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Am I Noob Or Is Building Clan Dojo By Myself Hard?


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You can research anything that doesn't have a prereq all at the same time.  So, as soon as you get your fieldron/detonite/mutagen research done, you can simultaneously start researching about 80% (very much a number not to quote me on) of the rest of the stuff.  I rushed my core "skeleton" of rooms at about 50% pretty consistently.


There's also this:


Stupidly, insanely useful

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Forma Blueprints, at least, in Tower 2 survival, drop about as much as Noggles would if Rebecca flipped her Liset upside down and opened the windows.

Used to you couldn't go anywhere in the void without it raining dozens of forma onto you. Comparatively, forma almost never drops now. When I built my dojo Forma was a trash drop.

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I was thinking of doing the same thing MR21 so I have the resources but does it not take a ton of time to get everything done? The research time is off the charts. I thought at a quick glance it would take about 6 week in real time to advance in research requirements To get up to date with everything.

Probably not even that long for the hardcore grinders. I've got it all done after two months, but I've been slacking with my Mutagen and Polymer hoarding.

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I built my dojo myself as well, it just took a good while.


If you look there are some tools to help develop your floor plan so you don't waste to much time setting things up. You don't lose any resources once they are spent on the dojo but the room destroy time and build time can really bog you down if haven't nailed down a solid design.


I don't know what you have in mind but I went with a vertical design myself from the top down;


A) Observation Deck ( Four observatories arranged in a ring with a cross connector at the center)

B) Habitat Ring (Grandest Hall with gardens arranged in a ring with the Orokin research room and dueling room at either end)

C) Research Ring (The other four labs arranged in an "H" pattern around the second largest clan hall)

D) Bazaar ( Clan Hall with Trading post in it)

E) Power Core ( Reactor Array with Oracle)


The handy part about a vertical build is that its pretty space efficient when it comes adding rooms on. Once you decide on a theme for each level or the general lay of your rooms they are easy to add on and don't require much rearranging.


This came in pretty handy when I needed to add reactors as I arranged that level in an "H" pattern with the central room forming the cross connector and the needed power rooms spreading outward on either end.


The Dojo features 2 elevators on each level and a transporter on each level to facilitate travel around the dojo.

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Building a Dojo is designed to be challenging. It is most effective when you have people helping, but not required. You should definitely expect to spend a lot of time farming resources. I suggest buying the resource boosters in the market, then spending a few days doing long survival runs on different planets to build up a large amount of materials. Then once you have built up a good amount, go in and start building.


This plan has a side benefit of allowing you time to plan out your dojo, and prioritize the rooms you know you want first. That way you don't run out of materials mid build because you spent them on some room that did nothing to improve the dojo overall. (This was my mistake when I first built mine..)


**Remember! Building the barracks that increases clan size, also increases cost of materials exponentially! I would recommend not increasing your clan size until you absolutely have to (preferably when you know you have a minimum of 10+ people ready to join as soon as the upgrade is complete)... If you have already built one or more of these rooms, you can delete them and down grade, but there are two drawbacks. First, your clan must be under the member limit for the previous rank. Second, your clan will be unable to upgrade again for a set amount of time. (I believe it is 60days but I could be wrong)**

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It can be hard and time consuming. What makes it hard and time consuming for me is the forma requirements left right and centre, especially when you still need to forma your weapons and warframes.


I will say that getting the benefits of a dojo i.e. the labs isn't to hard. If you just want the basics it shouldn't take to long to set up, all you need is a couple of reactors, trading post, an oracle and 4 labs and you are good to go. The main thing you need, as with anything in this game is patience.


Once you have all the research done (thank you DE for the bonus resource drops) you can then branch off into making other rooms.


What I did before the resource weekends was put about 10-20% of my resources into the items I wanted to research if I didn't have enough, watch out because the items you build in the foundry will ninja you resources. After a few days my contributions were complete and I could start the next item that I wanted to research.

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You don't need a lot of resources right away.  I built mine piece by piece over the course of a few months.  As I earned forma and resources, I'd build one room at a time, then the  next, then the next.   If you try to build all 5 labs in the same week or something like that, then yeah it'll be hard.   But if you concentrate on one room at a time and be patient and realize it's not a race but a long term goal, then it is really easy because you won't have to farm hard or at all.   If you prioritize right, you should just be able to play the game for fun instead of grind for specific stuff.  I find that when you play for fun, you naturally stockpile resources more easily because when people have fun doing what they do, they do more of it and for longer periods, thus producing more.    When people force themselves to grind, it's not fun and people don't do things that is not fun with the same effort and efficiency.  They get bored faster because they are not having fun doing what they do.  So to make things the easiest, just play for fun first and all that you need will eventually be acquired.



However, you still have to do some grinding or do missions you normally wouldn't want to do or have fun doing.  Like if you are new to the game, then even if you don't want a dojo yourself, you still should do every alert, invasion, siege, sortie and event that pops up because they often give you the most valuable resources you'll never for everything in the game.  They are the best ways to get the resources you need the fastest.    You also have to set your sights on doing no less than 30 minute runs as 10 minute or 10 wave runs are not gonna get you the resources you need.

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I've done the solo clan build before.

You rush to get to the labs but even so that takes 13 forma to do correctly.

When I say correctly I mean build excess reactors and halls leading to them so your not short on power when you finally build the labs and the grand hall they are in.

Granted it would be much easier to have 4-6 members when a Forma alert pops up so you can hammer out 4-6 rooms at a time.

But most clans especially newer ones arnt that patient.

They want the labs now! Devotion later.

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It's hard alright, took me like 2 years to get to where it is now. Doesn't help that the only member in my clan stopped playing for quite a long period.

Do take note eventually it'll pay off :3 the new members I've been having recently were impressed by how much efforts I've put into building a huge-a$$ dojo.

Just take your time and your ideal dojo will come to life eventually.

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If you have played for a long time with so many resources. than it's not that hard.


If not, then joining an existing clan should be much easier.



I tried once with building my own clan. I gave up after around 2 months. Too much work and resources needed.

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I built my own and it's not that hard if you keep it to the smallest clan size and focus on the bare necessities first.

Get your room connector or hallway(s), garden built and install your reactors then your oracle, then your labs. Trade kiosk can go at the entrance.

....That's it.


Time and attention can take care of the rest for you or you can leave it as is;  dojos don't have any other real solo utility otherwise. 


My experience with clans here had been poor (repugnant comments in chat on race, elitist commentary, join xyz website or be expelled from guild, etc) but I still needed access to labs.



If I had to do it over again now...


The first room I'd build is a:

Temple of Honor and then a cross connector behind one door and reactor rooms

Oracle room behind another door

Garden or cross connector and labs behind another door

Observatory behind the last door because I like it.


Decorate the entry hall and put your trade kiosk there.


That's roughly 12 forma and 12k credits.(edited because I forgot the number of useful labs went up to 4.. been a while since I built)


So long as your are building with a ghost clan designation should be fairly reasonable.

Rooms mention need minimal decoration to look awesome. 

Edited by Padre_Akais
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