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Warframe: The Line


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I've been uneasy about publicly posting whatever I draw because I set my expectations of the outcomes way too high, and I keep finding things that people will point out that I find that I can't just go back and redo without a complete and lengthy overhaul. 


I guess I'm just too timid to put out my artwork to the public but here's my first "piece" anyway. I'm open to whatever feedback is given me, I'm always looking to git gud.






Based on 




"To kill for yourself is murder, to kill for the Lotus is heroic, to kill for your syndicate is entertainment."


Queue Warframe-laden Spec Ops quotes go.

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Don't be so harsh on yourself. I understand completely. We're our greatest critics, for good or bad is debatable, but I digress. Your work is great and you should be proud of it! Your choice of colors is awesome and pleasant, and the sky coloring is really cool as well.


I hope to see more of your stuff!

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Tenno don't kill. They murder.


also - my killcount in this is around a population of small village. Guys who play this game - have millions dead behind their shoulders.


So... i really doubt that such machines of genocide really have any remorse or thoughts about morals or crap like "kill for lotus is heroic". Lotus is HAL after all.

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Since no one here bothered to actually critique the work, I might as well do something that's actually constructive.


It's not good, but it's not bad either. It just shows that you have quite a bit of room to improve on, and your dedication to it is admirable. With a bit of practice, I'm sure you'll be a great artist.


To start off with, here's the picture you used as reference. I have drawn over it to indicate the anatomy, the "skeleton" of the poses.


It's always good practice to study the anatomy of people, in drawings or otherwise. Also study the poses, how each bone and joint interacts with each other. Without a "skeleton", even the best of artists cannot accurately depict a figure.


Now here's your picture. I'll just focus on the Nyx here. I have drawn the lines of your original anatomy in pink, and over it I have done a more accurate depiction in blue, as well as a quick sketch of the anatomy itself. Included on the left are some quick guides for drawing the human figure that I go by; it's crude, but it helps a lot of you're just starting out.

(The Volt's anatomy actually looks pretty good; you just need to flesh it out and know how to layer one leg over the other.)


I would suggest keeping an eye on limb length. You've drawn the torso way too large in comparison to the arms and legs, and the legs are way too short as well. Also, the torso looks like it's twisted way too much. I would suggest doing some studying on perspective and foreshortening, but for now, just focus on nailing the anatomy, and practice doing perspective drawings on simpler geometry, like cubes or pyramids or something.


Overall, it's pretty good for starting out, and a great first step. I suggest you do more sketches first before you start doing color. Also, if you want to do digital drawing, I highly recommend grabbing a graphics tablet; drawing with the mouse is annoying as heck.

If you need any more help, let me know. I'd gladly provide assistance to artists-in-training.

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