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Spaceninja Vets: Top 3 Frames & Why?

(XBOX)Jak Riddle

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Excalibur: First ever frame, and I've stayed with him as my main ever since. Pre-rework I liked him for mobility and coolness, post-rework he became my go-to frame for everything and anything. For some reason I tend to handicap my weapon loadout to enjoy the game more when I use him: if I started using my more serious loadouts pretty sure I don't have to pull out Exalted Blade so much. 

Banshee: Squishy as hell but in my opinion she is the best support frame. Her first ability is amazing CC, and with the augment makes armored enemies cry. Second ability is the best damage multiplier bar none, and the augment allows you to disregard aiming after a while since everyone's covered in glowing spots. Third and fourth are two different forms of CC: one is mobile CC that allows you to stunlock everything in sight as you run past, and the other is immobile CC+ damage that can lock down an entire map when positioned right. 

Saryn: After the rework, she's now my favorite close quarters frame: although she can't really tank a hit, her abilities work so nicely with each other that playing her never gets old, and running in and out while spreading viral and toxin procs everywhere is just amazing. 

Special Mentions


Atlas: One Punch Warframe for the win! Tied with Saryn for close quarters Warframe: his ability to punch everything is just so fun that I always equip him with shotguns and gauntlets for that extra steamrolling power. 

Oberon: People deride Oberon for being a jack of all trades, but his versatility should not be underestimated: played well, you can keep a team alive through healing, turn the enemy on each other, and surprisingly tank damage that would otherwise be deadly. 


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In all honesty all the frames have their ups and downs. There is no "best" frame and never will be. Some frames completely own in certain situations while in others are very poor choices. Then there are other frames in which are massively fun to play but are not "best" for all the circumstances out there (i.e. atlas). My suggestion has and always will be build every frame, play it to 30, and then sell the ones you dont like. I have all frames even the ones I dont like because every frame can be useful in some circumstance.


As for the best frames well here is my opinion


1. The best frame in the game is Volt. With that sentance I just heard a ton of people going "WTF? Volts awful and needs a rework..." For people who dont know how to play him yeah volts not that great but Volts such a versatile frame with a great tool set that he can be played very effectively in a number of ways. I tend to play him as a gun mage using my primary to devastating effect while supporting team mates with aoe stuns (shock and overload), speed, and portable cover (electricity shield). That said, hes also an excellent ranged tank frame, support frame, and melee frame with the appropriate builds


The key to volt is versatility. He isnt a master of any one thing, he just does everything pretty well. Thats why hes the best frame in the game. To all those that say he needs a rework I say L2P


2. Oberon's another very versatile frame being pretty tanky, having a good amount of offense, defense, and the ability to heal himself and the team. I like to play him as the classic tanky paladin. Put a galatine or scindo prime in his hands and charge into the middle of the enemy wrecking havoc. By the time everythings dead he can just heal himself and keep going.


3. I went back and forth with my third choice because theres a lot of good choices here. Ultimately I decided on the CC queen Nyx. With the right build Nyx's ability to control the waves of enemies is unparralleled. There are other good CC frames like Vauban but Nyx is the only one who not just Controls the crowd but makes them fight each other. Not only that but mind control can take that 1 annoying or devastating enemy out of the fight and turn it against everything else. It can be a highly strategic power by mind controlling things like shield ospreys or ancient healers for support abilities or it can be an offensive power by controlling that bombard or heavy gunner thats owning your friends.


Even when the chips are down and your out of luck Nyx's bubble is yet another CC ability that can knock enemies down or annihilate the tankiest enemies. Plus it has that built in taunt to keep stuff off that pod



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For solo endurance or group endurance runs the best you can get is a Trinity.

Frosty is the King of Defense missions - but wait, not just that! A build big on range and efficiency has excellent hard and soft CC capabilities, and it's extremely fun to play with.

For the last one... I have far too many frames that could fit that spot. I seriously can't decide.

E-honourable mentions:

- Zephyr. Near immunity from projectiles, AND YOU CAN FRIGGING FLY :D :D :D

- Volt. Gotta go sanic! Seriously though, Volt is an amazingly flexible frame.

- Ash. Stabbing people in the face never gets old.

- Banshee. She is THE screaming b*tch. What more could you ask for?

- Nyx. The frame that makes you wonder about the subtle difference between the concepts of ally and enemy.

- Excalibur. Because swish-swhoshing your way through level 100+ mobs is surprisingly satisfying.

- Chroma. THE facetanker. Also, DRAGON BRUH ;D But </3 because your glorified turret can have wings and you can't :(

- Rhino. Because who needs a tank when you can send a whole map into chronostasis by frigging stomping and roaring and geerally being so frigging metal.

Ah, also: try all frames. Each is a joy to play. Every single one of them. Experiment with builds. Try new things. But try them all.

Except Limbo. Damn Limbo to Hell and beyond.

Edited by Autongnosis
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Max armor, hp, shields mods, rage & quick thinking, flow(prime if you own) then use something with lifesteal(I use lifestrike), Max arcane barrier(Still working on this myself), then the ability to know when to heal and not nuke your energy pointlessly

While then others survive with Capacitance and Quick Thinking along with a simply maxed redirection, they only take three slots after all :P (2k shields and a nice shield recharge by pressing 4). Edited by Izurisah
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If we are talking about frames to bring in quite high level content (t4 or any other faction at levels over 50 / 60 and beyond)


- Excalibur, radial blind + exalted blade damage (and rage + lifestrike) can go a long way.


- Loki, a "classic". If played properly will avoid 99% of blows (will stay always stealth and away from the line of fire), CC an area and dish out significant amounts of damage.


- Frost, it is always nice to have a good globe in tight situations. He is basically the shield of the team aka increases global survival.




If we talk about everyday missions, so not necessarily top high content


- Oberon, it may sound unorthodox but i find myself using him so much. With correct build he is very tough to die (rage + self heal) and has everything you need, range damage + cc, remove bleeding / poison and other debuffs + immune to knockdown, self heal of team heal, medium / large AoE damage + CC & radiation proc.


- Ember, with World of Fire build and maybe its augment for added CC. Not much to say, try it yourself she will clear maps and CC with low effort, you'll just have to run around and dodge some stuff. And if you need more CC and damage just use Accelerant to stun the whole area.


- Can't really think about a third specific frame. Probably Loki / Excalibur.

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I love melee in this game and I love valkyrs playstyle so much, I usually go for eternal war build with a mios and use hysteria when I'm in trouble.

You can't die when you use Valkyr, unless you run out of energy.



I use trinity mainly when needed in defence missions, draco, etc.. Even though I usually use her EV build, she can be a really nice tank as well if you use her link. I love using a tank build with a melee weapon that I channel, since I can restore my energy anyways with EV.



I love applying dots to the whole run and watching it spread. While she isn;t that great as a dps anymore she's still pretty fun, but when Ivara comes out I'll likely play saryn less and more Ivara as Ivara seems like so much fun. 

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so the OP frames :


mirage : deal more than the damage of 2 squads by yourself (x9 damage) or permablind the entire map

trinity : take at least 150 times less damage while allowing your squad to spam powers like crazy

nyx : #2->CC #3->emergency CC #4->emergency ow F*** button #1->get a free bullet sponge


mentions to valkyr's hysteria, loki's irradiating desarm, ash's vomitstorm, frost's nope globe, nova's MPrime and vauban's "plz don't crash my GPU"

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DPS/ Survivabilty/ 3/4 Tank/ Balance/ CC/ Rate: Bro out of Bro!



Speedruns/ Solo/ Indefinite Invisibility/ CC/ Rate: God out of God!



Farming/ Farming/ More farming/ Not penis not vajayjay/ Rate: Fucken epic is what!


"3 fa-a-avs... yeahhh bruhhh the sickessttt... lol"

Edited by (PS4)Frostyyy2K15
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Nyx: Goddess of CC, and nemesis nyx+nyx p helm looks amazing. She fits my playstyle really well.

Equinox: Hey, sometimes I want to heal my team, sometimes I wanna blow up every enemy in the solar system. Equinox allows that.

Valkyr: Very few things can bring the same joy as ripping through an entire squad of grineer bombards with nothing but my bare hands.

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1. Zephyr - This frame....I don't know why it's so much fun, but it is.  Can also be nearly unkillable with her 3rd ability.


2. Vauban- The traps!  Fun times to be had.


3. Limbo- I like him, he's just very.....strange.  Fun, but strange.

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Sayryn with her 1, 2 combo was a favorite way to play before her recent rework. now its even better. spread spores, avoid aggro, (gain health with augment) and shoot anything thats DoT-ing.


Nova with speed mods. shes squishy so forget defence mods and just run/parkor faster than the enemy can respond; then cut them down with a fast polearm (orthos/Prime) or alpha damage weapon (shotgun). Clever use of dimension door makes melee fun too.


Ash with high efficiency and range. smoke screen and teleport spam to cause confusion and close the gap on enemies.


I have to add a fourth


Frost with high range and duration(and augments). Ramp his shields and armor and use globes and icewave to control the pace of battle.


none of these are really "meta" but they are very active and fun ways to play that work from low to high level combat.

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I never thought I'd say this until recently. However I feel pretty powerful in Mirage + Forma'd Synoid Simulor. Just kill everything before it kills you. 


Other then that, Frost Prime and Banshee.


I shouldn't need to explain Frost Prime and because I personally like playstyles around guns, the aspect of banshee rewarding accuracy is something I like. (and can also be very strong, sniper rework + Banshee = op?)

Edited by DeGibblets
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Trinity, Trinity, Trinity.


I excel at support roles, especially ones that reward spam builds. I can keep everyone charged with energy, health, and overshields, while using Blessing to heal anyone who begins to drop quickly.


Trin is love. Trin is life.

This... + you will get an invitation to "literally" everything.

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Rhino with sprint build + vangaurd + jat kittag for melee faceroll (sprint speed stacks with melee movement speed if you sprint toggle during combos, really fun and fast)


Mag for corpus faceroll and good CC (dat 2 tho)


Ash for fun factor. As long as you can spam 4, you literally can't die and you dish out insane dmg while spamming. Pretty useless high lvls but still fun to obliterate an entire room in under 5 seconds with max power range build. I use ash + nekros team up on low lvl maps to farm things, dat double loot.


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