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Ash's Rework Concept


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With each and every frame getting a rework over time i have been thinking of what would happen with what frames. I thought about Ash and how he can be reworked to be a better ninja and less blade stormer.

Ash's Passive

All melee attacks against Ash will have a 25% chance of being countered

Reason: Originally i was thinking more of a pourkour buff but Mirage already has taken that passive so i think this counter will suit Ash as Ash would have high reflexes that hitting a true ninja should be almost impossible.

Ash's Shurikens
His Shurikens can toggle through a different variety of shurikens all serving a different task. All these shurikens go by the old rule of only hitting three enemies and dealing intial slash damage.


Explosive Shuriken
Targets will have a flashing light that beeps for 3 seconds then explodes. Note: this can hurt you.
Blinding Shuriken
Targets will be blinded for 10 seconds (Affected by duration)

Magnetic Shuriken
Causes target to be inflicted by a magnetic proc so this is ideal for shields.
Death Mark Shuriken
This places a "Death Mark" on the target this can be a symbol on top of it's head meaning that this target killed by ash will take bonus finisher damage and will give Ash energy depending on the type of enemy (Normal soliders give very little but eximus units give the most).

Taking this from Ivara's book it allows Ash to be the ideal solo-ist with having a shuriken for each ideal situation. do you need to blind certain targets or blow up a clump of enemies?

Ash's Smokebomb
Ash's smokebomb will do the same as before but create a smokefield that will make targets have a hard time finding anything in the area but they can still hear you. (I am more leaning for this to be an augment).

Generally to add some extra flair to the smokebomb as it would be useful in groups for players to move in the smoke for better position.

Ash's Teleport
Does the same effects but will have the same effect as Atlas's counter thus creating a miniture bladestorm. If you don't know what i mean by Atlas's counter i mean that the teleport will become cheaper each time with cheaper energy cost and higher damage within this counter duration shown on the screen.


creates a small blade storm ability that is honestly more interactable.

Ash's Bladestorm(May need new name)
Ash summons his two clones entering a this "Awesome Ninja Assasination mode". Much like draining abilites this will drain energy over time with the intial cost 25 or 50. You will be able to combo with your blades as well as your two clones side by side. These clones can draw some fire and will copy your combos and your abillities this means if you do shurikens they will throw shurikens, if you teleport they will teleport to other targets and do finishers.

This one is honestly hard and don't think is a perfect idea honestly it is hard to say on what to do on this ability without completely ruining it so this i am more hoping for people discuss on how you think it should be.

Thank you for reading please share your opinions on this idea.

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In other words lets add Ash to the trash

More like let's take Ash from the trash. Like most frames he's stuck in one button cheese limbo where everybody just use bladestorm and nothing else and spams that and says that he is a good/viable frame. He's meh and bladestorm is the ONLY thing keeping him 'interesting'

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In other words lets add Ash to the trash

Ash is really stuck to his ultimate because why throw shurikens when you can ult, why use smokebomb to get away when you can ult, why use teleport when you can ult? His ult is way too good compared to his other abilities.

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