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Vauban Shields Too Low


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np with that, they can lower his power to 100.. even the alt helmet lowers the shield of vauban.. Why would someone use the alt helmet when Vaubans shield is already low.. it will make it worse.

now that you mention it, damn those are some terrible alternate helm stats
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Buff his shields? Sure, as long as his power capacity is nerfed along with it.


Every frame gets one stat that is 150, except Excalibur who is a "balanced starter frame" (DE's words) with equal 100 across the board (not counting armor). The more tanky frames also get 150 for armor, which is two stats at 150. For Vauban his 150 stat is energy, same as Nyx, Banshee, Ember, and Trinity. All 4 of those other frames have base 100 shields. Nyx is very similar to Vauban in that both are very CC based, arguably Nyx is better at it too, and comes 100 shields. Having 25% less shields gets to be a liability when doing high level defense waves, you are put at quite a bit of a disadvantage when compared to other DPS frames, and will only get more obvious as content increases and things scale up with end game content etc.

Edited by weezedog
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Every frame gets one stat that is 150, except Excalibur who is a "balanced starter frame" (DE's words) with equal 100 across the board (not counting armor). The more tanky frames also get 150 for armor, which is two stats at 150. For Vauban his 150 stat is energy, same as Nyx, Banshee, Ember, and Trinity. All 4 of those other frames have base 100 shields. Nyx is very similar to Vauban in that both are very CC based, arguably Nyx is better at it too, and comes 100 shields. Having 25% less shields gets to be a liability when doing high level defense waves, you are put at quite a bit of a disadvantage when compared to other DPS frames, and will only get more obvious as content increases and things scale up with end game content etc.

Vauban has higher armour than the female Warframes(excluding Saryn and Mag-tan). It appears that developers seem to think that an extra 30 points of armour helps to balance things and account for his increased power but lowered shields.
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Seriously, you are going to complain about Vauban, THE frame at the moment with skills every other frame doesnt even dare to dream of?The one warframe that makes every other one pretty much obsolete in defense missions?


Just use redirection and dont try to tank.

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Seriously, you are going to complain about Vauban, THE frame at the moment with skills every other frame doesnt even dare to dream of?The one warframe that makes every other one pretty much obsolete in defense missions?


Just use redirection and dont try to tank.


How's that any different than Nyx? Chaos can cover the entire room in defense and lasts twice as long, and the enemies kill themselves. Bastille isn't even close to being that powerful. I would not consider him THE warframe by any means.

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Going from frost to Vauban... oh my goodness the shield drop just killed me. Went from having 825 shields to 405. But you just got to deal with it, vauban is a caster kinda like ember or nyx, its bound to have lower shields. 

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Going from frost to Vauban... oh my goodness the shield drop just killed me. Went from having 825 shields to 405. But you just got to deal with it, vauban is a caster kinda like ember or nyx, its bound to have lower shields. 


ye so Vauban need a higher shield like ember and nyx? 100 is just enough for him. 

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You can avoid most of Vauban's shield issues by just not getting hit.


He's fast enough to get out of harms way when he needs to, and his skillset combines a hell of a lot of damage and crowd control.


300 is all the shielding any Vauban should ever need.

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That's funny. I reset my account and chose excalibur to play. It seemed like the enemies were going through his shields like a wet paper towel. Then I bought Vauban to try out the new frame, who had fewer shields, and it seemed like it took longer for it to go down. I mean armor isn't supposed to affect shields right? I started hating playing as excal and played vauban exclusively. Went back to playing excal earlier this week to help in ranking and he still seems to loose shields like crazy. I think vauban's shield level is fine as is.

I have no idea what you're babbling about. Vauban has both less shields and less armor than the Excalibur. The main difference is their playstyles, you charge head-on at an enemy with an Excal but you stay behind and shoot/throw teslas with a Vauban.

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Everyone already uses Redirection, you get a lot less out of it than the other frames, and when you get up past rank 7 it starts taking crazy amounts of duplicates and cores to level it higher, like in the hundreds to go up another rank.

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Why anyone would level it up that high is beyond me. I rock a level 2 redirection on my Vauban (with the helmet too) on Pluto, and the only times I've died are due to my own stupidity. The added range of Vauban's abilities means he doesn't need to put himself in danger to do crazy damage.

Edited by Kiteless
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Vauban is miles, MILES away from needing any sort of buff. His low shield stat is one of the few things reigning him in, and it honestly doesn't even do much at doing so (lolololol just Bastille anything and enjoy 20 seconds of partywide pseudo-invincibility, not to mention how absurd Vortex is)

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Ever try to do higher level endless defense with cold cutting your shield in half? Try that with your shields reduced to the 100 range and it sucks.

As for his powers, he is not ungodly by any means. Bastille is a good CC ability, but it is no where near as good as Chaos. Chaos is longer, MUCH larger radius, the enemies attack each other, Ancient Healers heal you and Chaos neutralizes Toxic Ancients poison while they are alive. That is huge, and bastille is not at that kind of level of OP it's made out to be. Vortex is an OK ultimate, it's highly bugged right now and crashes clients, doesn't do the high center damage, pulls enemies into the floor and bugs out the mission etc. So not sure what to make of it right now, I tend to use it very sparingly atm.

Telsa is very good for Corpus and Grineer defense, usless for Infested. Bounce is not very useful, but every frame has a power like that. I still wouldn't consider him to be the uberframe people are making him out to be. He has 3 good abilities, much like Frost does.

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Vauban is miles, MILES away from needing any sort of buff. His low shield stat is one of the few things reigning him in, and it honestly doesn't even do much at doing so (lolololol just Bastille anything and enjoy 20 seconds of partywide pseudo-invincibility, not to mention how absurd Vortex is)


Vortex. ^

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