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Limbo, The Other Side Of The Coin.


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Actually, and I don't mean to intrude on the conversation but he has 1.15 sprint speed.

Sorry, bad memory here.


Two things I ALWAYS try to mod limbo for a quick-thinking and shield. Reason being, with a high enough shield I can safely fight for a short period and then retreat as my cataclysm collapses with little loss. Also IF I do wind up near to death that quickthinking plus that bit of energy regen from the rift can be a life saver so long as you just use your weapons in the cataclysm....not like you would need to use rift walk (unless your using that as you plan B) or banish (unless on allies firing in), so you are free to use rift surge and have at it.

Again, sortie enemies can gun you down within seconds. Two, not everyone has quick thinking (I've had so far no luck with trasmutation and void grinds). Three, I would personally shut down cataclysm instantly and cast rift walk if I find myself taking a significant amount of damage and switch to Banish + Rift Surge + finisher tactic. Plus, casting cataclysm then fighting for a short period of time then pulling it back will not compensate for the energy lost between casts, especially regarding how quick thinking also takes away a proportion of your energy. Unless you just so happen to cast right above 2 to 3 energy orbs at once, I don't see where exactly this tactic is going. Either way, we still need some basic suvivability in the Rift.

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Sorry, bad memory here.


Again, sortie enemies can gun you down within seconds. Two, not everyone has quick thinking (I've had so far no luck with trasmutation and void grinds). Three, I would personally shut down cataclysm instantly and cast rift walk if I find myself taking a significant amount of damage and switch to Banish + Rift Surge + finisher tactic. Plus, casting cataclysm then fighting for a short period of time then pulling it back will not compensate for the energy lost between casts, especially regarding how quick thinking also takes away a proportion of your energy. Unless you just so happen to cast right above 2 to 3 energy orbs at once, I don't see where exactly this tactic is going. Either way, we still need some basic suvivability in the Rift.

Well if you efficiency is high enough rift walking between cataclysms or even keeping cataclysm open (I know you it can be a bad idea) can do the trick.



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Again, sortie enemies can gun you down within seconds.


1. It needs to be pointed out and emphasized that this is true for just about any 'Frame - not just Limbo.


2. Not everyone likes to deal with high level enemies with arguably broken scaling. For those that don't bother with Sorties and other "end game" missions, Limbo can go out to Pluto and perform well, given the right equipment, mods and player skill.

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1. It needs to be pointed out and emphasized that this is true for just about any 'Frame - not just Limbo.


2. Not everyone likes to deal with high level enemies with arguably broken scaling. For those that don't bother with Sorties and other "end game" missions, Limbo can go out to Pluto and perform well, given the right equipment, mods and player skill.

And Limbo has terrible base stats and it makes basic survival almost impossible out of the rift. 100 hp with 75 shields and 65 armor is not the best choice to go for. Sure, quick thinking adds some survivability for Limbo, but it also eats up a lot of energy, which is hardly enough for constantly banishing enemies (knockdown finishers scales well in end game levels). And for a max duration build, Limbo must sacrifice efficiency for it.

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1. It needs to be pointed out and emphasized that this is true for just about any 'Frame - not just Limbo.

2. Not everyone likes to deal with high level enemies with arguably broken scaling. For those that don't bother with Sorties and other "end game" missions, Limbo can go out to Pluto and perform well, given the right equipment, mods and player skill.

Said no ash player ever.

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And this has...what to do with the topic at hand?

Oh right - nothing. Because this is a thread about Limbo - not Ash.

Any other frame right?...

Nah man, these problems only apply to broken frames. Frames that have obvious, undenyable issues in theyr kit.

Ash is just a good example of a working frame. One that still needs skill to not...getting stuck in a slow animation ... rather, Ya know, knowledge of his mechanics and synergy to get the most outa his abilitys. Ash is a kind of ideal there.

Same applys in my case to volt. I have yet to die with him in ANY sortie as he's a awesome supporter and energy tank. His shields even add the same type of protection without all this phasing, on a kit with strong, active CC.

But limbo...the archtype of any other frame...

But hey, OP allready clarified that this is not only a thread about limbo and his issues but rather one to show how to play him... so your approach to sorties is just to NOT play them with limbo? That's cool with me

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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  I'd prefer using multiple abilities on Limbo to kill rather than "push a button" to kill. I already have several frames that do this for me, so please allow me to be flexible and adaptable with Limbo. Yes I agree, Limbo seems like all other frames without the rift mechanic, squishy and slower than the rest. You will face significant difficulty without your abilities (null bubbles and manics, to name a few). But seriously, running sortie defences and mobile defences are incredibly easy with Limbo (that is, provided you have enough duration and have a hardy companion or simply not use them at all). I could literally solo an entire sortie mission with defence and mobile defence slapped on it, thanks to the Rift. Survival takes more work though. Plus, there are way more frames out there that are broken. Excalibur (again, I know, but stop making him a one-trick pony), Zephyr (the bird who can't fly), Ember (unscalable WoF), Banshee (she's actually quite neat imo, but Silence stealth seems a bit wacky, I'm fine with other abilities), just to name a few, are the very frames that you've described as "broken", in need of a quick fix. I've so far rarely met an Ash player who is willing to use his abilities other than Blade Storm (leaving the reviving work to ME, no matter what frame I'm playing as), not to mention the so-called "synergy" if they refused to use them in the first place. Honestly, I've seen more Ash bleedouts than Limbo bleedouts over the past few months (regarding bleedout/usage percentage, as I normally see Ash players getting downed 4-5 times in a single mission #sortie?).

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so your approach to sorties is just to NOT play them with limbo? That's cool with me


You either misunderstood me or you're trying to strawman...I was saying that Sorties / End Game missions have broken scaling and that Limbo is viable in missions where scaling doesn't start becoming seriously broken. No I don't think Limbo would fair very well in Sorties...but that arguably underscores how broken scaling and balance is there. Any 'Frame or weapon should be viable against the enemies they're intended to face, regardless of their level. If not, then maybe we need to look at the enemies as well as the gear.


Judging 'Frames (and even weapons) by how they do against overpowered "end game" enemies t that even the devs don't consider "balanced" is a bit fallacious and unfair.


And no, I don't play Sorties at all. I don't particularly care for having to deal with large numbers of enemies that are packed to the gills with "artificial difficulty" (massive HP / armour / damage buffs). For me, a challenge is relying on accuracy, agility and power against enemies to survive. Sadly, all that truly matters against "end game" content is how many overpowered mods and weapons you have equipped and how fast you can hit "4" with certain 'Frames. That's not a challenge to me. That's an exercise in masochism. But hey, if that's your cup of tea, that's fine with me.


Just don't judge normal 'Frames and weapons by how they perform against broken, OP enemies that require specific builds to kill and can easily kill ANY 'Frame in one shot despite said builds.

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Sorties are actually far from broken scaling, rather set pretty high with nightmare criterias, easily something you'd consider endgame. In fact the only endgame content that isn't scaling into infinity or centered around CC and frickin puzzles...

That you're able to brute-force your way trough it just prooves it. I mean i did a sortie md with my ash today. Team: me, a trinity and a nezha, kriteria was physical enchantment... nezha providet light CC, trin was setting vampires and i was killing on sight..go ahead and try this setup in a actuall broken defense mission. What brings us to the conclusion that he isn't endgame viable as he is. Even played right, in the hands of a good player. Defense that vanishs into nothingness the moment you attack can't be consideret as such...what makes him what exactly? A glass cannon with nothing but light CC and a nothing but medicore and limiting damage buff?...sry man but i find his whole concept flawed to the core. He would be much better off in a propper supporter role instead of this strange corner DE put him in.

And @Madho, no idea what ash's you've met so far. Dying multiple times with a frame who combines solid basestats, invisibility and a ult that makes him immune for a while, optionally clearing enemys around him or incomming waves from afar can be consideret a acchievement on its own.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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  Ash players are pretty vulnerable after the casting animation of Blade Storm, and can go down pretty fast under low energy conditions or when the squad lacks a Trinity with EV, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY YOU CAN BLADESTORM 24/7. Not every squad has an EV Trin like you do.

  Please reconsider the function of your entire squad. You have no idea how hard the Trinity worked to keep both of you alive.

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Woops, my bad.

Limbo plays pretty well when using Catalysm from far and sniping his targets that walk into it. Also a Life strike Jat combo with him allows him some decent dps on non end game content.

He is the king of Corpus Spy missions but with my experience, that's as far as he goes.

King of spy Mission? Have you forgotten Loki? Can limbo run right Infront of sensor undetected? Can he swap places with to travel fast and skip all the laser traps? I Guess not. Jesus, people are exaggerated with his limited usefulness as this thread grow. Limbo only excel in one thing that no other frame can match, that's protect the hostage in sorties defense. Even that, Ivara with duration build can rival Limbo functionality. All the other functionality you guys mention in this thread are just gimmicks, fancy way of completing a task that other frame can do it easier.

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  Err first of all, literally any frame can do spy missions if you're careful enough. Ivara and Loki and Ash are simply safety measures, and so is Limbo. Plus, Limbo does not trigger laser traps and arc traps, therefore making him one of the good frames for spy missions, but definitely not the best (like you said, invisibility).

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Err first of all, literally any frame can do spy missions if you're careful enough. Ivara and Loki and Ash are simply safety measures, and so is Limbo. Plus, Limbo does not trigger laser traps and arc traps, therefore making him one of the good frames for spy missions, but definitely not the best (like you said, invisibility).

Thats absurd, Loki is the best for spy Mission. There is no other frame that let you ignore those pesky sensor scanner, maybe Ivara could do that with her invisibility but she is so slow and she can't pass through laser trap. When I play Limbo month ago, he did trigger alarm when passing though laser. Maybe DE already patched it.

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yaaay!  L.A.G

Limbo Appreciation Group~


Remember! "If you're not getting loot, blame it on Lag" :D


I do like playing limbo and love his theme but he needs something done with him. Yes, his abilities can benefit the team and some situations but others don't want seem to want it. Even been many times where i've started a mission with Limbo and others just leave. It's sad =(

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Thats absurd, Loki is the best for spy Mission. There is no other frame that let you ignore those pesky sensor scanner, maybe Ivara could do that with her invisibility but she is so slow and she can't pass through laser trap. When I play Limbo month ago, he did trigger alarm when passing though laser. Maybe DE already patched it.


Just did a spy mission with Limbo. As soon as I hit the Spy Vault, Rift Walk through sensors, laser fields (no point in jumping around and parkouring unless holes in the floor) - no alarms. Banish and burn down any enemies (I usually run a modded Attica) if they manage to get to the console, being banished means they can't trigger the alarm (I kill them too quickly). Easiest mission type for Limbo. 


I am on XB1, so it might have gotten patched up in the PC version.

Edited by (XB1)AmbientTenebrae
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