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June 4Th: Community Hot Topics


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Good luck at E3.  I don't plan on purchasing one anytime soon but I am excited about the prospect of Warframe on the PS4.  I think it opens a lot of doors for other great f2p games that don't get as much attention as they should.  There's a lot of great f2p games out there with some original and exciting gameplay that aren't taken seriously or don't have the exposure they deserve.  Warframe is one of those games, and I'm glad its all happening for you guys.  Great opportunity and it makes me look forward to the next generation of consoles in a way I haven't done since I was a kid.  Congratulations!

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June 4th Community Hot Topics!


5. E3!

Warframe will be making its first E3 debut in a big way!  In exactly 6 days some of us will be flying to E3 (a lot of us for the first time *shakes nervously*). The team will be showing off Warframe to the global media and industry head honchos on both the PC and PS4.   Keep your eyes peeled for us,  we’ll be updating everyone with news as we are there (hopefully from the show floor!). 


Should you all be on the E3 Exhibitor List?: http://e313.mapyourshow.com/5_0/exhibitor_results.cfm?type=alphaα=D

I hope it goes well and don't forget to have fun!



1. RNG:


What can I say about this? Between facts (RNG Data) and fixes (Bandaids and an overhauled system entirely), a lot is going to change. A lot of posts this weekend have filled me with a sense that our players do not believe things are going to ever change. Or, if things do change, it’s for the wrong reasons or a step in the wrong direction. Although only a fraction of our players participate in our forums, it is these players that remind us the importance of balance, content, and fairness. Thank you all. It is our duty as developers to fix large issues, and with all the Update 8 revisions going on, it is becoming ever clear what can be fixed in a Hotfix, and what needs an overhaul entirely, namely RNG Drops.


When a system exists based on “Rare, Uncommon, and Common” tiers, the probabilities to drop something from these tiers as a whole remains the same, but as more content gets added to these tiers, the desired items become harder to get.  This is a problem – a player actively seeking Rare Drop X may get burnt out on the game and decide seeking Rare Drop X is no longer worth it.  Which brings me to my next point…


I appreciate DE taking RNG seriously - I can't imagine that RNG "balancing" is easy, much like trying to bring order to chaos ;)

I personally have been ok RNG since update 8's hotfixes, with my only concerns being with the Orokin Tower drop rates for certain Reaper, Latron Prime, and Frost Prime parts.

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4. Viper Sounds (& Sound Update in General)!

I spoke with our Lead Sound Designer (some of you know him as DE_George) and he said the following:

Sound is overhauling the weapon sounds. This Friday (or whenever our hotfix is) will bring a newer version of the Dual Vipers. It’s all very much a Work-In-Progress. The Root of the problem is that the weapon sounds are unbalanced, and they are doing a pass on all weapons in the game. They will get better with every update.




Now I'm worried about all my other weapons, I'm afraid  the next to my farting Dual Vipers we will see sneezing Boltor and squishy duck Fragor.

Yes I'm sceptic, yes I'm sarcastic,  DE gave me a lot of good reasons for it. Ehhh.

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ME3 is on consoles and PCs.  EAware makes PC players wait for stupid sony and microsoft to certify console patches before the PC version gets patched even though all three platforms are independent.  It also means fewer patches because it costs $50,000 to certify a patch on the consoles.  One day, EAware just walked away from the game leaving a load of bugs in place.


Warframe on a console sounds like bad news to me.

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ME3 is on consoles and PCs.  EAware makes PC players wait for stupid sony and microsoft to certify console patches before the PC version gets patched even though all three platforms are independent.  It also means fewer patches because it costs $50,000 to certify a patch on the consoles.  One day, EAware just walked away from the game leaving a load of bugs in place.


Warframe on a console sounds like bad news to me.

De is not EA

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Any updates on the Dojo resource requirements for smaller clans? Constantly having to farm Nano Spores is getting me burnt out on the game and I don't want to join a clan with hundreds of people I don't even know.

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I appreciate DE taking RNG seriously - I can't imagine that RNG "balancing" is easy, much like trying to bring order to chaos ;)

I personally have been ok RNG since update 8's hotfixes, with my only concerns being with the Orokin Tower drop rates for certain Reaper, Latron Prime, and Frost Prime parts.



Weren't those literally the only things 'fixed' in the hotfix? 

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Should you all be on the E3 Exhibitor List?: http://e313.mapyourshow.com/5_0/exhibitor_results.cfm?type=alphaα=D

I hope it goes well and don't forget to have fun!


I appreciate DE taking RNG seriously - I can't imagine that RNG "balancing" is easy, much like trying to bring order to chaos ;)

I personally have been ok RNG since update 8's hotfixes, with my only concerns being with the Orokin Tower drop rates for certain Reaper, Latron Prime, and Frost Prime parts.



Weren't those literally the only things 'fixed' in the hotfix? 


Yes, it is ironic that in the 2-3 dozen tower runs I have done since the hotfix (at least 5 of which were tier 3), I have not been able to get the blueprints of the very things that were supposedly patched.

I'm not totally pissed about it though because I've been happy with all the other drops, including complete part sets for 3 warframes, that I have gotten since the hotfix.

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Yes, it is ironic that in the 2-3 dozen tower runs I have done since the hotfix (at least 5 of which were tier 3), I have not been able to get the blueprints of the very things that were supposedly patched.

I'm not totally &!$$ed about it though because I've been happy with all the other drops, including complete part sets for 3 warframes, that I have gotten since the hotfix.

You can blame that last part on luck since I think they didn't change any normal frame bp chances.

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Humm... So if you're bringing it to PS4 is there a possibility of an optional improved AA for PC Warframe players? Have a feeling PS4 are going to have more defined and the less smudgy FXAA  we currently have. It's not great at all.

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Why do people dislike the idea of having warframe on PS4?

It doesn't take anything from us...More people on warframe = more money = more ressources = more content right? (...I hope).


In any case that's an awesome news for DE !

Usually games that get put on consoles get a focus on the console side. What happens is the game gets dumbed down for the capabilities of console controls and console players, the PC game side ends up waiting on patches to be cleared for the console side, and more and more resources go toward the console side until the PC side feels like a red-headed stepchild and moves on to another game.

If the PC side can play with the console side, the PC players will dominate the console players because KB+M is so much better at quick and precise aiming than a thumb stick will ever be. They'll nerf the PC side to make the console side feel like they can complete by introducting artificial inaccuracy, but only on the PC side.

There are lots of reasons to worry about it.

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Yes, it is ironic that in the 2-3 dozen tower runs I have done since the hotfix (at least 5 of which were tier 3), I have not been able to get the blueprints of the very things that were supposedly patched.

I'm not totally &!$$ed about it though because I've been happy with all the other drops, including complete part sets for 3 warframes, that I have gotten since the hotfix.

That's hardly irony.


Both the IRL mates I play with now have Reaper Prime and Latron Prime, and I don't have either, but I think the Void rewards are stupid anyway. Once you have the three "Void Primes" the drops there are worth stuff all, except for the small chance at Forma and a mild chance of getting decent mods in the mission itself.


Maybe a system where you can trade blueprints for resources, mods, or Forma/Catalyst/Reactor, though I remember somewhere (Livestream 6?) they said they were looking into a token system.


Tempting to leave for a few months and hope they fix all this stuff by then.

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Will you revive idea with buying platinum discounts from daily rewards?


Yes, they did that in the latest hotfix:


Hotfix 8.0.7

- Coupons have returned to the login-reward pool! They are for use on the www.warframe.com/buyplatinum for discounts!


Additional fixes:

- Fix for Ogris and Multishot damaging player.

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June 7 Edit:


Today we released an updated Defense Mission reward table. The previous issue was the dilution of the sought after mods throughout the entire solar system. We have now made rewards faction specific. Once you've had to chance to kill some baddies, no matter how tough, let us know what you think!

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I am new at this game, and have only been playing for a few days.

I must admit that this is one of the best free to play games I have come across, it is even better than a lot of the commercial games (the ones you pay for)

I just wanted to know if there is a way to see my ping/latency ingame? If so, then how?

And if not, then will it be possible to introduce this option in a later patch.


Most of the time the game runs really smoothly, but other times there is a massive delay.

I do not know whether the server hosts the games, or whether a host is chosen from one of the four players, but regardless of that, a way to be able to see my ping will be much appreciated. 



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