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Mag Doesnt Need A Rework


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Honestly Crush could be a bit better.  As it is now you get enemies that recover at the end of your duration pretty quickly and can easily get shot at.  This can also be a side effect of host vs client.  Like I mention in my own rework thread Crush could benefit from slowing effect so it just takes a few seconds longer for them to get up and at least slow down drones.


I would like if Crush gets a rework.  Not changing the ability that everyone seems to fear is going to happen and be something similar to how Frost got his rework where all his abilities just got a touch up.


If Mag got reworked like Frost or Saryn I would be happy.  (More towards Frost).  If we compare what Frost's rework was he basically got lots of quality fixes.  Freeze can freeze groups or be a area slowdown and can cancel any unwanted snowglobes.  Ice Wave was turned into a cone instead of a line making its augment very effective now.  Snowglobe launches enemies around Frost away.  Avalanch has extra damage from weaker enemies dying by it.  Saryn not a lot of people where happy with but her rework is pretty much another touch up/mechanic fix that makes her work well...  Just up her Molt's hp and everything would be great...er...


Look I'm just saying let them touch up Mag.  Everyone Lots of users here is more argueing because they think she's going to be worse or something.  The funny thing is these threads are popping out when it was already said she was getting a look at by DE_Scott on stream.  All we can do now is just suggest things that we hope he goes like,  "Oh I guess this makes sense."

Edited by BBYipho
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The problem is that you have to mod for fracturing crush, and duration isn't actually good for any other mag skill.

No, it isn't good for bullet attractor, anything you're putting BA on is going to die and it's going to explode and deal a negligible amount of blast damage. Much like when people tried to argue for modding duration for hydroid to make tentacles better, the ability is actually still objectively better with the power/efficiency mods you use for literally everything else.

Mag is mostly fine, bullet attractor could use a small buff and fracturing crush should either be built into crush by default OR should scale with power strength.

At no point did I say BA would benefit from duration. Anyone who plays Mag knows that you don't put duration on BA unless you're raiding and even that is borderline pointless if you have Natural Talent on and pay attention to timers.

I've already suggested having Fracturing Crush replace Crush as the default ability as well. I agree that we shouldn't need an augment to make a frame be5twr, hence my suggestion of making F.C. her standard.

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In my opinion Mag / Mag Prime is one of the better frames for late game

Pull - Great at crowd control, just knocks them down

Shield Polarize - With the mod Shield Transference, when you activate it it can add shields to your war frame ( i can reach 1700 shields without using any shield mods.) It also takes away the enemies shields which is very useful against corpus

Bullet Attractor - I would never mod for this, it isn't great. Its nice to have in boss fights i guess just in case you miss a shot.

Crush - In my opinion the second most useful power (Shield polarize is better). With the mod fracturing crush it reduces the enemies Armour and it has an effect that makes all enemies stay in place for 7 seconds.

She isnt useless, People think she is and i really dont understand why

Agree, agree with everything. :D

But i still wanna see her premium skin.

Edited by AstroLord
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Why the HEK would you use Natural Talent with Crush? You're shortening the cast time but also causing the CC from that cast time to last a lot less. You are actually hindering your own effectiveness by doing so.


Not only that, but between each of the 3 ticks, if an enemy walks in range they get hit by the next tick and CC'd for the rest of the skill's duration, including a knockdown on the final tick if they only get hit by that.


It is literally fine as it is and Natural Talent actually makes it significantly worse.

I guess long animations were an eyesore to me personally.

Yea didn't think about that.


Too much Oberon :x

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