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Staffs And Polearms


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staffs and polearms could be said to encompass similar spots like squares and rectangles do.

back in days of old before we started gaining weapons for these stances the main difference in the styles was one used blunt ends and the other used bladed end but as weapons are added they start to lose there uniqueness (since staffs now have a bladded weapon ala tipedo.) 
now these stances could use a bit of spice to really set these two styles apart from each other

so i have a proposition.to make the styles unique. staffs taking over the dbl ended combat and polearms takeing long reach single ended weapons

first start by merging bleeding willow and shimmering blight.  after merging them move them over to staffs.
the stances are the same asides from the one combo they each have. and having them moved to staffs would befit the double ended combat style they use.
EDIT: if not merge them then actually add some combos to these two. since these stances themself dont have anything in the way of verity.

2nd move tipedo over to polearm and orthos series over to staffs.  
swapping tipedo and orthos would make sense for this. since orthos is an amazing weapon in its visual and just holds the feeling of fighting with both ends of a pointy stick and tipedo  is a weapon that doesn't make to much since to use the hilt over the fan blade

3rd give poleams a new stance  
yes yes i know its much to ask after i just took out the two it had but hear me out. the thing to make polearms really different from staffs would be replacing the quick spinning strikes with stances that make it unique. so i thought of two styles.
first being a spear based stance. focused on quick jabs and long thrusts. being focused on taking down a single target quickly (for when we get a puncture polearm)
and a 2nd being a halberd based stance. focusing on wide sweeps and powerful chops being able to swing at a group of enemies near by. (which would easily work for the weapons in the stance including the proposed swap)

well thoughts, ideas,opinions? please do share. 
also have ideas on splitting the dual axes out of the dual swords and adding a new machete stance in the future for those interested

Edited by Ordosan
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My orthos is not a staff, thanks. There is nothing staff about it.

neither is tipedo. and think of staff in general. staff being double ended fighting stance that orthos easily fits (since its just a staff with sharp ends) staff or polearm its doing the same exact thing.

Edited by Ordosan
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Orthos is a polearm, let's just leave it at that. It's got a blade at both ends because it was the earliest polearms introduced, swapping it over to staffs would be plain pedantic.


Tipedo almost makes sense since it's a slash weapon, and could be moved to the polearm section if you have a desperate need to turn all blade-y things into polearms.


Your suggestion will remove stances from the game. These stances are old, don't bother updating them, just introduce new polearm stances.

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Orthos is a polearm, let's just leave it at that. It's got a blade at both ends because it was the earliest polearms introduced, swapping it over to staffs would be plain pedantic.


Tipedo almost makes sense since it's a slash weapon, and could be moved to the polearm section if you have a desperate need to turn all blade-y things into polearms.


Your suggestion will remove stances from the game. These stances are old, don't bother updating them, just introduce new polearm stances.

how would my suggestion remove stances from the game? im just saying that as it is now polearms and staves are the same exact thing. so having the staff stance focus on both ends would be more fitting and alow polearms to have a slight overhaul to focus on single blade combat. and makeing the orthos a staff wont change what it is. it will still be a polearm (a staff is a polearm iirc) and it would still use the same stance with my idea. orthos wont really change asides from its 'class'

Edited by Ordosan
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First off, when you suggest Merging Bleeding Willow and Shimmering Blight, that would mean we would be losing a stance because two stances are being formed into one.


Secondarily, it's "*since Orthos" and "makes *sense."


Lastly, I kind of like this idea. With a staff you typically use both ends of the weapon to strike, with pole arms, you mostly use the sharp/bladed/pointed/weighted end. In Orthos and Orthos Prime's case of having sharp points on both ends, it would logically fit under a staff stance because staffs use both ends. As with Tonbo, and Tipedo... a pole arm stance fits them better because they are weighted to attack with one end. 


We really should have a Pole Arm stance that emphasizes thrusting and stabbing

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First off, when you suggest Merging Bleeding Willow and Shimmering Blight, that would mean we would be losing a stance because two stances are being formed into one.


Secondarily, it's "*since Orthos" and "makes *sense."


 oh yes yes thank you. spelling isnt my best point.

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First off, when you suggest Merging Bleeding Willow and Shimmering Blight, that would mean we would be losing a stance because two stances are being formed into one.

Both stances have exactly one extra combo, and for the life of me I can't tell them apart. Hell, make one of them the pause attack and the other the hold/back/whatever attack.


Besides the first swing of an equipped polearm is janky and the window to continue combos after it is too short.

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Both stances have exactly one extra combo, and for the life of me I can't tell them apart. Hell, make one of them the pause attack and the other the hold/back/whatever attack.


Besides the first swing of an equipped polearm is janky and the window to continue combos after it is too short.

ya im suprised DE hasnt added some life to these like they did to the heavy blade stance. back when cleaving whirlwind only had spin before it got the back hand and the chop slams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It means you never used them. Because while Shimmering Blight is essentially extension of the default polearm stance, Bleeding Willow is a completely different thing, that drastically changes the way weapon is used.

at this rate its gonna turn into a add more stances combos. which of course would still need to. still dosnt change one is a front flip spin and the other is a chop flip. otherwise they are teh same stance. i mean the already existing staffs stance at least have actual variations to theres (which i would still personally perfer to use on orthos if i could since it would be just as fitting)

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It means you never used them. Because while Shimmering Blight is essentially extension of the default polearm stance, Bleeding Willow is a completely different thing, that drastically changes the way weapon is used.


He's kind of right. Bleeding Willow and Shimmering Blight have near identical starers in there E E holdE E combos. Thee difference is Shimmering Blight does over head strikes meant for single target as the last to E's and Bleeding Willow does circular sweeps as the last to E's. They really do need their animations re done to be distinguishable, they also need more combos.


Hell, pole arms need a third stance that focuses on thrust, stabs, and pokes rather than sweeps and over head slashes like B Willow and S Blight do now. That was the trident has something to take advantage of.

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He's kind of right. Bleeding Willow and Shimmering Blight have near identical starers in there E E holdE E combos. Thee difference is Shimmering Blight does over head strikes meant for single target as the last to E's and Bleeding Willow does circular sweeps as the last to E's. They really do need their animations re done to be distinguishable, they also need more combos.


Hell, pole arms need a third stance that focuses on thrust, stabs, and pokes rather than sweeps and over head slashes like B Willow and S Blight do now. That was the trident has something to take advantage of.

ya i wanna use some of the newer polearms but the trident just feels so wrong with the stances (i could let the shotty clipping in serro pass but trident makes me feel dirty.)

also i have notice that charge attacks with polearms hit with the off end. so trident,serro,tipedo(or was it tonbo. i forget) they all hit with the less sharp end (dare I say blunt)

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