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My Thoughts On Archwing.


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I will agree,Archwing mostly fails for me because it feels too much like normal gameplay with some levitation thrown in.

Intersect some oldschool auto scrolling arcade levels that are mostly a shooting galleries to vary up the gameplay and pacing a bit.

Also for the slow exploration bits that we have now,go all out.

Let us use the fact that we are in space by landing on the different surfaces and so use the provided cover(if there is one thing Dark Void did semi-well its that),hell let us land on surfaces period.

But lets be honest...thats not going to happen so...at least give us the arcade levels to break up the boring space floating?

Pretty please?Some spectacle for us tired space ninjas?


As it stands...archwing is just kinda there.

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Actually, the Fluctus penetrates their shields, so you do have options.


Having exactly one reasonable course of action is pretty much the entire opposite of having options. I shouldn't be forced to use the Fluctus.

For that matter, I don't yet own it.. and where do two of its three component pieces drop? Uranus Interception. Where you have to try to deal with shielded Dagryns. Whoops.


I mean, it's just a drop in the ocean of odd balance choices, but I distinctly remember being able to shoot Shield Dagryns much more reliably than current. Wasn't it just a damage reduction, not perfect immunity, at one point? That was fine. Shoot them in the back for easy kill, but tackle them head-on at the cost of a longer Time To Kill if you had to.

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They need to think of new modes and not default to the same thing you play outside of Archwing. Archwing defense is horrid. They shove you in a small space and you fly back and forth between two defense points and it feels even slower than it actually is.

It is obscenely slow, though. I did a 20 wave run once, and it took an hour. And the enemies were really far spread out, but even one could destroy the shuttle. So I had to give it my undivided attention for an entire hour in the single most boring mission I have ever played in this game.

Yeah, I don't care about getting the Kaszas anymore...

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My biggest gripe with arching is that we don't get to shoot while flying. We just hover in place, shoot some stuff, and boost away at light speed.

It would be nice if we could shoot while flying around, and decreasing accuracy of shots depending on speed.

The other thing is the UI. The current minimap is not good enough when enemies come from miles away in every direction. At the very least, there should be indicators at the edge of the screen for locating closest enemies. Along with the moving and shooting idea, the ui should calculate the current trajectory of enemies to lead targets.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's get straight to the point.


I am not a fan of Archwing in it's current state, but I appear to have a different reason than other people. Most of the reasons why people dislike Archwing (that I have seen) fall along the lines of "too much RNG", "it's unfinished", and "it feels disconnected". It's not that I don't agree with these reasons; it's just that I feel like these are smaller problems. 


My reason for not liking Archwing is pretty simple. WE ARE STATIONARY SO DAMN MUCH. 

We are given the ability to fly.......IN  SPACE. But we do the exact same thing we do in normal Warframe; we stand/float in one place and defend stationary objects. Hell, the Archwing defense on Neptune (I think) is indoors....why.

The only time I actually have a good time with Archwing is when I am playing a Corpus exterminate and am flying through those tight corridors, or blowing up a Balor Fomorian. 


"Then why don't you just play those missions?" 

Because they aren't rewarding enough. You get barely any XP and your end of mission reward becomes useless once you obtain the weapon from that Node.


My wish for Archwing would be for DE to create all new Archwing exclusive game modes instead of just rehashing normal mission types.


Anyway, just my two cents. Let me know if you agree, disagree, or just want to be that guy who types "No." on every post he doesn't like.


You are definitely not alone, please check out this thread, The Amazing Potential Of Archwing, where with the help of others who realized Archwing could be better, gathered together a lot of ideas and threads on what would make for some fun missions. I bet you will see some stuff you like.

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