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I Know It's Been Called For, But We Really Need A Dev-Subforum, For Our Own Sake.


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There's at new complaint thread every 10-15 minutes. 

"I'm boycotting this"


"DE are as bad as EA" (Not sure if that was the exact phrase, not going to name the person, but they should apologise for that one. Seriously, just... wow.)


I could write a longer list, but I cbf doing it. You've all seen it. 


Pre U8 Rise of the Rustled Jimmies, I loved this forum, but now it's all complaints and yeah, for those that have seen my name, if any, would know that I've also had my own moans and whines. But it's getting tiresome. I read this all day and the negativity is getting to me.

We're all raising our Pitchforks to a group of people who are trying hard. They have E3 around the corner, that's not just rocking up with posters saying "We have a great game" there's demos and all sorts of things they have to prepare to get more players, to get more paying customers to ensure the growth of this community and game for US.

Hell, I am 1 person, I've bought a Founders package. $51 Aud, How far do you think that goes in a budget ? 2 hours of one persons time, maybe even 1 hour, maybe a case of Beer or energy drink.

So if they want to prioritise the biggest advertising opportunity they can ? hop to it ! I'll play something else if I get bored for the next week or two until they get time to focus on the existing proposals and complaints. 


We're being spoiled Children.


Whilst we want things and want them now, these people are working damn hard to make something we get for free and pay optionally for and we throw their mistakes into their faces and raise high hell,


By this being "Open beta" we're essentially a QA Team (Quality Assurance). Read your T&C's for some insight. We are quite the self entitled bunch.


Not all, I am aware, there are some people who are mature about it and understand. 




We get a few peeps from the devs here and there. Which comes across as them being busy. 

So as the saying goes however "Walk a mile in someone elses shoes" or something. 


Whilst I'm sure the devs would like to keep their respective footwear, if we have a subforum of locked posts telling us what's in the works about bugs, balancing and work on current content, I think it would see a decline of our collective *@##$ing by seeing the hard work they actually put into the Warframe game we've come to love. 


Not new content spoilers though, I LOVE suprises. Man, that new grineer stuff.. WOW, that is some sweet work. 


The livestreams are a great touch, not always adopted by other communities and whilst I don't get to see all of them, I appreciate the effort a damn lot.




Thank you DE for your Product, your Patience and your striving to balance the ever flippant community complaints.

Thank you to the Support staff who work tirelessly.

Thank you for smashing out 5 hotfixes within a DAY of releasing a Patch (EA Wouldn't have done that)

Thank you for taking on the Artistic and Mechanic ideas by the community (EA Wouldn't have done that)

Thank you for Warframe (Which would charge $5 per planet if they were EA)

Thank you for reading this, if you did, or hell, if you didn't.


PS. I am still baffled by that EA remark. Seriously, how old was that guy anyway ? 12 ? 

Edited by Karetchi
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That EA S#&$ is dumb.


Because a money whoring company that released unoptimized and terrible games, pays for high scores from other companies, had the most dumbest attitude towards Valve, has a high fan-base just because - I don't even know why, is totally alike a company that listens to its community, works hard every day and hour and apart from all the good things, it makes mistakes but who else doesn't. That is what make us humans. (Except for EA. It is controlled by a bunch of broken AI machines.)

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That EA S#&$ is dumb.

Not to mention impossible, only EA can out do them.

I almost upvoted this post... until I saw that "thank you" bit at the end. Sorry, but that just sounded like @$$-kissery.

be that as it may but politeness is a good way to go.

Edited by Skeloton
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Because a money whoring company that released unoptimized and terrible games, pays for high scores from other companies, had the most dumbest attitude towards Valve, has a high fan-base just because - I don't even know why, is totally alike a company that listens to its community, works hard every day and hour and apart from all the good things, it makes mistakes but who else doesn't. That is what make us humans. (Except for EA. It is controlled by a bunch of broken AI machines.)

I'm the guy who made the EA post so let me repond to that.


My post was aimed at the business decision that was made my EA. Unlike the rest of you people, I actually understand how game developement work. I understand that there are game desingers and marketing people. I understand there is no such thing as "DE". The few devs you see around do not represnt "DE". The game designer makes content, and the marketing department decides how the content will be monetized. It doesn't matter if you have the best and most friendly designers in the world if your marketing people make bad business decision. You don't think Simcity and Diablo 3 had good designers? You don't think blizzard has some of the better community relation in the world? Yet their games still are considered faliure becuase of the bad business decision they had made.

Edited by Mabuss
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My post was aimed at the business decision that was made my EA. Unlike the rest of you people, I actually understand how game developement work. I understand that there are game desingers and marketing people. I understand there is no such thing as "DE". The few devs you see around do not represnt "DE". The game designer makes content, and the marketing department decides how the content will be monetized. It doesn't matter if you have the best and most friendly designers in the world if your marketing people make bad business decision. You don't think Simcity and Diablo 3 had good designers? You don't blizzard has some of the best community relation in the world? Yes their games still are considered faliure by critics becuase of the bad business decision they had made.


Hold on, buddy. Don't flatter yourself, thinking you're the only one who knows business, marketing and all that.

Even naming them DE doesn't make them DE. They just don't have any other name. We're not going to refer them by their names. (e.g.: Steve, Scott, Rebecca, please read this topic)

Besides, I can't believe EA hasn't shut down, yet. Oh, wait, they have dosh. They can make bad decisions as long as it lasts and yet their fan-base is immense. Delivering the most poor of works has been their motto for a long time now. That's pretty much about EA's business decisions. They make the worst.

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I'm the guy who made the EA post so let me repond to that.


My post was aimed at the business decision that was made my EA. Unlike the rest of you people, I actually understand how game developement work. I understand that there are game desingers and marketing people. I understand there is no such thing as "DE". The few devs you see around do not represnt "DE". The game designer makes content, and the marketing department decides how the content will be monetized. It doesn't matter if you have the best and most friendly designers in the world if your marketing people make bad business decision. You don't think Simcity and Diablo 3 had good designers? You don't think blizzard has some of the better community relation in the world? Yet their games still are considered faliure becuase of the bad business decision they had made.


Firstly, I think you severely underestimate the diversity of this community. 


Also if you have such a well thought out argument and weren't trying to hard to prove yourself. You wouldn't feel the need to be so aggressive about your argument. 


You lack that confidence and it shows. 

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See, this is why I don't particularly like/trust moderators. This is the internet. People play rough, regardless of how many rules/regulations you try to put in place.

I always feel sorry for mods and always happy about never being a mod.

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Mabuss, you might want to work on your etiquette. You come off as some know-it-all self-important &#!, No offence intended..

Well, that happens when you make an arguement and then people to to refute it by appeal to emotion so you understand they don't comprehend logic so the only thing left to do is to make argument from authority.



Hold on, buddy. Don't flatter yourself, thinking you're the only one who knows business, marketing and all that.

Even naming them DE doesn't make them DE. They just don't have any other name. We're not going to refer them by their names. (e.g.: Steve, Scott, Rebecca, please read this topic)

Besides, I can't believe EA hasn't shut down, yet. Oh, wait, they have dosh. They can make bad decisions as long as it lasts and yet their fan-base is immense. Delivering the most poor of works has been their motto for a long time now. That's pretty much about EA's business decisions. They make the worst.

You see this guy, he had made no point in refutation, yet he words it such that My whole arguement is completely invalid.



Firstly, I think you severely underestimate the diversity of this community. 


Also if you have such a well thought out argument and weren't trying to hard to prove yourself. You wouldn't feel the need to be so aggressive about your argument. 


You lack that confidence and it shows. 

And then this guy, a classic, he basically try to belittle me by using an ad hominem.


I'm done with this thread so you don't have to lock it.

Edited by Mabuss
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Hold on, buddy. Don't flatter yourself, thinking you're the only one who knows business, marketing and all that.

Even naming them DE doesn't make them DE. They just don't have any other name. We're not going to refer them by their names. (e.g.: Steve, Scott, Rebecca, please read this topic)

Besides, I can't believe EA hasn't shut down, yet. Oh, wait, they have dosh. They can make bad decisions as long as it lasts and yet their fan-base is immense. Delivering the most poor of works has been their motto for a long time now. That's pretty much about EA's business decisions. They make the worst.

Yea...EA, like Activision, found the sweet spot of people willing to pay for the same rehashed version with minor updates. Look at the Fifa, Madden, NFL franchise. Same content with slightly upgraded graphics and AI behavoir, yet they charge for full AAA price.

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Well, that happens when you make an arguement and then people to to refute it by appeal to emotion so you understand they don't comprehend logic so the only thing left to do is to make argument from authority.



You see this guy, he had made no point in refutation, yet he words it such that My whole arguement is completely invalid.



And then this guy, a classic, he basically try to belittle me by using an ad hominem.

And yet they're both correct to boot.

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I'm just sick and tired of seeing 10 RNG related threads on the front page at any given time. Look, be it valid or not, at least try and look for threads with the same subject material for 5 seconds, and don't think of dumb reasons to make your own thread when there are so many just like it.

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You see this guy, he had made no point in refutation, yet he words it such that My whole arguement is completely invalid.


Why're you leaving?

We were simply discussing why EA was one of the worst companies ever.

I just don't get what you are trying to say, either way. It's not to make a point, too. And your argument isn't invalid. You have knowledge.

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Excuse me while I look for the strongest ad hominem I have.

Everytime I hear/read latin I remember this little rhyme:

Latins a dead language,

as dead as dead can be,

Its killed off all the romans,

and now its killing me.


Why're you leaving?

We were simply discussing why EA was one of the worst companies ever.

I just don't get what you are trying to say, either way. It's not to make a point, too. And your argument isn't invalid. You have knowledge.

I distinctly remember you saying he wasn't the only one with said knowledge, how he thought otherwise is beyond me.

Edited by Skeloton
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I distinctly remember you saying he wasn't the only one with said knowledge, how he thought otherwise is beyond me.


I simply stated that he should not praise himself thinking he would be the only one to know about certain aspects of the gaming industry.

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