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We Need The Auction House Asap!


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Once again, I need to remind folks that this game is still in Beta. Stuff changes on a regular basis.

So explain to me how something like an Auction House would absolutely destroy the game's economy, when it's simply a "work in progress" feature that could be pulled out if the Devs detect something's not right with it or is going south.


We're Beta testers, for crying out loud. We're always testing new things. Give the Auction House a chance, if it comes out, try it, ponder about it, and write a review here in the forums. If it's nicely implemented, then great, it stays, if it's not, DE pulls the plug on it, and we never speak of it again.


Folks here always forget that Warframe is not a finalized product, sheesh.

uh, um, can we not use the beta argument here plz -.-); I know warframe can change, warframe can be fluid, but it is best to avoid the bad things first. We really need a Public Beta beta enviroment lol. Prevention is half the cure :/

Why are you quoting me? What point are you trying to make other than a knee-jerk response because you think i support an auction house? Do you think the current trade system is 100% fine?

Can we not start a salt war -.-); please? Lets try to keep the disscusion civil, and find the merits and cons of the others argument and figure out a solution k?

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They could add something similar to what Elder Scrolls Online has:  Clan market shops.  

Limited amount of shops (they could be based on relays, with 15 per relay for example), the shops could be available by going up to the highest bidding clan every week or two.  Clan can determine who can sell on their shop (members only, alliance, or all)


This would (help) keep the market prices up, by keeping the amount of sellers limited.


They could avoid the AH bidding, by having buy now pricing only, or perhaps have the prices set by the clan that owns the shop and then anyone who wishes to sell an item can just place it up for sale at the shop?


DE could also take a look at the Magic the Gathering Online trading situation, perhaps have interface options to flag what items we wish to make available for trade or sale (if I have 5 Orthos Prime BP's, I can manually flag 4 of them for sale/trade), and devise a personal shop system?

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uh, um, can we not use the beta argument here plz -.-); I know warframe can change, warframe can be fluid, but it is best to avoid the bad things first. We really need a Public Beta beta enviroment lol. Prevention is half the cure :/

No, if this game is a Beta for some things, then it can damn well be for others. Otherwise, DE should remove that label and be done with it.

Edited by RazorTip
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Once again, I need to remind folks that this game is still in Beta. Stuff changes on a regular basis.

So explain to me how something like an Auction House would absolutely destroy the game's economy, when it's simply a "work in progress" feature that could be pulled out if the Devs detect something's not right with it or is going south.


We're Beta testers, for crying out loud. We're always testing new things. Give the Auction House a chance, if it comes out, try it, ponder about it, and write a review here in the forums. If it's nicely implemented, then great, it stays, if it's not, DE pulls the plug on it, and we never speak of it again.


Folks here always forget that Warframe is not a finalized product, sheesh.

so what if its a work in progress? that does not mean we can throw any pile of crap at it just cause, if something is most obviously going to be bad for the game than you just don't do it form the start. it wastes time, it loses funds, and just makes people annoyed. de wants this game to prosper, not just be some testing ground for future endeavors. 

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Can we not start a salt war -.-); please? Lets try to keep the disscusion civil, and find the merits and cons of the others argument and figure out a solution k?


Those were legitimate questions and i'd appreciate it if you took your pseudo-moderating elsewhere. K?


Anyway, i want to know why some people actually think the current trade is fine.

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Those were legitimate questions and i'd appreciate it if you took your pseudo-moderating elsewhere. K?


Anyway, i want to know why some people actually think the current trade is fine.

I don't lol, it is a total mess, but people are saying that trading is still there. how would you fix it without saturating the market is the question :D

Edited by Brokenrune
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I think a character limit on trade chat messages would be a good thing, maybe like, 30-40 characters (letters) max, BUT should ignore WTB and WTS as inputs (so basically WTB and WTS would be free, but anything else would cost), that way the longest message you'll ever see is


WTS Dual Kama P set/Frost set/Nova set/ WTB Scindo


instead of


WTS Kama blade x2/boltor barrel/ soma barrel/ soma receiver/nova bp/trinity systems/

scindo blade/ash system/ash bp/ loki helmet/loki systems/latron set/boltor receiver/sicarus barrel

dakra blade

Edited by LilLemay
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I think a character limit on trade chat messages would be a good thing, maybe like, 30-40 characters (letters) max, BUT should ignore WTB and WTS as inputs (so basically WTB and WTS would be free, but anything else would cost), that way the longest message you'll ever see is


WTS Dual Kama P set/Frost set/Nova set/ WTB Scindo


instead of


WTS Kama blade x2/boltor barrel/ soma barrel/ soma receiver/nova bp/trinity systems/

scindo blade/ash system/ash bp/ loki helmet/loki systems/latron set/boltor receiver/sicarus barrel

dakra blade

to keep everything cleaner right? however that doesn't really address the issue though. WE NEED A SEARCH FUNCTION, then we good

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Why are you quoting me? What point are you trying to make other than a knee-jerk response because you think i support an auction house? Do you think the current trade system is 100% fine?

Never said current trade system was fine, only said warframe's economy is way too small to rely on an auction house, which could only make things worse

high offer + low demand = people lowering prices just to sell something -> everything can be easily obtained, decreasing demand and increasing offer -> thousands of items in auction house get rarely bought, giving no reason to farm due to lack of profit after getting your own item. DE increasing rarity of each item, maybe even supply reduction to keep economy. Players crying about the increased RNG. Etc, etc, etc. Nothing good could be taken out from AH in

this game unless major changes to reward system (listed above in this spoiler) were done
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so what if its a work in progress? that does not mean we can throw any pile of crap at it just cause, if something is most obviously going to be bad for the game than you just don't do it form the start. it wastes time, it loses funds, and just makes people annoyed. de wants this game to prosper, not just be some testing ground for future endeavors. 

Except we're not the ones throwing piles of crap at the game, DE is. They're the developers.

One such pile was Archwing. Folks didn't ask for it, nor were they expecting it, remember? Another pile was the idea of using weapons to craft other weapons. Another was to create layers of RNG for the pseudo-quests.


If we're going to review and test somethings, we could do the same for an Auction House system. And once more, you neglected to read the whole post I wrote. But since I'm such a considerate fellow, here, I'll quote it:


Give the Auction House a chance, if it comes out, try it, ponder about it, and write a review here in the forums. If it's nicely implemented, then great, it stays, if it's not, DE pulls the plug on it, and we never speak of it again.

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Except we're not the ones throwing piles of crap at the game, DE is. They're the developers.

One such pile was Archwing. Folks didn't ask for it, nor were they expecting it, remember? Another pile was the idea of using weapons to craft other weapons. Another was to create layers of RNG for the pseudo-quests.


If we're going to review and test somethings, we could do the same for an Auction House system. And once more, you neglected to read the whole post I wrote. But since I'm such a considerate fellow, here, I'll quote it:

uh mate, we really need a beta beta environment :/ people need to see it before they add it into the game, you know what I mean? 

Sorry for bad grammer 

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uh mate, we really need a beta beta environment :/ people need to see it before they add it into the game, you know what I mean? 

Sorry for bad grammer 

Yes, a Public Testing Realm of sorts, similar to the ones Blizzard uses for their games. But that however, is something we won't see anytime soon, possibly... it's not on DE's to do list.


I mean, come on, they even forgot to add an /unstuck command in a Beta game, and the one they added this year is also sloppy, since you have to restart the game after using it.

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I don't lol, it is a total mess, but people are saying that trading is still there. how would you fix it without saturating the market is the question :D


I personally agree with MAXsandwich's idea for a fix. Here.



Never said current trade system was fine, only said warframe's economy is way too small to rely on an auction house, which could only make things worse

high offer + low demand = people lowering prices just to sell something -> everything can be easily obtained, decreasing demand and increasing offer -> thousands of items in auction house get rarely bought, giving no reason to farm due to lack of profit after getting your own item. DE increasing rarity of each item, maybe even supply reduction to keep economy. Players crying about the increased RNG. Etc, etc, etc. Nothing good could be taken out from AH in

this game unless major changes to reward system (listed above in this spoiler) were done


What do you think of Here. post?

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Except we're not the ones throwing piles of crap at the game, DE is. They're the developers.

One such pile was Archwing. Folks didn't ask for it, nor were they expecting it, remember? Another pile was the idea of using weapons to craft other weapons. Another was to create layers of RNG for the pseudo-quests.


If we're going to review and test somethings, we could do the same for an Auction House system. And once more, you neglected to read the whole post I wrote. But since I'm such a considerate fellow, here, I'll quote it:

All those additions have perceived benefits however and in concept could have improved the game, an auction house isn't this case. It isn't an on paper it looks good idea, maybe it'll get messed up on delivery, on paper it already seems like a pretty poor idea so why should it even be bothered with? There is a difference between trying out what seems like a good idea and failing, and picking out what you can already tell will be bad and just doing it anyways. 


Sure we test and review things, but you seem to forget at the core that isn't the purpose of this game. It isn't here just to introduce tons of new concepts for curiosities sake, everything added is with the intention of improving gameplay, so the primary goal is to add things that seem beneficial to the game not to add anything to the game and see how it bodes. 

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All those additions have perceived benefits however and in concept could have improved the game, an auction house isn't this case. It isn't an on paper it looks good idea, maybe it'll get messed up on delivery, on paper it already seems like a pretty poor idea so why should it even be bothered with? There is a difference between trying out what seems like a good idea and failing, and picking out what you can already tell will be bad and just doing it anyways. 


Sure we test and review things, but you seem to forget at the core that isn't the purpose of this game. It isn't here just to introduce tons of new concepts for curiosities sake, everything added is with the intention of improving gameplay, so the primary goal is to add things that seem beneficial to the game not to add anything to the game and see how it bodes. 

+1 so how would you change trading so it becomes better

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But honestly, keeping watch over the trading chat during prime time is pretty impossible with the current setting - I do hope DE will fix this somehow.

some sort of filter function would be nice for trade chat, like if there was a way to tag certain characters and have them only show or be highlighted would be pleasant.

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I see all your concerns and i kinda see what you guys mean.

We will never know untill they actually put the auction house.

Personally i think it is for the best.

Or at least make it so you can't type more than 1 or 2 lines because these long WTS messages with 20 items are simply annoying.

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I personally agree with MAXsandwich's idea for a fix. Here.




What do you think of Here. post?

I'm glad you like my idea.. unfortunately i think is just a whisper in the dark. I predict that we're just goin to see page after page, thread after thread into mega thread of the circular argument of the merit and disasters of an actual "Auction House"

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I personally agree with MAXsandwich's idea for a fix. Here.

What do you think of Here. post?

AboutHere post I think it sounds better than an auction house. But still disagree with any "post and forget" system based trading unless limited in both: time and amount of items (and here's where LMR players complain about difference of opportunities if the limit gets to be set by Mastery Rank)

But muh economy

Want to derail these topics? You're doing it right, man

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