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Skill Mods In Platinum Mod Packs


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Okay so I decide to drop 90 plat on a Dragon Mod Pack.  I am not rich, nor do I have much platinum, but I had just reset my account and wanted to accelorate the proccess of modding my equipment.  So I drop the 90 platinum expecting to see 3 trash mods and two useful rares, the problem is, I got 3 trash mods and 2 rare skill mods.... For a frame I don't even own, nor am I likely to ever own.


I feel slightly ripped off.  I knew skills were in the drop tables for rng, but I figured if you were paying close to a dollar for two guarenteed rares, I would get 2 rare mods, not 2 skills that happen to be ranked as rare.  On top of that, since there are so many frame skills, they are clogging the rare drop pool in general.  That means if you do happen to get lucky enough to get a rare drop from a mob, you have a 3/5 chance of getting a skill card.  


My suggestion would be to remove them from the drop list entirely, and make skills just skills again.  I'm going to assume that my suggestion isn't a possibility since we already changed to this system from a system where the skills were just skills and give you a second suggestion as well.  My second suggestion is to (at the very least) take the Frame Skills out of the loot list for buying mod packs.  I didn't give you my hard earned money to feel as though I'm getting ripped off.


To address the probable upcoming comments;


-You can upgrade your skills much easier with the fusion cores anyway, so don't tell me they are there to level your skills

-I'm not crying about the issue, I'm just making suggestions and giving background as to why I made the suggestion

-Yes, kitties are awesome

-1USD may not be a lot of money, but I work 70 hours a week to support my family.  I don't have the kind of money to just lose some and not care

-reserved for upcoming sillyness or legit questions

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-1USD may not be a lot of money, but I work 70 hours a week to support my family.  I don't have the kind of money to just lose some and not care



90 Plat is more than $5 actually. Unless you mean $1 per mod, which would be correct.

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frame skills only exist to pollute the drop tables. they're easy to max since they only go to rank 3, and you get the full set when you build or buy a frame so it's not like you're chasing rare stuff just to use your frame (thank black jesus). their polarity is bad for fusing mods that are actually important/expensive to max. i won't offer some half assed solution but putting them in expensive mod packs is ridiculous

Edited by Flunky
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Wait what?

There are skill mods in mod packs?

Are you serious!

Nobody has ever found out that before!

There aren't dozens of threads already complaining about that at all!


That's so weird!

Maybe DE will adress it!

Because they totally haven't already.

Since this is the first time any of us have heard it!





In all seriousness;


Read that before you post a thread.


Yes, this is an annoying issue, but it's one that's been discussed at length in several locations.



As two of the more commented in examples.



Lots of people are annoyed at the presence of ability mods in mod packs, that said, for some (Especially people trying to buy their way into the game) they are actually the most effecient way of levelling.




I don't say all this to be rude, but many decent threads are being pushed down to the 12 page after a day or so because identical threads talking about the same 2-3 topics are popping up.

Edited by NotaCobra
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Wait what?


There are skill mods in mod packs?

Are you serious!

Nobody has ever found out that before!

There aren't dozens of threads already complaining about that at all!


That's so weird!

Maybe DE will adress it!

Because they totally haven't already.

Since this is the first time any of us have heard it!





In all seriousness;


Read that before you post a thread.


Yes, this is an annoying issue, but it's one that's been discussed at length in several locations.



As two of the more commented in examples.



Lots of people are annoyed at the presence of ability mods in mod packs, that said, for some (Especially people trying to buy their way into the game) they are actually the most effecient way of levelling.




I don't say all this to be rude, but many decent threads are being pushed down to the 12 page after a day or so because identical threads talking about the same 2-3 topics are popping up.



Hey, thank you for letting me broach another topic that I was going to make a thread on soon.  The community in WF has gone way down hill.


To address your points;

First paragraph you go about making an arse of yourself.  Sarcasim just makes you sound condescending and rude, if that was your goal, then good o ya, but I am trying to have a civil discussion about something that irritates me.  As for your assertation that there are dozens of threads out there on the same exact topic, no there isn't.  At least none in the first page when searching for "Skills in Mod Packs Platinum".  I did see it get brought up in a couple of posts though if that is what you mean.  


Oh look you provided links telling me to use the search engine, which I did (btw, most forums treat utfse responses as trolling).  I can see you also searched and brought up two different links on the topic of skills being included in rare mod drops, well I'm sorry if that is what you think my post is about.  Go back up and re-read my post, i'll wait..... done?..... Good. If you notice my post is about Frame Skills being included in platinum purchased mod packs.  Not that skills are included in the drop rng period.  The fact that I didn't see any other TOPICS on this, was what set me about the course of making one.  


On the topic of forum etiquite, it is also considered rude to hijack someone's thread with questions, complaints, concerns, or suggestions that is unrelated to the main topic.  That is called going off topic.  Me making this thread was so I didn't tread on someone else's topic on a similar, but different subject.


As for them being the most effecient form of leveling, I think you are incorrect.  You are much better off with Fusion Cores.  In fact, i actually pre-empted this excuse and made a comment on this in my original post.  Please go back and re-read it once again.... Done?  Great!  See, I am not even trying to argue whether or not they should be in the drop rng, I am only stating that people shouldn't be wasting real money on them inadvertantly. 


"I don't say all this to be rude, but many decent threads are being pushed down to the 12 page after a day or so because identical threads talking about the same 2-3 topics are popping up."


Well you certainly came off as quite rude, and managed to continue being rude right up through this sentence.  You are accusing my thread of not being decent, you accuse me of not checking to see if this topic was already addressed, and you came in with a snarky attitude.  People like you are the types of people that end up ruining communities like this.  If you wanted to not be rude, you should have searched for this topic and if you found one that was actually on this topic, come in here and say, hey this is already going here (link) would you mind moving your discussion there.  That isn't what you did though.  Instead you wanted to try to be funny through a severe lack of respect and tact. 


I apologize if this thread or this post offends you in any way, and I'm sorry if the topic of your dreams gets pushed off of the front page, but this community is here for us to voice our opinions and ideas and I have every right to do so here.  Thank you for your time and welcome to ignore!

Edited by Barbzilla
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Moved to PM to try to preserve whatever integrity this thread has left.



The point has been made before, and ultimately, it's a matter of opinion.

DE's sales will indicate whether or not the current mod pack system is working.


Vote with your wallet.


While this doesn't help players buying them for a first time, new players should at least do some research before spending their money, or at least assume that given mod packs don't specify; ability mods are probably in them.

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Moved to PM to try to preserve whatever integrity this thread has left.



The point has been made before, and ultimately, it's a matter of opinion.

DE's sales will indicate whether or not the current mod pack system is working.


Vote with your wallet.


While this doesn't help players buying them for a first time, new players should at least do some research before spending their money, or at least assume that given mod packs don't specify; ability mods are probably in them.

Apparently, voting with wallet means if just 1 person still pays for a pack then it tends to make people see it as viable. At the very least, I'm pretty sure there are a few minority players out there who are willing to drop their dough into lucky slots and because of them, the whole pack system is thought of as viable.


I did it just to random out some Master Thief and those other 3 mods from U7. Ended up rolling for mods that weren't even U8 nor were there any of those 3 mods. And I bought about 5 packs? Not sure if anyone could get the new mods from it, can anyone confirm? Also, thank god I saved my reset since I managed to claim back all my wasted Plats.

Edited by matrixEXO
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Moved to PM to try to preserve whatever integrity this thread has left.



The point has been made before, and ultimately, it's a matter of opinion.

DE's sales will indicate whether or not the current mod pack system is working.


Vote with your wallet.


While this doesn't help players buying them for a first time, new players should at least do some research before spending their money, or at least assume that given mod packs don't specify; ability mods are probably in them.


I'm sorry if I took your post the wrong way, but talking over the internet tends to make things a little dicey when trying to understand the tone and stance another poster is trying to use.  Since you opened up with snarky sarcasim, my brain went to the typical rude forum elitist (not calling you one, just telling you what your post came off as to me).  Then you continue it with telling me to use the search engine, and posting a link to indicate that I didn't know how to do so.  Topping that post off with two more threads that were not on my topic of discussion. 


Anyhow, bygones and water under the bridge.  I'm more than happy to discuss the topic at hand in a constructive manner if you are up for it.  I would actually prefer that, if you look back at my previous posts you will see that I am generally a very nice guy.  Anyhow thank you for bringing the thread back on topic.


As for new players doing research on what mod packs will include, that is another issue.  When you are selling stuff, you should be upfront about what you are selling, and not make the buyer have to search through the fine print to look for hidden clauses.  Well, at least if you aren't a shady seller, you should.  Even so, I'm not a new player.  I've been playing since early closed beta.  Before they started the whole founder's pack thing.  I just recently reset my account because I had buyers regret over some other purchases I made a number of patches ago (items got changed around and they are no longer the same thing as when I bought them).  So, I was trying to beef up my mod collection using some of the plat I had left over from the reset, and was unaware at the time that they had changed the game to have skill mods droppable (I haven't played in a number of months).  


Could I have researched this before I bought them, yes.  Am I asking for a refund, or blaming the devs for my purchase, no.  I am meerly trying to make a suggestion to help the game, and to alliviate player frustration.  Imagine if I had been a new player.  I just bought some platinum and used it to get some new weapons and a warframe.  Then they buy a mod pack, the mod pack has items that are virtually useless to them.  This makes them upset and they come here and post/rage/cry/whatever.  These people aren't going to be happy with the response, you should have searched the internet first.  They are likely to quit, and the devs don't need paying customers to quit over something this silly.


Even forgoing that line of reasoning, they shouldn't be in there in the first place.   There is no reason for them to be in there, other than to waste the player's hard earned money.  And, wasting a player's money is a good way to lose that player.  


The fact that I can buy the 30 plat mod pack and get better cards more often than when I spend 90 plat for the rare pack tells me there is a major issue. 

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The fact that I can buy the 30 plat mod pack and get better cards more often than when I spend 90 plat for the rare pack tells me there is a major issue. 

Plainly put it, you want abilities to be uncommon at most? Sorry, I'm just reading it that way given that abilities are the main bunch of the annoyances in those packs, which I also had encountered prior to reset. If so, I would agree on this. There is not a single need for abilities to be up there in the sky when it's just abilities, skills that are restricted to a frame and cannot be swapped with other frame's skills.


It's blatantly crazy when people think that "Oh, this ability is strong so let's put it in the Rare slot!" or "Uber abilities needs to be Rare, they are UBER!" when all they do is enable a skill to be used when otherwise unusable by any other frames. And they are not even unique new skills that are implemented other than the basic 4 abilities that came with the frame. So much for talking about adding new abilities when they aren't even delivering on it. Trying to make new abilities for all frames before releasing them? How about slowly do a staged release of 1 ability for 2 or 3 frames at a time so no one feels that the current system is just a load of bull-crap.

Edited by matrixEXO
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Yeah, I know how you feel, I spent 90 plat, got 2 radial disarms...

I dropped a a few hundred plat, pretty much most of my founder's reward, on mod packs, and got S#&$ from them.  DE still hasn't addressed this issue.  I want a friggin refund, I had no idea the mods you get from the packs are pretty much useless.  I was hoping for Flow, Thunderbolt, etc.  Instead I got useless rares for frames I don't own.

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They are a total waste of money, especially at the price that they are. 90 plat, are you serious DE? Oh, wait, I guess you are. Plat prices in the market are way too high for most things, and doesn't encourage impulse buys. But that is another topic that has been addressed before.

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Guys... This shouldn't really be a big surprise... The momment i saw the words "Booster" i instantly smelled like they're selling a @(*()$ TCG... And everybody know how much of a pointless moneysink those are. (Hell, at least most gameshops allow you to buy a card individually for a ludicrously high price.)

Booster pack are and always will be the lowest way of ripping someone off and dude let me tell you how glad i am that they actually give mod cards outside of this way. I don't even blame DE all that much for actually going for that pathetic strategy of selling booster pack with "a chance of having what you want" because at least i get the same chance while actually playing the game, so no complains there. But if you bought a Booster Pack then you should have known that it's a pure and simple rip-off.

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Guys... This shouldn't really be a big surprise... The momment i saw the words "Booster" i instantly smelled like they're selling a @(*()$ TCG... And everybody know how much of a pointless moneysink those are. (Hell, at least most gameshops allow you to buy a card individually for a ludicrously high price.)

Booster pack are and always will be the lowest way of ripping someone off and dude let me tell you how glad i am that they actually give mod cards outside of this way. I don't even blame DE all that much for actually going for that pathetic strategy of selling booster pack with "a chance of having what you want" because at least i get the same chance while actually playing the game, so no complains there. But if you bought a Booster Pack then you should have known that it's a pure and simple rip-off.

I usually break near to even when I buy booster boxes of MTG, so I'm not sure your example applies here.  With TCGs you are gaining value for value, it is a risk, but usually a fairly low one (provided you utilize enough quantity).  With MTG I buy a booster box (usually the latest) and separate all of the high value cards (with newer boxes, these are estimated values so it is usually easier to make it back), then I will sell the ones I don't want and keep the rest.  I get my boxes for 80USD, and I usually sell back 50USD or so (though if I sold all of the high values, I would come out ahead by 20USD on average), this leaves me with a few good power cards and a strong starting point on the commons and uncommons. 


With the system in place for Mod Packs, the higher value the pack, the lower the average value of the mods themselves.  Rares, tend towards being skill cards by 70% or so.  So you are better off just getting the 30plat pack and hoping for the best (though it is still a rip off, and you are better off farming if you have the time). 

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I did the mistake of spending money on dragon mod pack. Three times. All 6 rare mods were "rare" warframe skill mods. Which I already own and have almost maxed out (I have all the warframes)!


Dear DE, do you have ANY idea how ripped off I feel now? 270 platinum for a couple of Pistol Gambits, Redirections, Radial Disarms and Blessings?


Seriously... If there is no change to the mod pack mod contents, I will never spend a single cent on them. Because they are completely pointless and give me nothing in return.

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I usually break near to even when I buy booster boxes of MTG, so I'm not sure your example applies here.  With TCGs you are gaining value for value, it is a risk, but usually a fairly low one (provided you utilize enough quantity).  With MTG I buy a booster box (usually the latest) and separate all of the high value cards (with newer boxes, these are estimated values so it is usually easier to make it back), then I will sell the ones I don't want and keep the rest.  I get my boxes for 80USD, and I usually sell back 50USD or so (though if I sold all of the high values, I would come out ahead by 20USD on average), this leaves me with a few good power cards and a strong starting point on the commons and uncommons. 


With the system in place for Mod Packs, the higher value the pack, the lower the average value of the mods themselves.  Rares, tend towards being skill cards by 70% or so.  So you are better off just getting the 30plat pack and hoping for the best (though it is still a rip off, and you are better off farming if you have the time).

Y'know why i didn't brough up actual TCG games?...Because you can actually, y'know, trade these? You can get a card you already have to your friend and then you both have a really good deck to fight pair fights against 2 other dudes. Some game shops even buy your rarer cards, give you back some of the money you spent on it (Let's see DE give us Plat for our crappy stuff in ther Mod Boosters.) In the end the card is yours, in your hand, it weights down your card holder box. It's almost unfair to compare an actual TCG with Warframe, the actual TCG is really a viable way making a game. (And you'll have to forgive me for assuming TCG are still major moneysinks, i guess it's been a while since i have touched my L5R deck. This could have changed with the more recent TCG, i wouldn't know.)

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Y'know why i didn't brough up actual TCG games?...Because you can actually, y'know, trade these? You can get a card you already have to your friend and then you both have a really good deck to fight pair fights against 2 other dudes. Some game shops even buy your rarer cards, give you back some of the money you spent on it (Let's see DE give us Plat for our crappy stuff in ther Mod Boosters.) In the end the card is yours, in your hand, it weights down your card holder box. It's almost unfair to compare an actual TCG with Warframe, the actual TCG is really a viable way making a game. (And you'll have to forgive me for assuming TCG are still major moneysinks, i guess it's been a while since i have touched my L5R deck. This could have changed with the more recent TCG, i wouldn't know.)


No worries m8, I thought you were bringing them up in a way that you apparently were not, and in all fairness TCGs are major money sinks if you don't know (or try) to make any kind of return on your investment.  When I first started playing TCGs, I probably dropped 400USD to 600USD before I realised that I needed to find a way to make a return on my money.  After that point, I started only buying boxes of newly released cards and reselling the ones that I thought they had overvalued on the estimates and holding the ones they undervalued (so it is a bit like betting against the house).  This only works if you have a firm grasp on what made the values in the first place, however I can usually make a pretty good profit by doing this if I re-invest the money from selling the overvalued cards into buying undervalued cards (from players and not stores, as stores mark the value up), or straight up trading.  I wait about 6 months for the prices to normalize and then cash in on the profits (provided I wasn't wrong about which cards would become popular). 


Unfortunately, as you pointed out, this has no bearing over Warframe.  I really hope they push past this recent trend of cash grabs and move towards a balanced sustainable price model. 

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I really do believe that warframe would be a better game if a trading system was implemented to allow players to trade items,weapons,warframes between each other so that if one player does no longer need a item,weapon,ect then he/she has the ability to give them to a player that wants the items and is willing to (Pay in-game credits?) trade for that unwanted item.

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Ability mods in general are over saturating the drop tables. There are 49 rare mods in total. 26 rare ability mods and 23 other rares.


I can get my personal statistic since I haven't fused or sold anything for over last 1000 mods or so. I played everything in the meantime, defense, alerts, void, random missions, farmed for materials. A lot of different systems and all three factions. When I look at my list, large majority of drops are ability mods. Out of all rare mods I got, OVERWHELMING number are rare ability mods. I got maybe 5 rare mods which were not rare ability in the past 1000 mods. All other rares (about ~30) are all ability.


That's just my stat. if people wish I can go and gather a large amount sample to run some tests. Though we maybe should wait until they adjust this. Steve already said they are looking into the entire drop system. After the change if this persists I'll start pooling data and perhaps that might persuade people to cause more racket about it.

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Okay so I decide to drop 90 plat on a Dragon Mod Pack.  I am not rich, nor do I have much platinum, but I had just reset my account and wanted to accelorate the proccess of modding my equipment.  So I drop the 90 platinum expecting to see 3 trash mods and two useful rares, the problem is, I got 3 trash mods and 2 rare skill mods.... For a frame I don't even own, nor am I likely to ever own.


I feel slightly ripped off.  I knew skills were in the drop tables for rng, but I figured if you were paying close to a dollar for two guarenteed rares, I would get 2 rare mods, not 2 skills that happen to be ranked as rare.  On top of that, since there are so many frame skills, they are clogging the rare drop pool in general.  That means if you do happen to get lucky enough to get a rare drop from a mob, you have a 3/5 chance of getting a skill card.  


My suggestion would be to remove them from the drop list entirely, and make skills just skills again.  I'm going to assume that my suggestion isn't a possibility since we already changed to this system from a system where the skills were just skills and give you a second suggestion as well.  My second suggestion is to (at the very least) take the Frame Skills out of the loot list for buying mod packs.  I didn't give you my hard earned money to feel as though I'm getting ripped off.


To address the probable upcoming comments;


-You can upgrade your skills much easier with the fusion cores anyway, so don't tell me they are there to level your skills

-I'm not crying about the issue, I'm just making suggestions and giving background as to why I made the suggestion

-Yes, kitties are awesome

-1USD may not be a lot of money, but I work 70 hours a week to support my family.  I don't have the kind of money to just lose some and not care

-reserved for upcoming sillyness or legit questions


Yeah, the skill mods shouldn't be in the Plat mod packs. Makes buying the packs seem even more pointless than it did to begin with.


I'd also like to note that I appreciate the way you've voiced your thoughts. So many other people here would simply ragewhine if they were in your position. :D

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