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How Do I Report Someone, Who, Out Of Spite Messed With Other Players Over Me.



I was just sliding under laser walls to progress and this guy used "Speed" to surpass me and use an elevator to leave behind everyone including me. I have his username, but will not release the information.


So how does one, report community behavior? Not only for me but because the 2 other players had to wait on his actions taken against me.

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If you really feel the need to report him, you have to submit a support ticket. On the other hand, if that kind of thing upsets you so much, you should probably be playing in private or invite only mode :]

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I don't think they'll deal punishment to someone who left others behind by taking the elevator first, it happens all the time; but you can try via support ticket. But, I think reportable offenses are something more along the lines of harassment.

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If you really feel the need to report him, you have to submit a support ticket. On the other hand, if that kind of thing upsets you so much, you should probably be playing in private or invite only mode :]

Thanks, I'll quit the game because I feel it's important to have a community.

Edited by AwSunnyDeeFYeah
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I remember this one time, a guy kept rushing, leaving me and a Mag behind to chug along. He was downed by a Heavy Gunner (Who was still present when I arrived on scene), and he was on the opposite side of a chasm. 


He raged. 


Another time, My team had this one Trinity, who would. Not. Stop. Rushing. And dies multiple times. In the end, we decided, to just leave him him and carry on. 


In the end... stick with your team. It dos wonders. 

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I remember this one time, a guy kept rushing, leaving me and a Mag behind to chug along. He was downed by a Heavy Gunner (Who was still present when I arrived on scene), and he was on the opposite side of a chasm. 


He raged. 


Another time, My team had this one Trinity, who would. Not. Stop. Rushing. And dies multiple times. In the end, we decided, to just leave him him and carry on. 


In the end... stick with your team. It dos wonders. 


The rooms I was pushing through were unoccupied, it's not like I ran though a room to leave them to the enemies. He clearly out of anger towards me forced them to wait, clearly something brewed from hate. And for a fact every time I reach an elevator I wait for the rest of team, so people like to go the extra mile and collect resources and others are just slow. There's no time limit, there's no reason I should just leave everyone behind. 

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As the game is in active development, you should find a friendly clan to play with. That's the easiest way to properly enjoy the game's co-op at its current state. Reports for bad behavior might or might not appear later on but, for now, support should only be bothered with game-breaking actions as they seem really busy.

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 He clearly out of anger towards me forced them to wait, clearly something brewed from hate.

Are you a psychotherapist that you clearly know why a person is doing something? He also could have give a f*** about you and just wanted to get to the exit. And if you wait for your team, why does it bother you at all if you have to wait these extra 5 seconds? You clearly did the same as he did. Slide through lasers etc, and leaving your people behind. You said you would wait for them. I dont see a problem here.....

Edited by Venarge
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Thanks, I'll quit the game because I feel it's important to have a community.

Are you serious? In case you didn't know, The actions of one guy doesn't reflect the actions of 1000+.


There's always going to be people like that but most of the people i've played with are good people.

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Are you a psychotherapist that you clearly know why a person is doing something? He also could have give a f*** about you and just wanted to get to the exit. And if you wait for your team, why does it bother you at all if you have to wait these extra 5 seconds? You clearly did the same as he did. Slide through lasers etc, and leaving your people behind. You said you would wait for them. I dont see a problem here.....

Cool glad everyone in this game thinks for themselves, and not others, THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO DO WITH ME, but with the other players he affected.

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Cool glad everyone in this game thinks for themselves, and not others, THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO DO WITH ME, but with the other players he affected.

I love to make this sentence:

If you cant stand that people dont act like you want them to do and play their own style in an online game, dont play online... play private or form groups in the first place via "find a group" so you can team up with people who feel the same way you want to play. Making threads about this topic wastes everybodies time.....

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I love to make this sentence:

If you cant stand that people dont act like you want them to do and play their own style in an online game, dont play online... play private or form groups in the first place via "find a group" so you can team up with people who feel the same way you want to play. Making threads about this topic wastes everybodies time.....

I'm sorry that I care for other/new players and I came here to find people who are too above me to realize people who I encountered can push people away from a game.

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I'm sorry that I care for other/new players and I came here to find people who are too above me to realize people who I encountered can push people away from a game.

You mean... the internet.... is not a friendly kindergarden where everyone is giving away free ipads?


Man, this is an online game. People who play online have to deal with people who play their own style. If people cant handle others who do their own thing, the internet is the wrong place for them......

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Good community. Going to go far like all other F2P games, bye.

If you can't deal with it, then it has nothing do to with the community. Have you noticed that in all this thread of 22 replies you're the one that feels misplaced?


I care about the community, i respect all of them. The End. During the missions if the player A or B is taking hell to long, bad for him, i'm not gonna waste my whole life waiting for him to get to the elevator, while i just need another player to walk up with me to open "extraction".

Edited by Endrance
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If you can't deal with it, then it has nothing do to with the community. Have you noticed that in all this thread of 19 replies you're the one that feels misplaced?


I care about the community, i respect all of them. The End. During the missions if the player A or B is taking hell to long, bad for him, i'm not gonna wast my whole life waiting for him to get to the elevator.


Except I was the first through... and Everyone else got punished because of so.

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Except I was the first through... and Everyone else got punished because of so.

Everyone got punished... You had to wait a whole 15 seconds for an elevator.

Damn. Screw death penalty, let everyone wait for elevators.......

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