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  1. If I'm reading this correctly, DE is going to completely throw out all the enemy health and armor types and rebuild the elemental damage system from the ground up If so, I want one specific thing to be addressed, a mistake from the past not to be repeated: Blast wasn't passed up because it was another superfluous option on an already overloaded pile of options. No, Blast was passed up because NOTHING was weak to it. Grineer Machines are weak to blast in theory, but their ferrite armor negated that; they were weak to corrosive instead. Fossilized infested were 150% weak to blast... And 175% weak to corrosive. Grineer Machinery in general was far too underused. For the longest time only one thing used it: Rollers. One or two enemies out of two hundred would use it, and they would die instantly to anything, so it didn't matter. I'm pretty sure Tusk Thumpers use Alloy for both their hit points AND armor, when they should be Machines. There was even a time Vay Hek Terra Frame was bugged and used Neutral hit points (with no weaknesses and resistances), and his air strike beacons were using Corpus Robot hit points for some reason, implying even the 2015 developers had forgotten they put Machinery in the game. So it was a no-brainer players would only mod for Cloned Flesh and Crewmen Flesh (both weak to Viral) and completely ignore machinery I wish you luck on this upcoming rework, and when you do, I hope you won't repeat this mistake
  2. In the immortal words of SpongeBob SquarePants... "Well what's wrong with it?"
  3. This is exactly what the Solar Rail Junctions do
  4. Yeah, and it's definitely leaving Trinity down in D tier. But notice how much energy they all give: in the "couple dozen to maybe a hundred" range. Heck of a lot less than what Triumph gives to Inaros
  5. It's their tradeoff for not being able to shieldgate Overguard used to leave them with NEITHER option. Now they get their half of the trade back
  6. Because then a single cast of Triumph would grant each Tenno in the squad 1,200 energy
  7. And Tenet Glaxion I hate it when they do Kuva/Tenet of weapons that already have other variants (in this case Glaxion Vandal)
  8. I've TRIED to love the Chakkgur but it keeps falling off in practice. It hits hard... Until I go up against a trio of Bombards. The reload is cool... But I'm stuck staring at it for five whole gawdam seconds.
  9. Plague Star already confirmed Sentients are completely immune to all existing Infested, not just Helminth
  10. This was in the original Dark Sectors trailer, and while it's still probably canon I don't think it's ever actually been shown
  11. While absolutely correct in the broader game, the Murmur enemies are very inconsistent when they are and are not immune to Viral, at least in my experience >.>
  12. You've got your Atomos set to Corrosive+Heat against a faction that isn't weak to either. Culervin die instantly if you break their arms, Arcocanid are susceptable to easy headshots, and the rock monster enemies rely on massive HP pools instead of armor -- you need to kill them with Radiation damage, not Corrosive Augur Pact stacks additively with Hornet Strike. You want to replace one of them with another mod that stacks multiplicatively, such as Expel Murmur And your Atomos doesn't have an Arcane. These are free power, see if you have any secondary arcane adaptors left
  13. I have seen it occasionally, but with no rhyme or reason. I can't tell if it's a bug causing the next wave to start prematurely, or if the next wave actually auto-starts if you haven't killed the current wave quickly enough
  14. @SneakyErvinLet me put it this way: This is dieselpunk , but I get the impression you would disqualify it as being far too advanced for dieselpunk
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