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New Landing Craft Idea - The Hercules


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This was an idea I had for a Landing Craft.  Let's first look over what we have now.

The Liset, a Landing Craft that is good at jamming enemy radars, keeping you conceiled in battle.

The Mantis, capable of dropping a Med Tower to replenish your health.

But what about a Landing Craft that helps with offense?  What about a Landing Craft that can set up a carpet bombing, or an orbital strike that attacks an area filled with enemies.  Say hello to the Hercules.  Named after the Hercules Beetle, the Hercules Landing Craft will be a gunship type of Landing Craft, specializing in offensive capabilities.  And it won't be set up like a usual Liset or Mantis where the Nav, Market, and Codex are in the front and everything else at the back.  It will be flipped the other way around.  In fact, a nice little tower holding all the Navigation, Market, and Codex will stand tall behind the ship.  I had the idea to make it look kind of like a battleship from World War II, but it needs to be more like Warframe; With sleek edges, shining decals, and glowing thrusters.  But I want it to look bulky.  I want it to look tough!  Like this thing was made to fight!  I want the Hercules to literally be like...  A Rhino Prime if it were a starship.

But what do you guys think?  Should the Hercules get a chance to shine?  Let me know in the comments below!

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The idea seems very interesting with the whole room switched. I think the navigation should be located on the top of the ship with an all around view. The control tower for the battleships were higher than other structures and acted as eyes in the sky so to speak for the officers to be able to have a 360 view all around the ship to make sure there is no sneak attack. That is my two cents


Oh also I think the Hercules should include a chair.

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The idea seems very interesting with the whole room switched. I think the navigation should be located on the top of the ship with an all around view. The control tower for the battleships were higher than other structures and acted as eyes in the sky so to speak for the officers to be able to have a 360 view all around the ship to make sure there is no sneak attack. That is my two cents


Oh also I think the Hercules should include a chair.

Yes!  Ordis keeps saying, "No, we do not seem to have any seats...."  The Hercules should totally have one!

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Yes!  Ordis keeps saying, "No, we do not seem to have any seats...."  The Hercules should totally have one!


Not trying to rain on your parade, but the landing crafts we have, i.e. the Liset and the Mantis, are just that. Landing crafts. They aren't what we hang around in after missions. The purpose of the landing crafts is to take us to our missions. We fit in a tiny, Tenno-shaped cutout and we stay there until the landing craft docks to our Orbiter, which Ordis has also mentioned.




DE staff has also talked about the Orbiter as well earlier this year, as per Devstream #51.


Here, you can watch the Liset docking to the Orbiter, as was shown in the stream:




We will be getting these soon, and hopefully, we'll get some seats :p

Edited by Telluric
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Not trying to rain on your parade, but the landing crafts we have, i.e. the Liset and the Mantis, are just that. Landing crafts. They aren't what we hang around in after missions. The purpose of the landing crafts is to take us to our missions. We fit in a tiny, Tenno-shaped cutout and we stay there until the landing craft docks to our Orbiter, which Ordis has also mentioned.




DE staff has also talked about the Orbiter as well earlier this year, as per Devstream #51.


Here, you can watch the Liset docking to the Orbiter, as was shown in the stream:




We will be getting these soon, and hopefully, we'll get some seats :p

But the Hercules will have the same charges just like the others...  You don't have to use it...  But when I want to fly, I want to fly looking like a bad &#!.  It's the same thing with the different tanks in the game.  Frost, Rhino, Chroma, and Atlas.  You don't have to use them, you could solo with Loki, Excalibour, Saryn, Ember, etc.  It's just an idea.  You know, maybe I don't want to fly in a Mantis.  Maybe I'm sick of looking at my Liset, and I want to fly in something that looks like it's ready for a fight.  I don't know.  My point is, this game is about choice.  And I should have the choice to have a gunship.

Great idea but, how would that work in a Grineer Galleon or Corpus ship?

An excellent question!  It'd work the same way the Med Tower spawns into an enclosed area.  There would be a multitude of circles that would light up on the floor.  Wait, 3 seconds and BOOM!  Carpet Bombing!

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I actually really like the idea for more varied dropships, though when you say Hercules I think of a more beetle shaped ship, possibly complete with some sort of horn, possibly done visually as an antennae or gun....my one and only problem with a carpet bombing though is how it would be done visually?  I mean, the Mantis just sorta....teleports in the health pod if I understand correctly (haven't seen it yet, unfortunately), and the Liset just sorta hacks things from orbit.  In missions that are outside, I see no problem, but on inside missions I visualize it rather like Hydroids barrage, just bolts of light flying from the cieling, which, while rather cool, always confuses me a lot because I feel there should suddenly be a lot less atmosphere on ship...that's just me though.


Edit: Didn't see the guy above me until I posted, sorry.

Edited by (PS4)Zashukitsune
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Don't really care where my nav, market, and stuff are located in the ship.  I'm more about what the ship is capable of with the call-downs.


What I'm hoping for in an offensive drop ship is something that either drops a support module that acts like an auto-turret like what Mesa used to be, a support drop that, upon each activation does a fire blast like Ember, somehow napalms a 50m area of the location of the call-down, summons a Tenno-variant turret to control and shoot kinda like the Grineer variants, irradiates a 50m radius for 5min of the 10min cooldown such that every enemy gets a constant radiation proc, a freeze or toxin call-down, etc.

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Same with me and the call downs

I'd like to see one that drops a man-able turret like the ones the grineer have, except tenno version..or maybe grineer version still if it's a grineer based landing craft, I just love those things... just they are generally in pretty bad spots naturally.

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Don't really care where my nav, market, and stuff are located in the ship.  I'm more about what the ship is capable of with the call-downs.


What I'm hoping for in an offensive drop ship is something that either drops a support module that acts like an auto-turret like what Mesa used to be, a support drop that, upon each activation does a fire blast like Ember, somehow napalms a 50m area of the location of the call-down, summons a Tenno-variant turret to control and shoot kinda like the Grineer variants, irradiates a 50m radius for 5min of the 10min cooldown such that every enemy gets a constant radiation proc, a freeze or toxin call-down, etc.

That's actually not a bad idea.  Because I thought of that too.  But I didn't want it to seem like I was stealing from the Mantis's ability.

a way for it being able to fire in a corpus ship is a simple idea


have a missile that perices through the hull, and then opens up, releasing a whole lot of mini bombs.


so like a armour percing round crosed with a  carpet bomb  :P

Yes, also a good idea, but remember that if the hole gets blown into the ship, you need to activate a lockdown consule to stop the space on the outside from sucking out all the air.  Like when you shoot the windows out on a Corpus ship...

Same with me and the call downs

I'd like to see one that drops a man-able turret like the ones the grineer have, except tenno version..or maybe grineer version still if it's a grineer based landing craft, I just love those things... just they are generally in pretty bad spots naturally.

Perfect.  Love it.  Love everything about it.

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Not trying to rain on your parade, but the landing crafts we have, i.e. the Liset and the Mantis, are just that. Landing crafts. They aren't what we hang around in after missions. The purpose of the landing crafts is to take us to our missions. We fit in a tiny, Tenno-shaped cutout and we stay there until the landing craft docks to our Orbiter, which Ordis has also mentioned.




DE staff has also talked about the Orbiter as well earlier this year, as per Devstream #51.


Here, you can watch the Liset docking to the Orbiter, as was shown in the stream:




We will be getting these soon, and hopefully, we'll get some seats :p

I know this is a little mean.  And I know this is something that you've already seen.  But look in the Marketplace.  And eat your heart out.  It's not called the Hercules, but it is an offessive Dropship. 

I rest my case.

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