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Erm... is it too late to join?

As it looks like if I even get to join now, I'll have to read pages and pages of text.

Well, might as well try.

Name: AuroronFrame: Trinity

Appearance: He looks a lot like the default Trinity, but more male. Cracks appear in a lot of places on the suit, where red healing energy glows bright enough to shield the human on the inside from sight. He wields a Braton, Lato and Skana, all defaults. There is pictures of him from before he had donned the suit, where average dark eyes and black hair stared back at the camera. He seemed to be a bit on the thin side at that time and slightly tanned. Auroron has not removed his suit since the first accident that killed all of his team except him.

Personality: Shy but will stand out when he has to. Really likes a certain jellyfish delicacy that he is allergic to.

Bio: He is a man of great loss and of great sadness. First bullied in the academy for not fitting in his gender role, then having lost three teams with him as the sole survivor, there is untold mental damage. No signs of suicide has been noted yet and has passed the minimum sanity requirement.

It is noted though that his Warframe cracks at the seams...

Companions: noneSyndicates: Steel Meridian

Before the war:

"Only four of you will live through this." The sergeant said. We stood at attention, none of us even flinching. For all we knew it was a lie. "They will have to be the strongest, the toughest... and the smartest." He paused. "AURORON!" I flinched. "You will die." His eyes stared into my soul. Unwillingly, I took a step back. I heard snickers around me, my face turning red from embarrassment. "SHUP UP!" He turned back to me. "You will fail your teammates and when they are at their weakest, you will run." The ground suddenly seemed very interesting. He speaks the truth. It will happen.

But, how was I to know that I would not and become a stronger, but broken, man after this experience?

How was I to know it was all in the sergeant's plan?

After the war:

He is a wanderer; soaring through the stars like a lost item.

It is what a man is when he has lost his purpose.

Sorry for the late reply but this character is alright. I'm not so keen on a man being a trinity but that doesn't matter really. Btw I suggest you read the rp so you know what's going on so far. Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Sorry for the late reply but this character is alright. I'm not so keen on a man being a trinity but that doesn't matter really. Btw I suggest you read the rp so you know what's going on so far.



Though, going to take me a lonnnngggg time.

My parts are probably really only going to appear until much later.


Though, I'm slightly confused. 

You can start separate and give a reason for your sudden appearance into the story right?

And could there we two going at the same time, but at different places?

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Is this sill recruiting? The title says yes, but comments say no.

I is confuzzled!

Yes we are still recruiting, the more the merrier.



Though, going to take me a lonnnngggg time.

My parts are probably really only going to appear until much later.


Though, I'm slightly confused. 

You can start separate and give a reason for your sudden appearance into the story right?

And could there we two going at the same time, but at different places?

Yea you can be in a different place if you want but just make sure to mention that so nothing gets confusing and make sure you OC makes an appearance instead of randomly appearing and acting like he / she was always there.

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Yes we are still recruiting, the more the merrier.

Yea you can be in a different place if you want but just make sure to mention that so nothing gets confusing and make sure you OC makes an appearance instead of randomly appearing and acting like he / she was always there.

Yay, I'll be happy to write a character sheet later then.

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Name: Aramil "Ray" Layren

Frame: Chroma

Appearance: Standard Chroma with green pelt, black armor. No accessories. (Under the armor there's a 200cm man with black hair, green eyes and average build if it's relevant.)

Personality: Calm, reserved, cold and a sharp thinker. He can be very laid back and friendly but only with who he really trusts. Doesn't like to get into unnecessary fights or attention. Will use everything he has to win if he has to. No mercy. He isn't really a team person, but he is willing to help if it isn't something outright stupid or insane. Friends say you shouldn't be around when he snaps.

Loadout: Tigris, for when things heat up and you need extra firepower.

Despair like kunais (Dunno if stalker is a thing here so...), used most of the time for their versatility.

Dakra Prime, the sword of his father...and his father before him. A weapon passed down by generations among his family.

Bio: One of the many out there, nothing more, nothing less. The war made him indifferent towards the fate of the others around him aside from his very close friends, as his only though is surviving at the best of his abilities.

Companions: none.

Syndicates: unaffiliated.

Before the war:

"These are the data you asked." Aramil said, throwing a bunch of holo storages in front of his superior's desk. "Nothing really worthwhile, as I had already told you before you sent us in that spy mission."

The Captain stood silent for a moment. " Why didn't you help your teammates, Layren? Two of your teammates are wounded and one is KIA."

"I do my job, they do theirs. Simple as that. If they trigger the alarms when I am already on the other side of the complex don't expect me to run back there and potentially thwart a mission only to help them. Besides, they should be sufficiently trained to deal with the problem themselves. Sometimes adding things to the mix only makes it worse. My job is to get you the intel and I did it. The rest is not really my problem." Came the reply in a simple, monotone tone.

"Then, why did you help Dein and not them? Cooperation is important as well. I also told you this, if I am not mistaken. Would you try to open up a little with other people as well? It wouldn't hurt you. I know people aren't always how you like them, but you can't only talk with me and Shane." He remarked. "

"Because you don't screw up and actually help the team. All the others I see are all like " we are the best, we can do anything we want" just because they got promoted back at the accademy. And it's not worth my time trying to discuss their methods. As far as they don't get me killed, they can do anything they want and I have no problem in collaborating. But if they are only big mouths and nothing else then you should be the one judging who's best for a mission and who isn't. The General commands and the soldier obeys. This leads to our top priority, completing our mission. You said that yourself." He replied, shrugging.

"Besides, I don't really see why should I get attached to people if the next day they are dead." He added, exiting the office. "I'd be mad in a week, don't you think...Dein?"

After the war: He only tries to survive. He still is loyal to the others like him, but he always thinks about the well being of him and his group first.

Edited by ShaneKahnnigan17
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Name: Aramil "Ray" Layren

Frame: Chroma

Appearance: Standard Chroma with green pelt, black armor. No accessories. (Under the armor there's a 200cm man with black hair, green eyes and average build if it's relevant.)

Personality: Calm, reserved, cold and a sharp thinker. He can be very laid back and friendly but only with who he really trusts. Doesn't like to get into unnecessary fights or attention. Will use everything he has to win if he has to. No mercy.

Bio: One of the many out there, nothing more, nothing less. The war made him indifferent towards the fate of the others around him aside from his very close friends, as his only though is surviving at the best of his abilities.

Companions: none.

Syndicates: unaffiliated.

Before the war:

"These are data you asked." Aramil said, throwing a bunch of holo storages in front of his superior's desk. "Nothing really worthwhile, as I had already told you before you sent us in that spy mission."

The Captain stood silent for a moment. " why didn't you help your teammates, Layren? Two of your teammates are wounded and one is KIA."

"I do my job, they do theirs. Simple as that. If they trigger the alarms when I am already on the other side of the complex don't expect me to run back there and potentially thwart a mission only to help them. Besides, they should be sufficiently trained to deal with the problem themselves. Sometimes adding things to the mix only makes it worse. My job is to get you the intel and I did it. The rest is not really my problem." Came the reply in a simple, monotone tone.

"Then, why did you help Dein and not them? Cooperation is important as well. I also told you this, if I am not mistaken. Would you try to open up a little with other people as well? It wouldn't hurt you. But As you said, it was his problem to deal with the enemy." He asked.

"Because he doesn't screw up and actually helps the team. All the others I see are all like " we are the best, we can do anything we want" just because they got promoted back at the accademy. And it's not worth my time trying to discuss their methods. As far as they don't get me killed, they can do anything they want and I have no problem in collaborating. But if they are only big mouths and nothing else then you should be the one judging who's best for a mission and who isn't. The General commands and the soldier obeys. This leads to our top priority, completing our mission. You said that yourself." He replied, shrugging.

"Besides, I don't really see why should I get attached to people if the next day they are dead." He added, exiting the office. "I'd be mad in a week, don't you think...Dein?"

After the war: He only tries to survive.

your in. Just one thing: what element is he? I  just want to know btw.

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Shane! How could you!?


I'm glad that you decided to join other threads.

*holds arm in the air* I SURRENDER! Plz dun kill meh!

Yeah...at least you get to see my good side XD. I am pretty much ded in the other, and I wanted to have something else while I wait to be shadow of the dead'ed. XD. You will see me in due time though. right now I'llhave to wait untill you exit the cave you are all in.

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*holds arm in the air* I SURRENDER! Plz dun kill meh!

Yeah...at least you get to see my good side XD. I am pretty much ded in the other, and I wanted to have something else while I wait to be shadow of the dead'ed. XD. You will see me in due time though. right now I'llhave to wait untill you exit the cave you are all in.

So you're ok with your OC being dead in the other RP? Because (little spoiler) the group is going to go on a mission, and I don't think that your character can even move. So I thought about leaving him in the church unconscious, but then it would take a long time till they get back, so your choice. (We're talking about aSLiTDS by the way)

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