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A Minor Change To Reviving On Console That Slipped Under The Notes Is Infuriating


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Hello! Recently, a change was made to the game that I think has gone under a lot of people's noses, but made the game occasionally infuriating for me to play. I've been playing for almost two years, mastery rank 21, etc., etc., please, PLEASE hear me out here and read carefully before you simply go "okay, this person just doesn't know how to play the game." This is a definite change that has been made, and not something I'm simply misinterpreting.


As it has always been, when you would die, a menu screen would pop up asking you to push x to revive or circle to cancel. From there, if you accidentally pushed circle, you'd be able to choose to confirm your choice with x or cancel your decision to not revive by pressing circle a second time. This failsafe to prevent you from accidentally just quitting out of a mission is quite useful.


However, a recent change to the game has made this failsafe a little bit faulty. As you already know, when you're the last member on a team that is not downed, if you take damage that would down you, you instead immediately pop to death and are prompted by the revive screen. A lot of times when you're the last person alive, you're actively attempting to revive a downed player on the team, right? What button do you push to revive? It's circle, right?


Previously, when holding down circle to revive a player as the last player on a team, if you died, it would not count as pressing it when the prompt to revive or quit out pops out. This means you'd get a chance to review the screen, see that you wish to press x to revive, and then do so.


With Update 18, a change went into place so that if you're holding circle as you die, it counts as having pushed it. This means that upon death while reviving another player, you immediately choose to cancel reviving and are taken to the screen to review if you want to cancel that decision or confirm it. Since I'm used to dying and then immediately pressing x to revive, I do that here, only to be immediately booted from a mission.


If this is tl;dr:


The process USED to be:


1. I'm the last member of the team alive. I choose to start reviving a downed teammate who is bleeding out.

2. I'm killed doing so, and because of that, I was holding circle.

3. I'm still holding circle as the "revive/cancel" screen pops up, but it doesn't recognize that as a button press.

4. I know through repetition to press x to revive, I do so, I revive.


The process is NOW:


1. I'm the last member of the team alive. I choose to start reviving a downed teammate who is bleeding out.

2. I'm killed doing so, and because of that, I was holding circle.

3. I'm still holding circle as the "revive/cancel" screen pops up, so it recognizes that as me pressing circle in that instance and advances to another prompt.

4. I know through repetition to press x to revive, I do so, I am kicked from the game with no rewards, whatsoever, because I didn't realize I'd somehow advanced to the screen asking me to confirm/deny quitting out.


When you die, you typically IMMEDIATELY want to revive, especially if the rest of your team is dead (as it is in this situation), so this all happens without you even reading the prompts within the span of like 2 seconds. This is ridiculous. Please, oh please, revert this change. I've already lost out on some hour+ long endless missions because of this nonsense. I think I'm reviving, and then suddenly I'm on a loading screen and have forfeited all rewards.


I realize this was a VERY small change, and should be very easy to revert.

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Very annoying when I'm picking people up in Archwing -I get Toxin killed while performing revive and as you stated it says press Circle or X

I press X apparently - I choose to confirm to extract mission because I was previously holding Circle.

Instead - I'm supposed to hit Circle (Counter Intuitive) to make sure I am actually at the Revive or Abort choice.

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Yes yes yes! I couldn't of putt it better myself it'a happened to me so many times now where I'm the last one to die and I've aborted mission. The few times I'm extremely pissed off. Especially when I did a 40 wave t3 Def. That was just a horrible experience and time wasted.


I did it on wave 35 of a T4 the other day and just :((((

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Theres/there was (not sure) a control bug on ps4, basically sometimes when you press a button, the game take the command twice

You can notice it often using the double jump for example, but i experienced it in Dojo craft/destroy/edit rooms/decorations and also in the situation you just talked about

(Tried different controllers and reinstalling the game weeks ago and the bug was still in there)

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You kniw what the is my GADEM problem. I'm furis that we are "RANK MASTERY 20" and we cant revive our team mates fasters. That's what the BUCK they need to do, update that SHEET. We are masters of the game we should be picking teamates up in half the time. We should have perks at Higher ranks. BUCK that operator school system SHEET.

Thank you for reading sorry I'm just upset that I feel I'm right, if no one agrees with me fine.

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This is something we're aware of internally and looking to fix. 


Alright! :) Thanks for the update.



Hi guys. 100% agree, but this is happening since 17, mind you.

We need a fix, please, but I like to mention that this isn't and update 18 bug....


Really? Are you certain on this one? I played heavily all throughout update 17 and can't recall having this happen once, but I've had it happen numerous times since the most recent update. I could have just gotten lucky.

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