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[8.3.0!] A Look At Mag [Suggested Tweaks And Noted Observations]


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(Disclaimer: This is not a suggestion for new abilities or buffs)

Mag's power is control over Magnetism. AKA in theory through mastery, she can selectively redirect the magnetic force, causing objects to float helplessly in space, or ultimately allow her to levitate by magnetically repel herself off the floor (Magnetism is not gravity, so its not about negating gravity). Ex. change the magnetic pole of her soles to the same of those on the floor. I guess many has seen on youtube how a metalic disc can suspend in air within magnetic field.


Or at very least, she can have magnetic boots that stick to metal walls and wall-walk infinitely.


In addition we all hear of Magnetic-Accelerated-Railguns...... Bullet-Hyper-Acceleration anyone?


With a out stretch hand, Mag lifts and pulls a distant victim towards her. She crushes him into small jagged metal ball with clench of fist, then launches him back into the enemies.......guess this will stay as part of imagination.

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I like how one of these threads get bumped barely 40 minutes after I make a new topic. Oh well. Guess I'll link my ideas on it here.




This thread has been roling for a while. Usually a new post just about every day since it's gone up. I was going to make a new mag thread before I scrolled down and found this one.


I'm just super glad there are other people who want to see Mag improve! Thanks for your input.

Edited by simeo77
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So apparently Bullet Attractor DOES work on lasers after all. I've also answered the question of whether or not all bullets in the room are effected. I kind of figured but, it must touch the sphere in order for the bullets to be redirected.


As such. Lasers are indeed affected by bullet attraction, they just have to touch the orb.


I admit I'm a little sad all bullets fired aren't affected. xD That'd be a bit beast.


For the hell of it I'm making sure I'm right when I say that BA doesn't affect aimed bullets.


Edit: Confirmed. BA does not affect aimed shots. So whomever's been saying Bulllet Attaction's been taking away their damage needs to look at how well they've been aiming. Lol


Note: It was tested on Jackel to make especially sure.


Edit2: Further resting shows the culprit of this misconception. While it indeed doesn't affect the damage of an aimed shot it might bug the mob to not respond normally after the damage is taken. At least this is the case with Jackel.

I wound up having to take out all four of his legs when using bullet attraction while using kunai to bring down the damage. This didn't happen with Latron.


I'll also note that shotgun spread doesn't seem to be affected by BA too much, granted I was using a  Hek to test it. I'll have a friend of mine use Strun to make sure.

Edited by Hauteclere
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People in this thread saying how crush would be too overpowered if it ignored armor or cc'd afterwards should try playing banshee (7 sec cc + dmg in a huge range) or saryn (insta-melts fodder, heavies are stunned for 3 seconds, ignores armor). Mag's okay ult coupled with 3 extremely situational abilities make her the most underpowered frame IMO.


+1 Lemonz's post

+1 for giving her push - frame with two troll abilities? yes!

+1 for spidermag

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    I have to thank you for this thread!! My skill and use of Mag has gone up dramatically since I actually took some ideas from here and use them. Pull is now my scaple to the hammer that is Crush!  I use it to kill Heavys/Ancients now pretty much since it Knocks them down on the first pull and a nice thing I found out is that you can shoot them while they are in transit to you. So by the time they are there you get off at least 6 shots and then just shoot them in the crit spot while you stand over them laughing. VERY rarely do they get up and that is only IF there are other enemies attacking me, or it's a Toxic for which I just step over to the side and continue process.


     Polarize has even made it back in since I can use that on the mobile defenses/Defense missions to save the target from getting swarmed. Since its so cheap I use it when I am trying to conserve the Crush for when it will really have maximum effect. Also actually saved another player using it, I was kinda shocked myself, but dropped it on him, then crushed cause he was at the edge of my range and more infested was incoming.



     I pretty much realized that yes, her powers do need tweaking, but it's more like if you are not inclined to that Warframes playstyle, you will not be able to use it to its full potential. Heck I thought I was a good Rhino player till my Clanmate did a jumping, spinning, Radial Blast in mid air and hammered 3 guys(( THe Radial Blast killed 15 Marines first, then he added the frosting of the last 2)).  He for some reason can make his Rhino act like the Juggernaut, and save downed Tenno Yelling "Rhino 911 to the rescue!!" and actually make me work to keep ahead of him in kills. He justs clicks with that frame, like I did with Mag.


     Keep up the great work and keep testing, I am working on some ideas to get Bullet attractor back into my rotation a bit more, wish mew luck!.

Edited by Dolomaticus
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Now that's what I like to see. People learning how to control the Warframe. To be honest that's one of the biggest points of this thread---which is why later I hope to make a guide of it. This is of course after I've learned all I possibly can about Mag and her various quirks.


Edit: Hey guys. Found something interesting: Click here


I'm totally testing this. xD

Edited by Hauteclere
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Her first slot skill needs to be something that is widely useful like Excalibur's Slash Dash and Loki's Decoy instead of some situational skill that comes into play when your allies are dead or when you want to troll them.


Here's an idea: Remove shield polarize from the starting skill pool (make it something you can farm for later and buff it as suggested in this thread). Then move pull to the second slot and make it cost 10 energy (maybe add push functionality here as well).


Her first skill can now create a floating magnetic ball at the area targeted that stops all bullets that enter, without redirecting towards enemies. It acts like a shield you can hide behind .. but not shoot through? Enemies that try to move through the ball are slowed and take minor damage. Additionally, it can be manipulated with the pull (and push?) skill so as to damage enemies a decent amount when they are hit by it.


If charging skills are implemented, this skill will create an immovable magnetic ball (darker visual difference). When Mag tries to pull/push it, she will instead be pulled toward/pushed away from it instead (Spidermag!). This maybe applies a greater slow and dmg as well.


This provides Mag with a defensive ability that can also be used offensively early on. The slow effect and bullet blocking scale well into late game. And the charging effect could provide her with some mobility. I'm hoping this isn't too much overlap with Bullet Attractor and Volt's Electric Shield or treading too heavily into Loki's territory of battlefield control for "advanced players".. but what do you think?

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Her first slot skill needs to be something that is widely useful like Excalibur's Slash Dash and Loki's Decoy instead of some situational skill that comes into play when your allies are dead or when you want to troll them.


Here's an idea: Remove shield polarize from the starting skill pool (make it something you can farm for later and buff it as suggested in this thread). Then move pull to the second slot and make it cost 10 energy (maybe add push functionality here as well).


Her first skill can now create a floating magnetic ball at the area targeted that stops all bullets that enter, without redirecting towards enemies. It acts like a shield you can hide behind .. but not shoot through? Enemies that try to move through the ball are slowed and take minor damage. Additionally, it can be manipulated with the pull (and push?) skill so as to damage enemies a decent amount when they are hit by it.


If charging skills are implemented, this skill will create an immovable magnetic ball (darker visual difference). When Mag tries to pull/push it, she will instead be pulled toward/pushed away from it instead (Spidermag!). This maybe applies a greater slow and dmg as well.


This provides Mag with a defensive ability that can also be used offensively early on. The slow effect and bullet blocking scale well into late game. And the charging effect could provide her with some mobility. I'm hoping this isn't too much overlap with Bullet Attractor and Volt's Electric Shield or treading too heavily into Loki's territory of battlefield control for "advanced players".. but what do you think?


The idea is interesting but I kind of wonder why there would be slow damage...Is it like the enemy is struggling to get away from the magnetic pull of the sphere?


I think it'd be much better if this skill were designed to yank a crowd of enemies to the ball mag places, maybe even cause a little damage from being yanked into each other. Then they're just quite simply unable to move away from the sphere as long as they're stuck to it. It'd still affect bullets to a degree, but rather than just making the target bigger like bullet attractor does, it'll actull work as a kind of sheild like you say.


This is of course only if they move near the ball--though enemies just barely in the range might be somewhat pulled toward the ball, which would cause the slow effect.


Maybe using pull on it can cause a repelling affect that turns our Spidermag idea into a reverse-spidermag. Which is situational but useful. (Imagine a clump of toxics being stuck to the sphere! Y'll wanna repel.)


-Is just spitting ideas to see where this goes.-


And yes I notice that this seems to overlap a little with Vauban...but to be fair Vauban actually kills crap with his vortex. xD;

Edited by Hauteclere
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Hmm I think one of the reasons that the whole "ball" idea would never get implemented is because eventually they'll come out with a gravity or dark matter/energy frame, that sort of black hole-esque behavior is probably going to be reserved for whichever one of those they make. 

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Hmm I think one of the reasons that the whole "ball" idea would never get implemented is because eventually they'll come out with a gravity or dark matter/energy frame, that sort of black hole-esque behavior is probably going to be reserved for whichever one of those they make. 


Mmm...I'm not sure anti-matter will have the same effect. Then again I don't know that much about dark matter and the like at all.

I will say though that this also might be a bit much for a first skill...and Pull actually makes for a great first skill in my honest opinion. Its a utility move, and its great for what it already does...It just doesn't do as much as it could.

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I have another tweak for Crush that I didn't see in the list on the OP. Have a stagger effect for the range and duration of Crush, sort of like Sound Quake does, but with Crush's range. This is for protection from enemies not in range when Crush is cast. The enemies in range get smushed, those that come in later are held back by the force, but not particulary damaged. That way, Mag isn't an easy melee target if she happens to miss any enemies when she casts Crush.

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I have another tweak for Crush that I didn't see in the list on the OP. Have a stagger effect for the range and duration of Crush, sort of like Sound Quake does, but with Crush's range. This is for protection from enemies not in range when Crush is cast. The enemies in range get smushed, those that come in later are held back by the force, but not particulary damaged. That way, Mag isn't an easy melee target if she happens to miss any enemies when she casts Crush.


Hmmn. While I understand the logic behind your reasoning, I also understand the logic behind DE's reasoning for removing Mag's invincibility frames. So I'll honestly always be a little iffy about stagger effect stuff...


Though I will go ahead and add it to the OP so that it can be noticed that a lot of people feel it needs this.

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Something I have noticed... Shield Polarization seems to do damage on certain mobs. Only on things that have less total shields than you can remove.


I was wandering around Venus zapping moas with my unfocused, unfusioned version, no sentinel. When I hit a level 5 or less moa with the skill they'd lose about roughly 10% of their health.

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Mmm...I'm not sure anti-matter will have the same effect. Then again I don't know that much about dark matter and the like at all.

I will say though that this also might be a bit much for a first skill...and Pull actually makes for a great first skill in my honest opinion. Its a utility move, and its great for what it already does...It just doesn't do as much as it could.

I said dark matter not anti-matter, they are two different things. 

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well i guess i put my 2 cents here

I love MAG ,she is the most fun frame to play, she is the cutest frame to play and she is the most awesome frame to play overall

If, if i would change something on her, it would be only the shield polarize and reduce the cost of Pull to 10 energy


Pull- leave it as it is, just reduce the cost of energy to 10 or even 5 for more fun, 25 en is way ,way ,way too much


Shield Polarize - that skill i would totally change since i never seen anyone use it and honestly not using it like at all myself since the stupid aiming on friends (invalid target because he moved that very same second),also can't even tell if someone has low shield and before they say anything  the shield recharges anyway.

So how would i change it you ask?

Simple ,make it look same as the Bullet Attractor bubble (maybe blue color so there is no confusion) ,that you can cast anywhere ( on pod too) the bubble  will last for 5/10/15 seconds and anyone that will go inside the bubble will instantly recharge the shield for whatever amount De decides is ok,

also if the bubble is casted on cryo pod on defence ,it will have lets say 250/550/750 shield same time as above, so basically the bubble will work like an extra shield -  works same as normal shield ,so when shot at it goes down same as normal shield,

if enemies get inside the bubble it deplete theyr shield  , not slowing down  or anything , just same thing as the shield polarize now, when they get inside, it deplete the shield


Bullet  Attractor - leave it alone its perfect . If anything ,reduce the energy cost to 50


Crush - i say leave it alone, don't you all remember those banshee,ember,saryn crybabies crying that she is more powerful than them? Sure it doesn't make sense that she suffers not to have armor ignore on that crush,

sure anything that was in the crush should be crawling ,because of broken bones

but than again space ninjas don't make sense either,

so i say whatever , just for Christ sake DON'T NERF IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by 1beerhead1
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Oi, here's an idea for Shield Polarize. Instead of using flat amounts, let's make it percentage-based.


25% / 50% / 75% /100%


at ranks 0 through 3, respectively. This would apply to enemy shield damage as well as ally shield restoration. This would make it much more viable than it already is.

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