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Limbo Vs Hydriod Lol


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Limbo needs it more because he simply does not synergize with his team without also making his team unhappy at the same time. Hydroid, by contrast, only needs a time of quality-of-life tweaks to his otherwise-good powers


Limbo makes an already-devastating P4TW team even more indestructible, but limits their ability to play the objective. You can Exalted Blade while invincible, but can't pick up life support or carry excavator batteries. He's pretty good in smash-and-grab missions and certain spy vaults, but that's hardly enough to say he's in a good place balance-wise


Hydroid's powers are fine in theory, but they fall apart when you try to use them. Tempest Barrage gets blocked by doorways. Tidal Surge accomplishes the same basic thing as Charge but for twice the cost. Undertow needs to decide what its purpose is and stick to it instead of trying to serve a bunch of different roles and be super mediocre at all of them. Tentacle Swarm needs to be coded so that the tentacles will aim themselves at nearby enemies instead of just slapping around randomly and hitting absolutely nothing

Edited by TARINunit9
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Also the fact you can't hack panels or step on platforms while banished makes the whole rift mechanic pointless.

You can hack. I was just about to post how strange it is you can as well as turn on lifesupport, but can't open simple lockers lol.

I get it in a gameplay sense (aligns with Loki's/Ash's invisibility, Mesa's Shattershield, Rhino's Iron Skin, etc), but continuity though...lol.

I also get why with energypickups as well, but just general items? I love using Limbo in infested survival especially with his +1s augment for Cataclysm like it's my own battle arena, but it's still a bummer that I'll have to set it off pretty frequently just to grab all those materials :c

Hell, I'd argue the little lifesupport's that drop from enemies wouldn't be that bad. Since I believe the whole point of his kit is to be in the Rift a good amount of time, but still hoping back and forth between dimensions. I just think the balance is a bit off since you are indeed more times not in the Rift then you would like, and personally how I don't use his 4th either as much I would like to out of respect for the parties I join x_x

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Also the fact you can't hack panels or step on platforms while banished makes the whole rift mechanic pointless.

Also interesting about the platforms bit, because other frames like Loki get the a-okie with being invisible bypassing the majority, if not all the enemies while Limbo doesn't?


Like I said in my previous post, I think there are more cons to be in the Rift then we would like, when what I figured the team was going for was a nice balance to be hoping in-and-out of the Rift. I just think some minor tweaks like being able to pick up general items (excluding energy orbs, as I can see why you can't pick them up), and other nuances like opening lockers and maybe being able to pick up those little life support drops since we can already activate the larger life supports, can really come a long way.


As of now when I want to pick up items inside Cataclysm is that if you hit 2 (Rift Walk) but then turn it off right as you're standing on the item(s), you'll actually pick it up as there's a fraction of a second where undoing 2 (Rift Walk), will also override Cataclysm's banish as well~


You can hack SOME panels, not all

Oh yes you are right haha. My bad xD

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Limbo is a reasonably solid solo frame. Being able to pick what you fight and when is incredibly powerful in my opinion. 


Hydroid's kit just feels weak and awkward to use. The only ability that I thought was useful was Tidal Surge. It was pretty fun to group up a bunch of enemies into a corner and blast them to pieces with a shotgun.

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Hydroid needs a rework. His first ability is still balls. His second is mobility, which is ok, I suppose. His third renders him imobile, which I honestly thing is ridiculous - I'd say he should be able to move around in puddle form, but not be able to interact with things and pick up items. His fourth is only good for pilfering swarm, and has inconsistant spawning placements.

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Limbo just needs to be a little less lackluster and allow people to bring things into the rift.


Hydroid needs buffing and his puddle needs to be less of a joke.


It's a wonder why DE never implemented a feature where Limbo's ult pulls drops, crates, consoles, etc into the rift. I mean, it just logically makes sense. Why would it only affect players and ai?


Hydroid's puddle should be mobile, imo. I'm not sure what to do about its "drowning" effect.

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I just recently sucked it up, learned how to play Limbo properly (as in without being a troll to my team and a hindrence) and I personally really really like him now! Hydroid I was super excited for at first, and then let me down and I just skip over him like he doesn't exist among my WF list, I honestly forget he's even there.


I'd say Limbo is fine ATM compared to Hydroid with all due respect.

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