling your void access rate.


The issue in my eyes is exactly the opposite.  They have all the new content that we were all looking forward to but they play huge barriers on us accessing this content without spending huge amounts of real money. 


Let's face it, the whole reason everyone is excited about the new content is because the old is getting a little stale yet now we have to farm the old content for hour and hour and hours on end just to get 10 mins of new content every so often.  That is not really progress and no really fun.


I nine hours of farming I got 2 keys.  Guess what I have done since?  pretty much quit playing while the figure out that farming 4-5 hours to get a key to access new content  for a whole 10 minute is not fun.  Honestly it would be one thing if once you aquired a Key you could always go back to say certain sections of the void but having 1 key only allow access to one mission and only being able to aquire 1-2 keys a day is just BS.

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DE has no incentive to do so; the entire reason for the keys and the forma is to make people continually pay for content.  Making it easier to get is counterproductive to that goal.


I don't have access to the statistical information, but my guess based on my clanmates and friends experiences, and the number of votes for people complaining about it is that it's much more rare than you think.  They're not impossible to get, but the RNG for rewards is broken, particularly on defense missions, and they acknowledged that, the same way they have before.  They keep saying they'll fix it, and they don't, because it's not in their best interests to do so.


The RNG for rewards is broken; that's why you get hellfire repeatedly, or streamline, or any one of the other few mods.  Every once in a while you'll get something else, like a vitality or redirection.  And yes, a Banshee BP or even a void key (i've got a few, I admit).  I'd say out of 100 defense missions ran, I've got 4 keys, one of which came from a raid rather than a defense mission.




Suggestion for those wanting to farm keys: don't do defense.  Do something you can run quickly for a reward, like a raid, and do it over and over.  Skip the content in the way it irritates DEScott, and get that reward as fast as you can, over and over.  More rolls == more chances to get the roll you want.  Most of what you get will be garbage, that's intentional on their part.  They want it broken.  Every once in a while it will spit out something you want.  If it makes someone at DE mad that you're playing this way, perhaps they'll have an incentive to fix the RNG for rewards finally.  more likely they'll just throw up a roadblock to slow you down, because fixing the RNG isn't in their best interest of getting you to buy void keys.

DE has a good incentive to do so.

PvE games are built on Skinner box technique. In order to create a good experience and hook the player, game must be rigged to allow player to 'win' with inconsistency. An attribute which current RNG is lacking. Look at a good example : Solitaire. My dad got hooked since the day we bought first PC with Window98. Now he still play it daily on iPhone. It manages to give enough win in order to get my dad to play it for years with this technique alone.

This system also has no 'illusion' of control which is important a a part of design. If you know what you do will result in a better droprate of a specific item, you will do it even if it costs you more time. It's why players come to the forum and ask 'where is the best placeto farmX?'.

RNG obviously fail to create enough 'win' for some population while it should offers 'win' just enough to get them hooked. It fails to keep a portion of the customers hooked to the product - thus it has potentially decrease DE income in a long run. Illusion of control serves to make us believe that we can get item we want through gameplay. (Faster if we pay.)

-Off topic

Right now Forma is too obvious as a 'pay' content, an opposite spectrum of F2P game. Some part of playerbase have been reacting harshly because its presence in the market. It's been viewed as buying 'power' by many players which is partially true. It can repolarize frame and weapon (power), expand dojo and unlock new weapons (power).

To be frank, Forma should be removed from the market. Keep Void key pack and allows players to get Forma through void missions would be better deal. I doubt that there would be this much rage if there is no Forma for platinum.

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Money don't come easy to me so i would like to see better alternative of acquiring keys to that of buying them.

Same goes for DE´s money.

I understand your wish for that since they are pretty hard to obtain but well, this isnt charity. And new content isnt supposed to be that easy to get. Patience is what we need ^^

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Same goes for DE´s money.

I understand your wish for that since they are pretty hard to obtain but well, this isnt charity. And new content isnt supposed to be that easy to get. Patience is what we need ^^

Do you have numbers to back up what you're saying, or are you just assuming that the devs are starving?


Warframe has exploded in popularity since open beta. We used to have 500 viewing the livestream, now we had 9500. Stop being oh-so-concerned for the devs' money.

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