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Valkyr Is Ridiculously Op - Lvl 200+


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Considering rage build with maxed vitality, steel fiber and 200% power strength.

Valkyr's armor=600×(1+1.1+1)=1860

Valkyr's health=100×(1+4.4)+200=740

Valkyr's base ehp= 740×(1+1860/300)=5328

Hysteria only stores 30% of the damage


Hysteria deals impact damage, which is 75% effective against Warfram's health


That's Valkyr's ehp.

As long as Hysteria's counter does not excess 5328, you'll be fine, but if it does, remember that you've actually tanked 23680 points worth of damage.

This number is not very impressive comparing other overpowered frames like Trinity or Chroma, but this is the lazy build and one OP frames' existence does not validate other OP frames' so whatever.

And no I don't know how hard those lvl 70+ Sentient hits Valkyr, bebauce they make up less than 0.01% of the content and Valkyr is literally invunerable and she can just run and hide in a corner before deactivating Hysteria to avoid damage anyway if the counter excess the number cap.

Assuming you maths on the counter limit are correct ( I can't connect to wiki at the minute for some reason to check exactly how it works) then that 5328 number is a joke. 1, yes 1 level 105 heavy gunner raised the counter 8000+ in less than 10 seconds, same level tech 13000+.

That's just 1 enemy not even at maxed sortie levels. Good luck trying to utilise rage by switching in and out of hysteria every 10 seconds, especially when under that sort of firepower.

And you still haven't answered how this "strategy" equates to your earlier claim that she doesn't have to do anything?

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Assuming you maths on the counter limit are correct ( I can't connect to wiki at the minute for some reason to check exactly how it works) then that 5328 number is a joke. 1, yes 1 level 105 heavy gunner raised the counter 8000+ in less than 10 seconds, same level tech 13000+.

That's just 1 enemy not even at maxed sortie levels. Good luck trying to utilise rage by switching in and out of hysteria every 10 seconds, especially when under that sort of firepower.

And you still haven't answered how this "strategy" equates to your earlier claim that she doesn't have to do anything?

You don't turn in off snd on every 10 seconds, you do it every second instead.

Take asnmuch effort mashing 1 button as a blind Mirage.

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Install Primed Reach, or even Reach. Problem...nullified.


Seriously though. The regular damage is fine, spin attack needs to be toned down to not hit six times in a quarter second at full damage (of higher, I can't remember), and remove 100% invulnerability; 95% invulnerability would give her survivability ceiling at somewhere around...level 300? However it wouldn't be cheese, as you would have to constantly melee to regen health.


Plus, then she could actually use Rage to fuel her other, arguably better abilities, and make her stronger overall, yet less godmode easy.

NO! don't take away the invulnerability. This is why she has the low hp and shield. It balances. and if you remember how she was before her buff, she took years to take down even a lv. 30 heavy gunner. She deserves this buff. You dont see people complaining about exalted blade and how every shot does finisher damage!

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Not like Im a moderator or anything but this thread is quite toxic and seriously guys calm down a bit. PS if this is a rework thread shouldn't this be put in Feedback? Man, Im such a nerd for that question.

However I must agree that valkyr is OP/broken and yes, op and broken are 2 different things.

I honestly see no problem with the power (Well, I do but its not as big as a problem as her invulnerability) but her invincibility is just way too far.

Maybe if her invincibility lasted from duration from the moment it is casted and then once it runs out she's still in hysteria but no invincibility or none at all but idk. Perhaps the temporary invincibility should be an augment.

Don't blame me, I'm just giving a suggestion. 

Edited by (PS4)AnishAnkit
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Not like Im a moderator or anything but this thread is quite toxic and seriously guys calm down a bit. PS if this is a rework thread shouldn't this be put in Feedback? Man, Im such a nerd for that question.

However I must agree that valkyr is OP/broken and yes, op and broken are 2 different things.

I honestly see no problem with the power (Well, I do but its not as big as a problem as her invulnerability) but her invincibility is just way too far.

Maybe her invincibility lasted from duration from the moment it is casted and then once it runs out she's still in hysteria but no invincibility or none at all but idk.

Don't blame me, I'm just giving a suggestion.

Duration? Well, you have valkyr before the rework, now you have a more OP frames because you just need to max duration.
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  • 3 months later...
On 1.2.2016 at 6:50 AM, (PS4)AnishAnkit said:

Oh. Idk. I dont play valkyr just giving my opinions.

(Sorry for reviving but)

You are giving opinions, like a duration based invincibility, while never having experienced her in action?

Would you elaborate this? What makes someone's opinion valuable, if it has zero link back, zero connection, zero weight to the origin case, if not experienced anything in that matter?


Valkyr heavily relies on her invincibility. Taking away a skill parameter and slicing it in as an augmentation is just unfair. This wouldn't make her in any way unique. It's not a Warframe anymore, it will be just a Frame, an empty shell. Ever fought against Lv 300 enemies? Infested in this case. No? Well, just try it. Screw corrupted enemies. Infested are quite more time consuming to kill. The damage reduction at that level is insane, which corrupted enemies won't have as an extra buff.

This is the actual case where you need that invincibility urgently. Enemies ain't 1 hit if you reach that level.

And to those who said "instead of invincibility, give her 95% damage resistance", boi, ever tried Mesa with 95% DR? It won't make a bloody difference, both frames going to die instantly after a certain enemy level.


Let's take away the possibility of executing waves while using Exalted Blade from Excalibur. Or removing the vacuum option of Vauban's Vortex and buying some extra aug mods for those cases.

Trust me, no one with a proper and rational thinking will accept this option. 

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KK I have a idea.

Lets have a 2nd Bezerker frame NOT valkyr.

First Move: heal yourself for 100% of the damage dealt for 5 seconds

power: party attack speed increased (on all weapons) lose 25% of your total heath

Even more power: Party attack speed and damaged (stacks with 2) lose 50% of your heath

Blood LUST: lower your heath more damage more movement speed more attack speed and Lifesteal: + 400% damage damages him/herself for 30% of the damage dealt after life steal (if first move is active it nulifys this)

literally players have to balance between maximal power to how much heath they could lose. this would be the first frame that you can kill yourself.

Edited by Kalel_087
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That to me sounds like youll get killed all the time if you use 2 of your powers anywhere close to an enemy. Currently in the Rathuum dvent with scaling enemies my 765 hp 1500+ armor valkyr can be 1/2 shot vs level 70 or so enemies. At level 65 and above it takes seconds cor you to reduced to less then 100 hp and hysteria takes a full second of 2 to kick in.  

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14 minutes ago, Andaius said:

That to me sounds like youll get killed all the time if you use 2 of your powers anywhere close to an enemy. Currently in the Rathuum dvent with scaling enemies my 765 hp 1500+ armor valkyr can be 1/2 shot vs level 70 or so enemies. At level 65 and above it takes seconds cor you to reduced to less then 100 hp and hysteria takes a full second of 2 to kick in.  

yes that where the fun comes in you have to use one power kill something heal up then use the 2nd one. 

people have problem with valkyr due to her hysteria, its too easy.... Well there is this now :) I give you a frame that is completely different from Valkyr YET keeping to idea of a beserker frame. Something like whats that archer does to ash and loki. stop the hating and things that go with hating TROLLING. WE gotta learn to LOVE.

if there are 3 stealth frame why cant there be 2 beserker frame?

I shall call this frame : EMMO

EMMO knows what you want. EMMO will hurt him/herself to get you what you want. EMMO is going to teach you to love even if it hurts. EMMO is EMMO.


#2 Rathuum is a event. So if they gave a event which counts how many stealth kills you do will loki ash and that archer frame be OP? 

#3 Rathuum is a arena. know what you do in a area like quake III and unreal tournament? 

A) learn the map

B) know the spawn rotation

C) own

Edited by Kalel_087
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I don't understand people. Hysteria already has top tier damage to counter the forced meleeing. Valkyr has huge ehp and armor increasing ability. Are people REALLY this BAD at playing the game that they need an invulnerability on top of that?

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Just now, Andaius said:

No, litterally Vallyr would be dead almost all the time if she tried to use hysteria in any high tier enemy mob. 

No she would not. You've played with invulnerability for too long if you think that.

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Just now, Naftal said:

No she would not. You've played with invulnerability for too long if you think that.

No i've played endless Rathuum without using hysteria with melee. They will literally one shot you as you try to get close. As you slow down to melee one guy you'll be killed right away. 

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2 minutes ago, Andaius said:

No i've played endless Rathuum without using hysteria with melee. They will literally one shot you as you try to get close. As you slow down to melee one guy you'll be killed right away. 

You need to try to use another play style then.

And endless is not an argument for not nerfing something. Endless scaling is endless, there's always a level you can't do, like endless should work. We don't have content that's higher than just above level100 in this game. Valkyr without hysteria can easily withstand around lvl100 enemies.

Edited by Naftal
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3 minutes ago, Andaius said:

No i've played endless Rathuum without using hysteria with melee. They will literally one shot you as you try to get close. As you slow down to melee one guy you'll be killed right away. 

#1 Rathuum is a arena event which favors valkr. 

a) so if there is a endless stealth event that favors loki, ash and whats the archer. Should we nerf them?

b) what about Frost if there is a excavation event with Corpus in it, WE SHOULD NERF FROST. right? 

its logical with points made about Rathuum

#2 PLAY ARENA not Warframe but something old school like Quake III or Unreal Tournament

a) to be good at the game you will need to know the map. JUST like Rathuum

b) learn the spawn rotation JUST like Rathuum


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So your saying power that forces you into melee , getting to melee range gets you one shot. Your answer is to change playstyle? I'm not talking level 100 here they can do this starting in the high level 60s and up.

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3 minutes ago, Andaius said:

So your saying power that forces you into melee , getting to melee range gets you one shot. Your answer is to change playstyle? I'm not talking level 100 here they can do this starting in the high level 60s and up.

Yeah change playstyle. Play in a way that doesn't get you killed. You can still get to melee range.

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On 17/01/2016 at 11:11 PM, (PS4)wonderwoman814 said:

Yeah but I still don't see a lot of valk out there lol.

cause its boring to use only 1 ability


just like excal is geting boring with only exalted blade

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On 17.1.2016 at 11:12 PM, UndeadLichKing said:

Such a good idea. If only more people see it this way.

Buffing everything >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nerf one thing.

I mean sure it is difficult but it definetly is my favourite solution. The only problem i see here is that something is not gonna get buffed enough and that one thing is ruined for eternity.

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8 minutes ago, Tsoe said:

cause its boring to use only 1 ability


just like excal is geting boring with only exalted blade

I do use valkyr a lot but i don't use her 4th because it is boring. It is usefull for reviving and healing up but that's where i stop. I focus on gunplay mostly and love shotguns like the boar prime so i really appreciate armor that lets me stay longer before needing to heal up or be done with whatever i am doing. My only problem is that most units in level 80+ alone are able to even one shot through 1200 armor and 800 health. I think that needs fixing. Not the one thing that doesn't make it happen.

I also do not get why spamming abilities to stunlock enemies is acceptable but a frame that turns invincible is heavily frowned upon. If you stunlock with aoe you are cheesing more than i am, when i am reviving someone.

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14 minutes ago, Megakruemel said:

Buffing everything >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nerf one thing.

I mean sure it is difficult but it definetly is my favourite solution. The only problem i see here is that something is not gonna get buffed enough and that one thing is ruined for eternity.

How do you buff everything (enemies) to match invulnerability?

If DE buffed everything on the cheesy level of god mode cheats, the game would not have any point anymore.

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