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Why Do People Call Me A Noob Just Because Of My Mr?


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First, 1 shot level 100 enemy? like roller?

Or else, not even Ash ult can 1 shot level 100 enemy.


Bad frame?

No body said that. 

What is said is, it is not a very good frame.


You can't even read, and you call people noob. You might need to think on that.

Banshee is hands down the best frame for mobile defense in the entire game. She has the highest damage amp in the entire game and makes group play past level150 very easy.


I never play banshee but I really dont know what youre talking about by saying shes not very good.

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Ok so I'm not here talking about the $&*&*#(%& Banshee debate going on here, but I do feel your pain, been playing for 2 years now as well and am only now getting to 15 because I'm grinding out weapons and warframes, if I left it alone and just played with the stuff I enjoyed then I would still be MR10. They call you noob, then ask how long they've been playing, you'll mute their $&*&*#(%& comment immediately.

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^ The moment I see someone use the term "Noob", it's a "tell" of the most negative kind.

If it is THAT important to make sure you have a game-mode savvy squad, then don't recruit random players.

Remember, that "Tenno" behind that frame might be a child who is truly excited to be playing with more experienced players.

Or they might be a mother/father who hasRL responsibilities that younger people can't even comprehend and they play for fun/relaxation as an outlet.

Finally, always remember this:


Extend a hand...not elitist insults that mean nothing in real life and only harm the community/experience.

Make DE PROUD. Rebeccaclause is watching...

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Yes, it looks like people are interested in safe, easy things that require less skill, so what, that doesn't mean that frames that need more skill are less powerful.

Or you know for most content people run nova is a lot more effective. Unless you are going for an hour in t4 banshee's crazy damage buff is just over kill. It's a matter of scaling, she's great at high level but at lower to mid it's just excessive for things that drop in a shot.

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^ The moment I see someone use the term "Noob", it's a "tell" of the most negative kind.

If it is THAT important to make sure you have a game-mode savvy squad, then don't recruit random players.

Remember, that "Tenno" behind that frame might be a child who is truly excited to be playing with more experienced players.

Or they might be a mother/father who hasRL responsibilities that younger people can't even comprehend and they play for fun/relaxation as an outlet.

Finally, always remember this:


Extend a hand...not elitist insults that mean nothing in real life and only harm the community/experience.

Make DE PROUD. Rebeccaclause is watching...

This guy gets it. I salute you.

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Topic: "Why Do People Call Me A Noob Just Because Of My Mr?"


Answer: Because they are noobs ;)

Simple as that.

Everybody that have at least some experience in this game knows that MR means _almost_ nothing.

Very low <5 is a sign of new player.. but not necesairly a noob.

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I was a mr7 for a year when someone told me about the Mr system now I'm a mr15 but as I was a mr7 I build and forma every weapon and frame that a had I got called mood by many people but then I started out killing them with my frost (frost for life) and made ppl know my skilled I only get my Mr so high cuz I want the cap for stuff to be higher so don't worry just make them know ur not a noob by ur skills

Edited by (PS4)kickbackevan_723
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I've never been called noob nor anything offensive ever in this game, except once I found a real jerk that flamed me for taking Rhino in T3 def as I was trying to explain I could perma cc anything that gets close he kept calling me names. Anyways there's the ignore button for a reason although I really like the community here, there are always exceptions.

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Well first of all



Second, dont worry about people who judge others by their MR, odds are they are "fakelitists" who look for ways to try and make themselves seem like pro's. 9/10 the people i encounter who look down on those with lower MR are usually bad players and i end up having to carry them. Just ignore them and move on

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You know, I hung out at MR9 for over a year, just because I didn't feel like grinding out some things. Whereas within a month someone can easily get to MR15.


Don't pay any attention to the fools. They just don't want to take the time to look at your profile or at least play with you a little. Everyone is in a rush these days.

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Maybe a noob is too much, I know what I can and can't run with what I have, but that just gave me an idea... 


CONCLAVE rating!


Instead of showing (or while also showing) the MR, it should show your current loadout Conclave rating... this way, that MR 0 with 2k+ Rating can say "What's up Bro?" without people calling them a noob...

(could also work in the sorties missions... instead of limiting by MR, a minimum conclave to play it...

Not a good idea because:

1. conclave system is laggy because of the host system.

2.warframes are unbalanced.

3.weapons are unbalanced.

So NOPE, conclave is a bad idea, It will just result in people using 2 or maybe 3 op weapons all over the place and the salt.. the salt would kill the game.

Edited by TRagnar
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Not a good idea because:

1. conclave system is laggy because of the host system.

2.warframes are unbalanced.

3.weapons are unbalanced.

So NOPE, conclave is a bad idea, It will just result in people using 2 or maybe 3 op weapons all over the place and the salt.. the salt would kill the game.

He's talking about conclave rating. As in the figure that is affected by what mods you have on.

Conclave games and conclave rating are different things.

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To all the Banshee lovers that have posted yet:


Please tell me, a MR12 player with 700 hours of ingame time, how I can get any fun out of her.


I honestly have no idea how to build her and she isn't really fun to me in her current state.



And to OP:


Just ignore people that call you a "noob" because of your MR.

I understand that there are things in this game you don't like and its probably same for everyone else.

However even I, as someone who hates changes, has come to like things like Parkour 2.0 and new weapons(not all though).

I built them, I played them till rank 30, I formad them or threw them away depending on what it was.

The fact is though that you don't have to like it but you can try it out.

There are probably many weapons/frames you haven't tried yet and may be fun to you after some time.

To me MR just means hat you have tried out many things in this game and nothing else.

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To all the Banshee lovers that have posted yet:

Please tell me, a MR12 player with 700 hours of ingame time, how I can get any fun out of her.

I honestly have no idea how to build her and she isn't really fun to me in her current state.

And to OP:

Just ignore people that call you a "noob" because of your MR.

I understand that there are things in this game you don't like and its probably same for everyone else.

However even I, as someone who hates changes, has come to like things like Parkour 2.0 and new weapons(not all though).

I built them, I played them till rank 30, I formad them or threw them away depending on what it was.

The fact is though that you don't have to like it but you can try it out.

There are probably many weapons/frames you haven't tried yet and may be fun to you after some time.

To me MR just means hat you have tried out many things in this game and nothing else.

You're asking about fun, which is subjective. What is fun to you?

Banshee may not be fun for everyone, she is just powerful. She matches nova and excal in ability but not everyone finds even nova or excalibur fun.

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You're asking about fun, which is subjective. What is fun to you?

Banshee may not be fun for everyone, she is just powerful. She matches nova and excal in ability but not everyone finds even nova or excalibur fun.

Fun to me is for example Valkyr.


Even though my build may not be the best for her since I'm missing some mods she's much fun.


Slashing everything standing in her way.

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To all the Banshee lovers that have posted yet:


Please tell me, a MR12 player with 700 hours of ingame time, how I can get any fun out of her.


I honestly have no idea how to build her and she isn't really fun to me in her current state.



I build her for efficiency and range and keep everything cc'd forever.

Use sonic boom to keep enemies downed when your attacking, this skill is what makes banshee tough to use cause you have to spam it all over the place to keep all the enemies around you down, once you get the hang of it though the gameplay feels really intense and makes her really fun to use imo

Use her Sonar to always keep enemies highlighted on the map, banshee is squishy so you dont want anyone sneaking up on you, it also adds the the weakspots boost your damage. Because of the weakspots i recommend using a powerhouse weapon. Shotguns, Bows, Opticor, anything that has a high dph

Silence is a lifesaver in this build, if you get overwhelmed by enemies pop a silence and escape to a safe location or use the brief stun to take out the enemies. To make this work really well against heavy units use silence from a distance and walk in and out of range of the enemies so the stun keeps reapplying itself. It's an alternative to using Sonic Boom sometimes. Also if your have to get to the other side of the map for whatever reason use this skill to keep rooms you enter stunned long enough for you to run through it.

Use her tennobeats (soundquake) as a cc support skill with this build, it will cover an entire room so you can use it when your team gets overwhelmed or when someone needs to be revived. Just watch out for nullifiers though because their shield protects them and whoever is in the bubble from soundquakes cc and since your immobile during the channel  your very vulnerable. This skill also works great for quick rests. Need to go afk for a minute or two? Just pop soundquake and come back later! (ofc you need to have flow equipped to do this or else you cant sit in soundquake forever)

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So what formas provide skill? Doesn't Sancti Tigris without formas doesn't kill most content in game anyway? You are just replacing current MR gaining with another strange metric.

Oh I want to go to raid where they ask high MR, so I will dump some formas into my weapon and run Draco until they are leveled up as opposed to trying out all content game has.

You need to learn to read.

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Fun to me is for example Valkyr.

Even though my build may not be the best for her since I'm missing some mods she's much fun.

Slashing everything standing in her way.

If you like to run headlong into danger and not worry about survivability while plowing through enemies, banshee would naturally not be fun for you.

She requires maneuvering around enemies, not getting yourself surrounded, finding good cover and shooting while on the move.

Your preferred frames are pretty much tank frames, not DPS support.

But given this, you agree that banshee is powerful. Yes?

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Heh, I'm MR3 yet I can run a level 15-20 spy mission faster than a MR20. Nothing to worry about. I completely understand you from the recruiting chat perspective. I'd love to run all these tower keys I'm getting from my spy missions, but I don't have the equipment/ no one wants to "carry" me along cause I'm newer. Something we all have to surpass I guess?

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First, 1 shot level 100 enemy? like roller?

Or else, not even Ash ult can 1 shot level 100 enemy.

Bad frame?

No body said that.

What is said is, it is not a very good frame.

You can't even read, and you call people noob. You might need to think on that.

If she can deal so much dmg that even the game can't even register the entire thing and caps it off, then that should say something. You can't get that kind of result with other frames on their own. Only reason that she isn't asked for as much is because she can't fill the dual roles of Dmg and CC unlike Nova and the buff she provides is pretty much overkill and is unneeded unless you are doing 2+ hours of Survival or something. She is a really strong frame.

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Edited by Yazeth
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