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Ps4 Login Issues


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I really don't think that it is DE.  Like I said above the whole PSN has been off since last week.  The store loads slow, party chats are getting dropped, ect.  Just keep trying to log in ever so often.  Of course restarting your playstation occasionally helps as well.  Where are you all located?  Maybe it is a regional issue?  I'm in the Central US.

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Instead of making posts that sound like selfish brats maybe we could attempt to provide information that could lead to a resolution.

When was the last time you could get on?

Do you get any error codes?

What region are you in?


Things like that go much further and actually assist in speeding up the process and getting back up and running in the shortest amount of time possible.

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1 out of 15 tries I can log in for 10 seconds then it boots me started with a failed to connect timed out another was a firewall UDP port 4950&4955 but on a ps4 so checked with internet provider and everything was fine from them can play every and any game but warframe rebooted routers and all still nothing yet And east coast as stated previously! If that helps speed things up then godspeed!

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Hello, same problem today... i can't play warframe on PS4.. all time message "Authentication failed. response time expired".

-Im have try rebuilding the database, same problem...
-reinitialize complety the PS4, and reinstall game, same problem...
-PS4 is connected with RJ45 cable
-i have reboot my internet modem many time
-DSN google don't resolve my problem.
-but PSN work perfectly...

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Hello, same problem today... i can't play warframe on PS4.. all time message "Authentication failed. response time expired".

-Im have try rebuilding the database, same problem...

-reinitialize complety the PS4, and reinstall game, same problem...

-PS4 is connected with RJ45 cable

-i have reboot my internet modem many time

-DSN google don't resolve my problem.

-but PSN work perfectly...


One quick question though.  Do you have your PS4 on a static IP with DMZ or Port forwarding setup?

oh and what region are you in?

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