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[Second Dream Spoilers] I Should Have Listened To Ordis.

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I split the veil and showed the dream, and I really don't like what I saw.  We're.... anime teenagers?  Seriously?  And we TALK?  And the in-mission pop-ups, don't get me started.  I seriously do NOT like this at all, so I guess I'm one of those people who DE said the reveal would rub the wrong way.  It's hard to quantify my reasons for disliking this whole set-up; possibly, it's due to how it utterly neuters any personality, personal motivation, or anything else you migh have applied to your Tenno.  Before, the frames had personality and character, and you were free to project onto them.  Now.. ugh. 


Having a voiceless, faceless protagonist worked so, so much better, and now I just feel disappoined and aimless about the whole thing.  The quest was so good up to the end, but now I know that we're just anime schoolchildren piloting what are essentially empty, thoughtless robots, and the game just isn't enjoyable for me anymore.  I think I need a long break.

Do you even know what anime is? It's getting kind of old seeing people like you refer to anything they don't like as anime, like it's some sort of insult. Just because they're children doesn't mean it's an anime. Are child soldiers in Africa anime? If so, just shoot me now because the world immediately loses what little sense it had left in it. Also, how is a brainwashed, traumatized child soldier not brutal? Are you trolling? I hope so. Did you even listen to anything during the quest? Have you read any of the codex entries? Any Synthesis Target lore? If you haven't reached the prerequisite amount of information to give an educated opinion, please refrain from doing so.

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You're not the only one OP, I do think the same.


I don't know what to add since you already pretty much described the exact same thing I feel. However someone told me that there's an option to disable the operator's voice in the in game option menu. As soon as I saw that I immediately turned it off. You should do it too. You can find that option at the same place where you can modulate Ordis's volume.

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For anyone who had watched akira and seen evangelion when it came out it took one look at embers bio to know DEs whole plot right of out of the game.


The quest was predictable as hell and the outcome bland to say the least. I read better evangelion fan fiction. Not that i would care enough to dig those old stories up most of them are after all older then the kid in the liset.


I would be fine with the cripple kid IF and only if it was not so completely obvious that DE intend to see that old tired trope to its end and foce them to become our avatar in the game. Our "operator"


Sorry that is not going to work.


Before i was the operator i controlled my warframes bodies remotely.




Now i watch a kid that was forced upon me play with dolls. An incompetent kid at that. Who has yet to learn that silence is golden. 


I have no rapport, no connection to this kid at all, yet DE seems to think i should care.


Oh i do care.


I care that my silence is broken with yet another generic bland human again.


How many times must developers go down this tired trope until they try something other then humans, or humans with odd colors?


I am one of the few who does not want to see their characters face. I am one of the few who when given the choice choose to cover my avatars face completely.


Time and time again the opposite happens.


I have zero need for the focus system and will see if i can remap 5 to a key i will never press when i play.


u18 so far is a trainwreck for me personally.


But i guess i manage somehow. Perhaps i scrap this account and make a new one and ignore all and every single lore quest forever going forward.

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