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Why I Am A Rusher.


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I tend to be much more of a rusher and I'm pretty much using my dual heat swords instead of my guns for the majority of the time. I run in and hit smoke screen, then I just hit all of the enemies with my swords and I have the electrical damage mod on my swords so I stun all of the enemies. Then I just finish them off or keep them stunned while my team mops them up.

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SURE, i just run Ahead past all the enemies straight to the boss, Becaus it just HAPPENS. Worst Excuse EVER !



In my book Rusher Is still = to Leecher.


"5. Some people are on a schedule. An important call came in and you have to go! Social lives come first, ya know? So here you are, on an alert for something you really needed, your frame is fast, and the clock is ticking. Sorry team, I did my part, and I want a reward for that."

-you just Quit, not RUN ahead. thats Leeching.

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Let's take this OP, but from the point of view of the people left behind. Since he ran ahead, the game started spawning more enemies. Now the 4 man team is down to 3. As they have to move along the path with 25% less strength and more enemies ahead, and deal with the elevators you reset it takes LONGER for them to get to the exit.

By missing some of the convenient lockers/barrels and enemies, you're missing nearly all the resources to contribute to your clan (or your own builds). Otherwise you're not serving the clan.

If you stuck close, you would all share some of the XP from the kills. But because you've increased the distance, you get none of the XP the other 3 players are generating.

Since the rushing issue has been much more vocal, I see this, and am "anti-rush". You rush ahead, leave us behind, create a worse situation, and are not a team player, then I guess you get to wait longer. Otherwise, if we all moved as a team, we'd get there.

You've also failed to utilize that big button at the top. Go Private, Invite Only, or Solo. Going pub, you are being disingenuous about your intentions to play as a team.

Lastly, what's more fun: - Rushing ahead and waiting at the exit for 5 minutes, or making single serving friends and being a team player while blasting away some of the game's enemies? You've basically turned the game into a spreadsheet for yourself.

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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Holy s**t, really?


You play a multi massive online third person SHOOTER and you made this topic to justify why you are not killing mobs?

I mean, why do you even play this game?

To kill bosses, then you loot bps to make another warframe and start killing bosses again?


Running seems like an arrogant attitude "I won't waste my time with you mortals".

And you still leave a thousand mobs spawned behind you for us to kill, like we should clean the floor your holy warframe walked.


Seriously? Stop being a dbag and start being more cooperative.

In this same topic you are trying to say you don't need another players cuz they only waste your time, but you still need them cuz you can't play solo.

Edited by elpanda13
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I got three morphics on my last run on War, Mars. None of it was from Sgt. Nef Anyo himself, who gave me a Gallium. I don't understand Rushers unless you're trying to get Blueprints or something that can only drop from a boss. Almost if not all materials can drop from common mobs and loot lockers.

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I really like fast Frames cause I like to clean every locker I find. With a fast frame I don't slow down the team. Fast frames are also good to revive a fallen comrade in time.

The problem with rushers is, that they doesn't need the kills and the other stuff but other people do. When I'm leveling a frame I really don't care if a mission takes 5 minutes or 15. Every killed mob is a plus for me. I also try to fit the team: If they rush I rush too but leave the team after mission and search for a new one that better fits my style.

I want to rush a mission I do it solo and yes I hate rushers online!

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Am i a rusher if i kill everything on my way and open box/crates i see and be the first to reach extraction. 


Best part. Imba a Rhino using that 'slow helm', i got the most kill, highest loot, even my damage taken is the highest. 


Well i was accused of being a rusher... (it was a boss map)

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If you want to rush that's fine.  I don't like it but there have been times when I start a mission and then 2 minutes in my wife requires my immediate presence, so I try not to let the OCD get the better of me, I skip all the boxes (/twitch), and blast my way to the end and stand at extraction while I go afk.  It happens.


What &!$$es me off are these d-bag rushers who race to the end and then $#*(@ to NO END that they have to wait 1 minute cause you were not glued to their hip for the entire run.  


The minute someone starts getting mouthy about how slow the other members is the moment I stop marking drops.

Edited by Fuilteach
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How dare different people play this game in a different way to myself, rushers are scum, the worst thing since Hitler. We should band together to get anyone who rushes banned from the game.


Get over yourselves. You play with random pubs, you're going to get rushers. Learn to deal with it and stop being so pathetic as to demand other players conform to how you play. It takes all of five seconds to ask in region or council and form a group with the explicit goal of clearing every nook and cranny, if you're too lazy to do this amazingly convoluted and hard step, you deserve whatever you get.

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Seen a couple profiles with, 150+ hours in game, over 700 missions completed, over 3.5 million credits of lifetime wealth... And then barely 10k total kills.. What? We are the baddest killing machines in the galaxy.. Not sprinters.. We are not in the Orokin Olympics, running for trophies.. Why would you not want to kill?


Over 700 missions completed, and nearly 10k kills..


Rushing is fine, I suppose, I just stick to solo unless Defense or Mobile Defense (which rushers still rush TO, lol..) so more power to yeh..  But for those who like to PUG but don't want rushers, you should just check the stats cause the numbers don't lie.

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It's much more productive to rush farm missions in groups. However, not everyone can gather a group of 4 at any time. Sometimes people rush in groups of 2 or 3 or they might just rush online by themselves and other people can join. For example. Psatheme or w/e and Themisto are frequented by rushers. Regardless of what other players say, you don't ever have to justify yourself because the current endgame of warframe is indeed farming. Therefore rushing is a valid gameplay even in online games.

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How dare different people play this game in a different way to myself, rushers are scum, the worst thing since Hitler. We should band together to get anyone who rushes banned from the game.


Get over yourselves. You play with random pubs, you're going to get rushers. Learn to deal with it and stop being so pathetic as to demand other players conform to how you play. It takes all of five seconds to ask in region or council and form a group with the explicit goal of clearing every nook and cranny, if you're too lazy to do this amazingly convoluted and hard step, you deserve whatever you get.

It's not about different game play. It's about being a $&*^ with your team.

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If you're farming for rare resources [especially in the lower maps] you're not going to want to spend time killing a lonely moa in the far corner of the room, it's just not productive, you get crap mods and junk exp.

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