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[Major Spoiler] Did Not See That Coming.

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Now ya see I played the quest and we still don't know what's actually in the suits.. We only know who controls t and how but what flesh is in it? A body? Just flesh? What!?? And with the transmissions from our Tenno it seems that our war frames have another personality because our Tenno character talks to the warframe and the warframe had Broken. Stalkers sword themselves and such so I want to know so bad what is goin on in there!

Edited by Jc1011
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Warframe shouldn't be a "heartwarming" game though. It's a game about badass ninja's slaughtering thousands and looting S#&$. At least it used to be. Now it's about a buncha kids playing dress up, for the most part outta harms way. Game's still fun, but the lore is now extremely lame in my opinion.

I think from a psychological stand point it's great. Sure we're not Geralt, The lone Wanderer or Isaac Clarke but kids that were literally forced to becoming outsiders of the Orokin and were destined to do nothing but to kill without question. Keep in mind they didn't become Tenno by choice, they were forced into becoming them.
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So... once the children mature they can don their frames without feeling "small" because of having short statures.

This is what I think.

Once the Tenno grow a bit and are adults(20 to however long) they can then don the frames.

But for now they control them remotely.

*head canon*

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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... so anime, so anime
children using death suits to fight a war, some part of me wanted the tenno to be badass immortals. Then again theres something so weird about the fact they're children mainly saryn and rhino.

i like this idea it reminds me of mid 90's anime but still.


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People seem to be forgetting about Ember and Rhino primes codex entries. Because this was all bound to happen.

to be fair i assumed that going into the void simply made you a longer lived copyright friendly xman. there was no reason to assume das wunderkinder were biologically frozen.

this game just went from avengers with murder to Neon Genesis.

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I like that idea....


I am bummed, however, that the warframes/tenno are not rigorously trained, elite warriors like every other part of the game seems to point to.  Unless the biomass inside the frame has the knowledge of fighting abilities and the Tenno are the ones who awaken it...idk...all of the asian/martial arts themes in this game doesnt match up at all with the western Tenno children. 


The quest makes it explicit that Tenno are in fact supreme warriors with a lot of unique culture. Forget about the lore of things like the Syandanas, which drops the fact that some player Tenno were high judges in the Orokin empire, but Tenno also formed schools based around the philosophy of war.


They are physically children, but mentally older than even the Lotus herself, at least in terms of her time as the Lotus. All Tenno spawned from one event, that pre-dates the Lotus, meaning that they have some form of immortality that locks in their neotenic traits.


They would have to meet someone with their bodies at some point, and psychologically, not many people would take heed from a child. Besides, if they are children, then they would most likely think of growing up, so why not try it out with those weird powers they just have?


The Tenno could never meet with someone in their body. One of the quest responses when talking to the Lotus has your own character explain that when they are not dreaming in their Transference stations their powers are dangerous and uncontrolled. Anyone meeting with a Tenno in person has a good chance of getting mind-spiked or hit with a laser.
The fact that all Tenno ornamentation is on the warframe implies that their avatars in society were the warframe. A Tenno acting as a scientist or judge would beautify their Warframe for their duties, not themselves, and the Hectate Syandana makes it clear that a Tenno attending social gatherings would do so in their warframe as well. Judging by how the Tenno treat their own faces with the optional somatic implants, their physical bodies are a utilitarian necessity.

to be fair i assumed that going into the void simply made you a longer lived copyright friendly xman. there was no reason to assume das wunderkinder were biologically frozen.

this game just went from avengers with murder to Neon Genesis.



Every void exposed creature we have seen has become a horrific mind controlled puppet or a strange cosmic entity. If you don't consider Vorr to be an example of perfect stasis I don't know what would qualify.


The fact that every Tenno is already older than the Lotus as an individual makes it rather clear that you are not growing up.


A permanently childlike psychic with an ancient mind and powers that can't be safely controlled by their bodies reminds me more of Akira than Neon Genesis. Though the concept of the warframe has a clear link to NGE.

Edited by dezzmont
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This is what I think.

Once the Tenno grow a bit and are adults(20 to however long) they can then don the frames.

But for now they control them remotely.

*head canon*

If they needed to wear it, it's not impossible for a small body to fit in a suit (tons of fictional soldiers wear power suits that add a foot of height)
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Hmmm. Remote Tenno...


I don't mind it. I'm surprised DE went to all that effort. but, I do now need some questions answering:


1. Vor's line in the Arid fear victory text "Every time we tear a Tenno from their metal womb" obviously they weren't talking about actual Tenno, because no one knew about that, so. Is that text non-canon or is there a retcon explanation.


2. In the Mutalist arc. Alad V threatens us with joining his mutalist empire via infection. Hollow threats given there is no organic body in there. What Thread does the infestation hold for a puppet Warframe.


3. In the Zanuka Arc Alad V talks about Tenno bones. In this story he said that "What he found didn't make any sense" but if he found nothing? Why talk about bones, if the Warframes were empty, or filled with tech


4. Kinda makes the long-time description of Warframe's as "exo armour" a bit daft, why use it in the first place?


5. Might want to change Letch Kril's lines, stop him babbling about bleeding and skin no?


6. So what were we escaping from in the intro. When Vor showed up couldn't we just pick a different Warframe to project into?


7. Limbo Theorem, Hidden Messages. Why were those Tenno "dead"


8. Life support, bleeding, etc


I mean if you're saying "Hey, we stick a clone body in there" really? we were building Warframes and we didn't think about the clone body sitting in each one? Doesn't seem right, also but build Warframes out of Chassis, systems and helmet, there is no "dummy corpse" in that list.


Sure there are _possible_ answers, but there are a little.... well... less than satisfying.

Well the warframes are puppets yes;

but they're organic to some degree.


So they could still bleed and stuff despite being remote controlled

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6. So what were we escaping from in the intro. When Vor showed up couldn't we just pick a different Warframe to project into?


I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and posit that you have to tune specific Warframes to specific users when they're first created (Possibly the 'frames are actually based on a given Tenno's genetic material or some such for some of the organic components, but not necessarily full on clones). Also based on the ending of the quest (Where the frame snaps Hunhow/War with their bare hands while their tenno's being choked out by the Stalker) there's still some possibility that a Warframe is independent to some degree but without a Tenno or some other source to provide power (Like Hunhow's  bones since the frame goes limp once he snaps it) they're rendered inert (or at the very least have a hard time moving) really DE's managed to leave a lot of the details open-ended so they have plenty of time/room to elaborate. 

Edited by Basilisk1991
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Hmmm. Remote Tenno...


I don't mind it. I'm surprised DE went to all that effort. but, I do now need some questions answering:


1. Vor's line in the Arid fear victory text "Every time we tear a Tenno from their metal womb" obviously they weren't talking about actual Tenno, because no one knew about that, so. Is that text non-canon or is there a retcon explanation.


2. In the Mutalist arc. Alad V threatens us with joining his mutalist empire via infection. Hollow threats given there is no organic body in there. What Thread does the infestation hold for a puppet Warframe.


3. In the Zanuka Arc Alad V talks about Tenno bones. In this story he said that "What he found didn't make any sense" but if he found nothing? Why talk about bones, if the Warframes were empty, or filled with tech


4. Kinda makes the long-time description of Warframe's as "exo armour" a bit daft, why use it in the first place?


5. Might want to change Letch Kril's lines, stop him babbling about bleeding and skin no?


6. So what were we escaping from in the intro. When Vor showed up couldn't we just pick a different Warframe to project into?


7. Limbo Theorem, Hidden Messages. Why were those Tenno "dead"


8. Life support, bleeding, etc


I mean if you're saying "Hey, we stick a clone body in there" really? we were building Warframes and we didn't think about the clone body sitting in each one? Doesn't seem right, also but build Warframes out of Chassis, systems and helmet, there is no "dummy corpse" in that list.


Sure there are _possible_ answers, but there are a little.... well... less than satisfying.

for 6 it was probably because we were confused from waking up from our first dream that we thought our warframes were our real body. when we switched warframes we may have simply thought that Ordis was switching it out and we just didnt pay it much mind. 


for 3, he probably meant that what he found inside resembled the function of bones so he simply refereed to them as bones.


The final part of the quest was so cool! with us using our raw power and stuff. I WANNA REPLAY IT!

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I'm just going to take a shot in the dark here and posit that you have to tune specific Warframes to specific users when they're first created (Possibly the 'frames are actually based on a given Tenno's genetic material or some such for some of the organic components, but not necessarily full on clones). Also based on the ending of the quest (Where the frame snaps Hunhow/War with their bare hands while their tenno's being choked out by the Stalker) there's still some possibility that a Warframe is independent to some degree but without a Tenno or some other source to provide power (Like Hunhow's  bones since the frame goes limp once he snaps it) they're rendered inert (or at the very least have a hard time moving) really DE's managed to leave a lot of the details open-ended so they have plenty of time/room to elaborate. 

I feel like the tennos desperateness to get free of the Stalker activated the warframe. I forgot what happend to the stalker after that, i remember him floating then a flash of light and space mom appearing.

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