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Best Way To Recruit People For My Clan?


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Any good way to recruit people for a new clan i might decide to make?

i was told many times to keep a keen eye on recruiting chat and yet not many arrived.

Any ideas to get more people?

Should i advertise it?

Should i tell many people about it?

Edited by XtechPanda
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Recruiting is a tedious time consuming process, and there's no guarantee the people you do recruit will stay. The less you have to offer your clan members the harder it will be to grow and retain members. After all you will be competing with massive Moon and Mountain clans for members. Also some people just join to steal research, then leave after they get what they want. You will lose a small portion of your clan to inactivity every month, usually when players exhaust playable content or just get bored with the game. So needless to say leading a clan requires a good deal of patience, resources, and spare time. Officers are your bread and butter, finding willing officers is almost as hard as finding good ones. So there's ALOT of components for a successful clan.

Creating a clan is easy, making it succeed is another matter entirely.

I speak from my position as a Storm Clan leader.

Edited by Schrodingers_Bodybag
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Find a niche. Why should someone go to your clan rather than someone elses? Cater to a specific audience. If you are a hardcore player, look for like minded individuals, if you are relaxed and cool about anything, look for players who play more casually. It is more niche and might be difficult to find recruits but it the ones that do might be more likely to stay if you appeal to them. The more unique your niche the better. For instance, my clan, Cephalon Shy, is just a casual clan.The worst you can do is just recruit anyone to the clan. You get numbers, but I've been in some clans where people didn't really know each other and quite frankly didn't want to. It's tempting to just accept anyone but it ultimately hurts in the long run. Our clan, despite being a YouTuber clan, has lax requirements but a very rigorous application process. If you're a casual clan, look for personality above all.


Clans are expensive too. Make sure you have resources to build a dojo, fund research, etc. In the future your clan members should be contributing to these, but you need to present your clan as stable. Nobody wants to just join a clan to fund your dojo, then be kicked out. 


This goes to clan participation. Engage your clannies, listen to what they want, do giveaways if you have the resources or just run missions together. You want the clan to talk with each other as much as possible and grow connections and friends. This encourages new members to stay in the clan and possibly even recruit there friends. Recruiting friends of clan members is a great strategy. This way they will already have connections to the clan and an incentive to stay. Offer services such as Teamspeak, Raidcall, Discord, etc. Teamspeak is one of the most popular, although my clan uses Discord.


An active clan is important too. It may hurt, but be sure to constantly purge inactive clan members. For my clan, I purge after 30 days absence without notice. It doesn't matter if you have 300 clan members but only 30 are active. 


It is very important to put yourself out there. Advertise on the forums, or in the game itself. Make small talk to people in random missions you join, such as a long defense or survival. Highlight how great your clan is and how the community is. Even for my clan, even though we are a YouTube clan, I often talk with players that are rather social and talk about how great my clan is. More people than you think are in dead clans but simply don't leave because they don't know where else to go. 


Lastly, let's talk about officers. This is really one of the dispositive issues with clan management. If it is a small ghost, shadow, or even storm clan, MAYBE you can get away with being the only officer. However, you will soon realize that this a lot of work. Especially for a Storm clan, I'd consider splitting up the workload a bit. For instance, our clan structure is that Shy is the warlord of the clan, but because she is busy with her YouTube channel, I am the de facto leader. Below me are my officers. They handle recruitment for me, and tend to our clan's steam group, and that is really all there responsibilities. Then I have dedicated architects who only can build things in our clan. Even though our clan has 300 members, there are only 4 officers other than me and Shy.

Do not hand out officer positions sparingly, and personally speaking, don't do seniority. Officers should be chosen based on qualifications, not how long they've been in the clan. One of my newest officers has only been in the clan for 2 months, whereas my oldest players have been in the clan before me even. None of them hold any position of real responsibility. 


I'd also consider networking with other clan leaders. Throw support among each other and form or join an alliance. This goes back to getting yourself out there. As a new clan, you're basically a nobody, so you need to put your clan out there. Having an alliance offers a way to trade advice with other clan leaders and mutually benefit everyone.


I hope this helps. Starting a clan is tough business, and following this advice is not a surefire way to get a super popular clan. However, with enough patience and sacrifice you can definitely make your clan into something special.

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