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A Plea For Help


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I am not good at being positive since I been trying to be positive myself, and it's a bit hard. Though, knowing is better than being ignorant at the fact of what is going on to a dear friend of mine. My good friend and also someone who's helped me so much in my life has been diagnosed Stage IV Hodgkin Lymphoma. I personally do not think she deserves the suffering she is withstanding right now and my plea from my fellow players is just a simple request, give her strength. She is a person who is selfless, kind, would do anything to make you smile along with do anything to help you. She would also whoop your butt if you try to think anything negative against yourself. (not literal of course) She is one of the most rare kind of people you'd ever meet. Someone you'd know that doesn't deserve what is happening to her right now. Her name is Viciousraven in this game. Some of you might know her, some of you might not. Though right now, all she needs is our support and a lot of positivity in her life with the constant suffering she's enduring. That's my plea, she's always tried her hardest to have me and others smile, I think she deserves a smile of her own.

Edited by Fait
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I like her already! ;<

She reminds me of myself~ o 3o

People like dat are strong, you don't have to worry yourself sick. She probably wouldn't want that. Especially if things take a turn for the worst. :<

Edited by Zarozian
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I'm never really good at supporting and stuff....I agree she shouldn't be going through such a thing....If only I had some plat I'd send her a gift and a nice little note along with it...


I'm going to add both of you... I hope she will get better...

Edited by dacond3
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I understand the feeling. I was in a situation much the same as yours back in 2013. One of my closest friends had been having some undiagnosed health problems (her family was very poor, and could not afford insurance, and this was before the rise of USA's Obamacare.) and she was often feeling fatigued and depressed, with little energy to do anything she loved. I started a collab story with her, but we never managed to finish it because one day she lied down for a nap and never woke up, anneurism in her brain killed her in her sleep. The most important thing is to be strong, and to hold on. Do everything you can for that person because life is fragile. Love much, laugh often. I hope and I pray to the Lotus that your friend's story doesn't end like my friend's. I'll add you two, we'll do something sometime.

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Wuvs and huggles to both of you~ <3 c(T^Tc)


And if you ever need someone to talk or vent to- and I mean EVER- I have an ear to listen and shoulder to lean on. (I don't frequent the forums very much, but I can be easily found on twitter... or if your in-game friends list has room for one more, feel free to add me there. ^.^ )

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It is never easy seeing or hearing someone you know go through stuff like this. You want to be strong but it just hits you so hard and keeps you down a lot. But regardless, you both have to stay strong and fight through it. She has my prayers, thoughts and heart hoping things turn around for the better. May the Lotus help guide her through these tough times.

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I don't post on the forums much but if sparing a minute to write a post about being positive can help your friend out then of course I'm going to do it. :D

Viciousraven I don't know who you are or what you might be going through but whatever that might be you've got a ton of people out there supporting you and so never give up hope! Know that no matter what happens you've got a wonderful friend like Fait right there beside you to help whenever you stumble or fall so don't ever stop trying! Now, just like Fait, we know of you and have your back just as much. So keep staying motivated and keep pushing forward. Everyone in your life is right there with you and cheering you on! Stay Positive! <3

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I know how it feels, i have experienced it once as well, and all i can say is that truly she doesn't deserve it and my prayers and wishes go out to her. She deserves life and i hope she gets well.


This is my experience of it:


Edited by PixelGeek
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Well, not really good at this, but some people deserve the best we have to offer and more. Go, show the world that something is unbelivebly strong in you, show the world that strenght is made from actions. From fait's plea you can see a life changed, a smile brought, let us, those who unknown to you, those who do not know you, give you strenght. You gave a smile, let us return the favor.


Regards and wishes from someone who has someone like you in his life and was changed by it,


Edited by Soludea
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Be strong, you were it untill now. I never met you and never will since I play on console, but know this. You are not alone. You are beautiful, I'm sure even more than Faits words can ever describe you. Stay strong, be happy, smile. When I could I would give you such a big hug full of joy.

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Ok, so she has some kind of cancer. How do we help? I don't mean to sound like a &#036;&amp;*^, but all this prayer and 'good intentions' and 'wishing luck' bull won't do anything.

Is there a way we can contribute to medical funding or something that will really help her?

I've not seen a funding campaign or anything of the sort in the video or in the forum post.

Again, I'm not trying to be negative or anything. I just believe that when there is a problem,solve it.

Don't wait around for some miracle, because it won't happen.

I'll be eagerly waiting for a reply.

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