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[ Bullet And Arrow ] Recruiting Friendly Active Players!


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hi i am Jonas

ingame name is Handsome_Jonas (not because i look good i like handsome jack ;)
I am MR4 but close to 5

i would like to join the clan. I am active every week.

i am still learning the game but i understand most of the game already.

pm me ingame

Edited by Handsome_Jonas
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Hey there.

I know that right now you guys are looking for some experienced players and I'm definitely not that, with only MR2 right now.
But maybe you'll get some more space for new players in the (near) future. Right now I'm still learning the basics and I try everything out but I just love the feeling of this game. And because of that I have more than enough to do just by myself! ^_^
But still - A clan to get some help and to get more into the game would be amazing for the future :). So I'd like to just leave this reply here in case you get some space.

Just some quick info about me:
Right now I have a good amount of time to play the game but that can change from week to week, so maybe I can't always be active on workdays, but on the weekend for sure. I'm in my 20's, from Germany and I'm actively looking for an international clan, because practicing English with a video game is an amazing way to do so, plus I think it's just interesting to meet people from different countries.

So yeah... It would be nice to hear from you guys and I wish you good look with finding some experienced players, too! :)

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  • 2 months later...

Hiya! I'm Interested in joining to your clan! 

I'm MR16(will be 17 today). I've been playing almost since start of beta, but not constantly, which has unfortunately resulted in missing lot of events. But I love Warframe and would like to try be more consistently active, and that's why I'm looking for a clan! I haven't ever been in an active clan where I actually knew anyone besides my gf, and that's something I'd like to change. After looking through ~30 recruitment posts I believe yours is most fitting! Here's something about me, answering your "requirements to join" points and more:

  • I believe I'm friendly player, I really dont like elitist attitude, like "if it's not used in meta it's trash".
  • I live in Scandinavia and have reliable internet connection.
  • I'm currently having exciting Warframe season going on and I'm playing every day if I can, mostly on evenings, but I believe I will be playing bit less in future, couple of times a week maybe at minimum.
  • I know lot of the game but some of end-game content is still more or less mystery to me, for example I've never done raids, which I'd like to experience.
  • I have plenty of stupid jokes that can silence the whole room, though I mostly let others do the jokes, I like to laugh at them! But I'm really not a fan of inappropriate eating-a-baby or rape-jokes.
  • One of the main reasons I'm looking for clan is chance to chat. I love to hang around in relays because of this, as an example.
  • I believe that flaming and insulting rarely achieves anything positive.
  • With playing since first days of the game I think I'm committed to the game, at least I feel strong attachment to it :) I regret a lot that I missed so many events, but dont let it me from enjoying what I have.

I also have a gf who plays with me and she would probably like to join as well if it's possible and there's room.

That's about it. Any chance on fitting to the clan? :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello. My IGN-Teablade

I've been looking to join back in with a more elite clan ever since I left Vision of Decay. I enjoyed the clan but it just wasn't for me. my MR is 5 and growing at a decent pace thanks to the fact that they made it easier to get prime gear from fissure mission instead of having to do vault runs all the time or survive for 30 mins in high tier void missions. Im looking to get hardcore back into the game and I would love to grow inside this clan

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello im sergei, (IGN is same as my name in the forums)

No idea if you still remember me but i joined this clan once when i just started the game, saw that the clan is still alive and thaught why not join again :3

annyhow the other reason is that im completly through with searching for clans. i join one stay for a while and suddenly the whole clan dies out in a matter of months. this has been happening the whole time and im done with it.

also i quite miss vulbjorn's jokes XD

annyway hope there's still room for me in the clan ^-^

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On 7/14/2016 at 5:04 AM, CrazyMM1720 said:

Hello. My IGN-Teablade

I've been looking to join back in with a more elite clan ever since I left Vision of Decay. I enjoyed the clan but it just wasn't for me. my MR is 5 and growing at a decent pace thanks to the fact that they made it easier to get prime gear from fissure mission instead of having to do vault runs all the time or survive for 30 mins in high tier void missions. Im looking to get hardcore back into the game and I would love to grow inside this clan

Sorry for late reply. Username Teablade is already in a clan. If you still would like to join you first have to leave the other one.


7 hours ago, sergei5099 said:

hello im sergei, (IGN is same as my name in the forums)

No idea if you still remember me but i joined this clan once when i just started the game, saw that the clan is still alive and thaught why not join again :3

annyhow the other reason is that im completly through with searching for clans. i join one stay for a while and suddenly the whole clan dies out in a matter of months. this has been happening the whole time and im done with it.

also i quite miss vulbjorn's jokes XD

annyway hope there's still room for me in the clan ^-^

Invitation sent. Welcome back. :)

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