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Odd Incident, Now I'm Confused


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So there I am, 15 minutes into Egeria (Ceres, Survival) kicking grineer out of the game with no problem. I still have max energy on my Valkyr and Hysteria build. Then out of nowhere I go from happy and alive to dead and confused. There was no energy drain going on from an eximus.


Did I somehow run into a glitch? I then died 2 more times running to the exit point while in hysteria.


Only thing I had around me was a manic but it wasn't and eximus. I didn't think they could drain energy.


Very much confused seeing I have never died while in hysteria.

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I think manics have a version of dispel much like the stalker. That and if you were letting it hit you constantly, it must have built up enough damage to kill you on ability dispel. Checked the wiki, they can dispel abilities like iron skin and hysteria.


This is correct. The Grineer Manic can dispel Hysteria/Iron Skin/Etc. 



Sounds like the OP was leaving him be instead of finishing him, and he kept following and dispelling Hysteria, getting the OP killed in the process. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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You died two more times?  Are you completely helpless without hysteria?  Seriously though, eximi can drain energy even through walls, chances are it was nearby and you didnt see it

No I cannot even remember the last time I have died using Valkyr and I use her for most of my missions (not necessarily in hysteria). As soon as I revived myself I was killed again with little to no delay.

Its not like I was shooting and dying like a normal fighting. So no need to be rude and make assumptions. So please, if you have something constructive to say then say it. Otherwise please leave and take your bad attitude elsewhere.

This is correct. The Grineer Manic can dispel Hysteria/Iron Skin/Etc. 



Sounds like the OP was leaving him be instead of finishing him, and he kept following and dispelling Hysteria, getting the OP killed in the process. 

Well I had no idea they could dispel! News to me haha

did you have quick thinking on? If you did that would be a glitch my friend, or maybe john Prodman snuck onto Ceres and disguised himself as a Grineer Manic and got you

Nope! I'm not a huge fan of quick thinking so I haven't found a use that I think is worth it.

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