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Rewards For Bugs :x


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So this event and afiinity amp and so on brought a memory of chesa kubrows. :-)


So people were trying to breed it for a quite a long time and were not able to do that because of a bug. Well, that's okay. Bugs happen. Reward for it was two chesa imprints. Two chesa imprint for everyone! Not the best reward considering how much effort people made to get it, but not the worst either.


Now this mighty event came. And a bug along it. From what I understood - every affinity mod was replaced with legendary core. Begs a question. What kind of reward is this for a mod which basically was in-game for a few hours? Yes, I know. You were able to get it via transmutation but that's not the point.


Isn't it supposed to be vice versa? Because now it seems the more effort you put and the longer bug goes on - the S#&$tier reward you will get for it. And if bug is a day old or so and RNGesus is smiling for you - well you end up having one or more legendary cores.


Event and mood along it is ruined.


--Butthurt player.

Edited by JeanClaudVanBatMan
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It just doesn't make sense to me. So I just wanted to share my opinion. :-)


Why for a older bug and a lot of effort from people, the reward is not so great and for everyone;

While for a basically day old bug and mod only only the people who got that mod gets a legendary core(s). :-)

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I would happily delete ALL of my current cores in exchange for that aura.


A legendary core is not a fair exchange.  I am not even bothering with this even because it is so lackluster, but if that aura had been the tier 3 reward for the event/alert, it would have made it the best event of the year. I would have been tripping over myself to do it.

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