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[Warframe Concept] Tanuki Warframe (Wip)


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WARFRAME NAME: So far two names seem to fit this one: TANUKI and MUJINA


WARFRAME IMAGE: Tried very hard to capture the whole Tanuki/Racoon Dog feel to this female variant of the Warframe while still making it appear formidable. To distinguish the look of this Warframe from others, I added in the back-skirt that should resemble that of the tail. If I have enough time, I'd like to make the straw-hat helmet version for this Warframe. I also was hoping to make this one of the shortest Warframes in terms of height.




WARFRAME BACKROUND LORE: Inspired by well...the Tanuki Yokai. Tanuki are described to have great physical strength and love to play mischievous games with humans and cause chaos. They are also described to enjoy drinking sake. Their tricky but physically strong nature makes them suitable candidates for a ninja-like role.


WARFRAME BATTLE ROLE: The Tanuki Warframe has a DAMAGE role with her Passive and her 1st/4th ability. It also comes with a STEALTH role with her 3rd ability to disguise herself as the enemy while also dealing damage respectable to the faction's weakness. The 2nd ability is the only SUPPORT ability that improves status chances allowing Tanuki's passive damage boost to trigger.


LOTUS QUOTE: (Insert Warframe name), the mischievous trickster. She loves to play games with her enemies and causes chaos to deliver the final blow.



WARFRAME STATS: The stats are meant to convey a stealthy, mischievous, but physically strong frame.

  • HEALTH: 100
  • SHIELD: 50
  • ARMOR: 100
  • ENERGY: 250
  • SPRINT: 1.1
  • POLARITY: Vazarin (V-Polarity)


WARFRAME PASSIVE: The Tanuki Warframe strikes hardest when the enemy is in a state of confusion or experiencing chaos. The Warframe does increased damage to enemies that are afflicted with a status proc. Stacks damage bonuses with each different type of status proc.



FIRST ABILITY - QUAFF: The Tanuki Warframe drinks a huge cup of sake to enter a powerful but wild drunken state. For a duration of time, the Warframe's Max health is reduced by XX% (around 30%), but gains XXX% Damage to attacks.



SECOND ABILITY - ZEN CHARM: The Warframe Tanuki summons a Daruma Doll to grant a promised fortune to all allies within its range of effect. Within XX m from the Daruma Doll, allies will receive an additive +XX% Status Chance. If the Status Chance exceeds 100% due to this buff, the excessive percentage is given to Critical Chance.



THIRD ABILITY - LEAF FORM: Trademark ability of a tanuki yokai...to transform into their enemies. The Tanuki Warframe targets an enemy and can transform themselves into a character based on which faction the target is in. Enemies unaware of the Tanuki and its transformation will not be alerted by its presence. Based on the form it takes, it can attack with a ranged.close combat attack.

  • GRINEER: Turns into a Grineer Lancer which increases the WARFRAME's ARMOR and grants Corrosive damage boost

  • CORPUS: Turns into a Corpus Crewman which increases the WARFRAME's SHIELD and grants Magnetic damage boost

  • INFESTED: Turns into an Ancient which increases the WARFRAME's MAX HEALTH and grants Viral damage boost


(UPDATED- POSSIBLY REPLACING THIRD ABILITY) - TRANSMOGRIFY: Tanuki drops Giant Leaves upon the enemy in a conical zone that changes their stature. Enemies affected with this ability have their height reduced which lowers their Current Levels and makes them more prone to status procs. Strength Mods determines the Level the affected enemies loose. Duration affects the longevity of their transformation and cannot be re-casted. CANNOT REDUCE THE ENEMY LEVEL LOWER THAN 1.


FOURTH ABILITY - BELLOW: AOE attack where the Tanuki Warframe lets out an alcoholic's burp which damages and stuns enemies with Gas damage. If the Tanuki Warframe is in the Drunk state from QUAFF, it instantly cancel's QUAFF's effects and also inflicts Radiation procs to affected enemies within the AOE.






INTOXICATED RAGE (QUAFF Augment): While in the drunk state, grants a Rage passive.


ZEN PROMISE (ZEN CHARM Augment): Heals surrounding allies after duration expires.







Right now this is all in WIP, but I have tried to capture the nature of Tanuki folklore to make this warframe feel like a playful trickster that can be easily out of control and ticked off.


QUAFF's effect may seem very bad at times, but the damage buff it gives also includes Tanuki's BELLOW attack allowing the damage of its ultimate to be very damaging and with a Radiation CC.


LEAF'S FORM was very tricky to think up and make it not only a fun and unique stealth ability, but also another form of offense for the Tanuki Warframe. I initially wanted the ability to just be a disguise ability with limited attacking applications, but I feel people would complain about that.


ZEN CHARM was totally inspired by an art piece of a tanuki playing around with a Darma Doll. Since this Warframe is attached to the Japanese folklore of a yokai, I wanted to tie in an ability that shows more of the playful side of the tanuki.


I wanted to incorporate the Taiko drum as a support ability but I have no flipping idea how to make that happen and which of the 4 abilities I have posted now should be taken out for it.

Edited by FoxFX
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I wanted to incorporate the Taiko drum as a support ability but I have no flipping idea how to make that happen and which of the 4 abilities I have posted now should be taken out for it.

not really much of an ability or anything but maby when the warframe jumps instead of the standard landing sound it could be replaced with a drum beat not sure if that'd be weird or not though love tanukis

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So, what is this 'frame's role?


Not in a paragraph (I read the concept, twice), but one to three words. What is her role?


Overall, it does fall in line with other tricksters, pranksters and illusionists (Loki, Mirage, Wukong) and in line with mythical inspirations.


My problem is I mostly see a thematic concept: sake-drinking, raccoon-dog 'frame. It leaves me underwhelmed in the role, usefulness, and powers department (her kit seems a mish-mosh of different skills in order to suit the concept/idea, and not the other way around).


It isn't a bad idea, it's just a little too much idea, and too little impractical.


I don't want to judge your concepts by comparing them to others, but consider how role-oriented the alchemist was, while still being very much a big idea/concept, then try to apply it to your other concepts.

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So, what is this 'frame's role?


Not in a paragraph (I read the concept, twice), but one to three words. What is her role?


Overall, it does fall in line with other tricksters, pranksters and illusionists (Loki, Mirage, Wukong) and in line with mythical inspirations.


My problem is I mostly see a thematic concept: sake-drinking, raccoon-dog 'frame. It leaves me underwhelmed in the role, usefulness, and powers department (her kit seems a mish-mosh of different skills in order to suit the concept/idea, and not the other way around).


It isn't a bad idea, it's just a little too much idea, and too little impractical.


I don't want to judge your concepts by comparing them to others, but consider how role-oriented the alchemist was, while still being very much a big idea/concept, then try to apply it to your other concepts.


The Tanuki Warframe has a DAMAGE role with her Passive and her 1st/4th ability. It also comes with a STEALTH role with her 3rd ability to disguise herself as the enemy while also dealing damage respectable to the faction's weakness. The 2nd ability is the only SUPPORT ability that improves status chances allowing Tanuki's passive damage boost to trigger.


Editting the OP with this statement.

Edited by FoxFX
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The Tanuki Warframe has a DAMAGE role with her Passive and her 1st/4th ability. It also comes with a STEALTH role with her 3rd ability to disguise herself as the enemy while also dealing damage respectable to the faction's weakness. The 2nd ability is the only SUPPORT ability that improves status chances allowing Tanuki's passive damage boost to trigger.


Editting the OP with this statement.


I appreciate that, but it still did not answer my question. I don't want to know what all her abilities do. I read it, I got it.


What I asked was: what is her role description in one to three words?


I'm not just trying to be a hardass, FoxFX, I'm going somewhere with this. If you can't boil it down succinctly, it is possibly is a sign that your concept still needs heavy refinement because you have too many ideas competing for space in the same concept.


I ran into the same issue with my concepts, but my time here working with everyone (including a few people in particular), and on reddit has helped refine my ideas as they concern Warframe concepts (I was pretty used to writing/creating concepts before joining this community).


While there are definitely exceptions to the rule (that is, concepts that have a strong theme and are popular/supported because the theme is so well-executed/captured), I believe Tanuki lacks a clear role and gameplay style.


You know her lore. You know her behavior, temperament, and appearance. The problem is, I believe, you're trying to fit all that into her abilities and her role, and that is hard to do, let alone do well.


You're working very closely with her inspiration in order to inform her gameplay, but for some reason, her gameplay feels uninspired. 


Elements of her lore and kit do seem cool (we all want a drunken master 'frame, though I don't know how cool DE will be with that), but something here does not work for me.


Again, I encourage you to choose one primary role (she can and probably should have secondary roles, of course), and work to create an interesting kit that will work with this theme. If it's damage, let her focus on damage. Leaf form could have a damage focused use instead of stealth. (This is not to say she shouldn't have a stealth ability. I believe every 'frame should have an evasive or stealth ability, personally.)


Any comments concerning the theme or the appearance of the Tanuki Warframe?


If the theme stood up well on its own, I don't think I'd be so dogged about the role. The theme does not stand up well on its own (for me). That said, I do think you could work to improve it, and there's no reason why it can't work. (Outside of finding her role, I have no suggestions yet as the theme is new to me.)


The appearance I think is headed in the right direction, and it could fit in quite well with Wukong on the roster. No real complaints about her look.


This is of course, my opinion, I am sure others may disagree.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Again, I encourage you to choose one primary role (she can and probably should have secondary roles, of course), and work to create an interesting kit that will work with this theme. If it's damage, let her focus on damage. Leaf form could have a damage focused use instead of stealth. (This is not to say she shouldn't have a stealth ability. I believe every 'frame should have an evasive or stealth ability, personally.)


Well then, her primary role will have to be DAMAGE.

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I don't understand what's the problem with her role O.o she's obviously a damage dealer that relies on status proc. She has the potential to do a lot of damage, she has a little bit of crowd control on her 4th, she can buff (and potentially heal) her allies with her 2nd and with her 3rd she could get out of combat if overwhelmed. The only thing is that she wouldn't have a lot of survivability in the late game but it doesn't seem so bad, the look is cool too.

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What I asked was: what is her role description in one to three words?




Again, I encourage you to choose one primary role (she can and probably should have secondary roles, of course), and work to create an interesting kit that will work with this theme. If it's damage, let her focus on damage. Leaf form could have a damage focused use instead of stealth. (This is not to say she shouldn't have a stealth ability. I believe every 'frame should have an evasive or stealth ability, personally.)

Well the primary role is quite clear to me: Damege through spreading status effect by yourself and the teammates (skill #2) and utilizing the passiv.

There are no Frames atm. which utilize status proc for themselves, so it would be a fresh playstyle for the game.


However, I do agree, that #3 doesn't fit that well into the concept in its current state, how about temporarily transforming some enemies in units from other factions and spread more chaos on the battlefield, you could also increase thier proc chance at the same time. (Then I would switch it with #4 though)


Any comments concerning the theme or the appearance of the Tanuki Warframe?

After browsing google for Tanuki pictures, i would say, you need to make her short and stout. Even if its their fur, cannot imagine a Tanuki being that slender.

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However, I do agree, that #3 doesn't fit that well into the concept in its current state, how about temporarily transforming some enemies in units from other factions and spread more chaos on the battlefield, you could also increase thier proc chance at the same time. (Then I would switch it with #4 though)


I can add this ability as a new 3rd ability:


THIRD ABILITY - TRANSMOGRIFY: Tanuki drops Giant Leaves upon the enemy in a conical zone that changes their stature. Enemies affected with this ability have their height reduced which lowers their Current Levels and makes them more prone to status procs. Strength Mods determines the Level the affected enemies loose as well as the height they loose. Duration affects the longevity of their transformation and cannot be re-casted. CANNOT REDUCE THE ENEMY LEVEL LOWER THAN 1.

Edited by FoxFX
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After browsing google for Tanuki pictures, i would say, you need to make her short and stout. Even if its their fur, cannot imagine a Tanuki being that slender.


If I can get the time, I can make this Warframe a bit more "chubby."

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With some thoughts on the abilities of the Tanuki Warframe, two branches of aspects seem to fall in line with the tanuki-theme:


  • TRANSFORMING POWERS: Tanuki has the abilities to transform herself into the enemy playing a stealthy role while also granting a Defensive and offensive buff while transformed. In the most recently updated point in the OP, Tanuki has come with the ability to transmogrify her enemies making them shorter weakening their stats and making them more susceptible to status procs.



  • DRUNKEN MASTER POWERS: Grants the Tanuki high burst damage but at a risky cost. This cost can be handled through the use of her BELLOW which becomes a stronger attack when Tanuki is under the influence of her QUAFF ability. I am currently thinking of changing the damage buff and the drawback to make it a bit more powerful but more costly, but this is also in debate.


UPDATING LEAF FORM:  Leaf Form will now just grant a Health/Shield/Armor buff depending on the faction you transform to and a Viral/Magnetic/Corrosive buff depending on what form Tanuki is in. Removing the physical damage part. Tanuki's Infested transformation will be changed from a Mutalist  MOA to an Ancient (A normal ancient with no real special auras).

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Well then, her primary role will have to be DAMAGE.


My problem with this is still the concepts over-reliance on its inspiration. But let's get into it.


Passive: Seems fine when you say "confusion" and "chaos" since that will translate to radiation status effects (and perhaps Nyx's Chaos?). It would also work with her #4. What doesn't work is that the 'frame hits hard against "status proc" affected enemies. If you mean "any" and all statuses, that's overpowered for a passive. Pick, or define, which specific status effects.
Quaff: I like this as an in-game mechanic and skill. Could be fun. But have 2 reservations. One, DE's attitudes toward drinking/substance use remains to be seen. Two, the concept gets more blurry. It's a drunken master, but it's also a Tanuki (who are primarily known for shape-shifting), but its also a damage 'frame. Damage goes with a drunken master 'frame, but not quite with a Tanuki (from what I've read so far).
Zen Charm: Aside from incorporating a doll associated with a Tanuki, the critical chance mechanic seems random, and doesn't really fit with anything. 
Leaf Form: This completely fits the Tanuki inspiration, trickster, and stealth, but I don't see the damage role defined much. 
Transmogrify: Same as above, but better captures damage role.
Bellow: Fits fine with damage role and drunken master, and somewhat for a Tanuki.
After some thought, I think my overall problem with this is still a lack of concept refinement, and too many ideas for one 'frame. I think you need to choose either a drunken master-inspired damage 'frame, or a Tanuki-inspired shape-shifter, and whimsical trickster. 
We all want a drunken-master 'frame, so I think it's worth pursuing on its own. It could also double as a truer form of a brawler/martial arts master. Yes, it will still need more elements (seeing some have pointed out DE said they didn't want to just make a 'brawler' but a unique one in Atlas).
A true Tanuki-inspired trickster is also worth pursuing on its own. 
Perhaps both can be combined, but your current attempt fails to combine them adequately in my honest opinion.
My advice is to choose one or the other, or create a better, seamless mixture of the two. 
I still find the associations with the Tanuki as a strong, beefy fighter a bit odd. I haven't been able to find legends that support it. Maybe I missed them. (Link me if you have resources.) They are primarily shape-shifters, and I can't find legends involving them in combat roles (unlike Wukong and Nezha).
Further still, I'm wondering what made you decide to make the concept female. I found this bit that seems to say the supernatural/folklore Tanuki were primarily male:

Aside from their powerful ability to change their shape, perhaps the most famous attribute that tanuki possess is their large and magical testicles, which they can adapt to any need. They are used as weapons, drums, fans to keep cool, even umbrellas. Often, tanuki incorporate their testicles into their disguises: the tanuki becoming a shopkeeper and its testicles transforming into the shop; or perhaps a palanquin complete with servants to cart the tanuki from place to place. A famous nursery rhyme about tanuki testicles is learned by children everywhere:
Tan tan tanuki no kintama wa/Kaze mo nai no ni/Bura bura
Tan-tan-tanuki’s balls/Even when there is no wind/They swing, swing


Balls-as-disguise-mechanic is obviously a no-no for DE.
That said, DE isn't in the habit of gender-swapping identities like Wukong or Nezha. I'm not sure they'd do it for a Tanuki-inspired one, but they might. Ivara is kind of a female Robin Hood, so this is very much possible since Tanuki are a part of folklore but no longer considered deities. It's a risk they'd have to take (removing his magic-balls). Lmfao, btw.
I'm really trying to see how this could work, but I think it would work better as two separate concepts. Tanuki concept. Drunken master concept. (which both include drinking for different reasons). This is my opinion, of course.


Keep working on this.

Edited by Rhekemi
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My problem with this is still the concepts over-reliance on its inspiration. But let's get into it.


Passive: Seems fine when you say "confusion" and "chaos" since that will translate to radiation status effects (and perhaps Nyx's Chaos?). It would also work with her #4. What doesn't work is that the 'frame hits hard against "status proc" affected enemies. If you mean "any" and all statuses, that's overpowered for a passive. Pick, or define, which specific status effects.
Quaff: I like this as an in-game mechanic and skill. Could be fun. But have 2 reservations. One, DE's attitudes toward drinking/substance use remains to be seen. Two, the concept gets more blurry. It's a drunken master, but it's also a Tanuki (who are primarily known for shape-shifting), but its also a damage 'frame. Damage goes with a drunken master 'frame, but not quite with a Tanuki (from what I've read so far).
Zen Charm: Aside from incorporating a doll associated with a Tanuki, the critical chance mechanic seems random, and doesn't really fit with anything. 
Leaf Form: This completely fits the Tanuki inspiration, trickster, and stealth, but I don't see the damage role defined much. 
Transmogrify: Same as above, but better captures damage role.
Bellow: Fits fine with damage role and drunken master, and somewhat for a Tanuki.
After some thought, I think my overall problem with this is still a lack of concept refinement, and too many ideas for one 'frame. I think you need to choose either a drunken master-inspired damage 'frame, or a Tanuki-inspired shape-shifter, and whimsical trickster. 
We all want a drunken-master 'frame, so I think it's worth pursuing on its own. It could also double as a truer form of a brawler/martial arts master. Yes, it will still need more elements (seeing some have pointed out DE said they didn't want to just make a 'brawler' but a unique one in Atlas).
A true Tanuki-inspired trickster is also worth pursuing on its own. 
Perhaps both can be combined, but your current attempt fails to combine them adequately in my honest opinion.
My advice is to choose one or the other, or create a better, seamless mixture of the two. 
I still find the associations with the Tanuki as a strong, beefy fighter a bit odd. I haven't been able to find legends that support it. Maybe I missed them. (Link me if you have resources.) They are primarily shape-shifters, and I can't find legends involving them in combat roles (unlike Wukong and Nezha).
Further still, I'm wondering what made you decide to make the concept female. I found this bit that seems to say the supernatural/folklore Tanuki were primarily male:

Aside from their powerful ability to change their shape, perhaps the most famous attribute that tanuki possess is their large and magical testicles, which they can adapt to any need. They are used as weapons, drums, fans to keep cool, even umbrellas. Often, tanuki incorporate their testicles into their disguises: the tanuki becoming a shopkeeper and its testicles transforming into the shop; or perhaps a palanquin complete with servants to cart the tanuki from place to place. A famous nursery rhyme about tanuki testicles is learned by children everywhere:
Tan tan tanuki no kintama wa/Kaze mo nai no ni/Bura bura
Tan-tan-tanuki’s balls/Even when there is no wind/They swing, swing


Balls-as-disguise-mechanic is obviously a no-no for DE.
That said, DE isn't in the habit of gender-swapping identities like Wukong or Nezha. I'm not sure they'd do it for a Tanuki-inspired one, but they might. Ivara is kind of a female Robin Hood, so this is very much possible since Tanuki are a part of folklore but no longer considered deities. It's a risk they'd have to take (removing his magic-balls). Lmfao, btw.
I'm really trying to see how this could work, but I think it would work better as two separate concepts. Tanuki concept. Drunken master concept. (which both include drinking for different reasons). This is my opinion, of course.


Keep working on this.


Might need to fallback on the Tanuki-theme then. The farthest I can get with a Tanuki skillset would involve too many transformation variants of abilities.


I have a fallback plan that I am currently working on that involves another Yokai that can shape shift as well, is more feminine, and is more offensive in nature as opposed to the Tanukis. Keep an eye out on the next post I bring out.

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Running low on options, but I just need a question answered from other readers.


Would you perfer this Tanuki Warframe to be solely a Damage-Close Combat based Warfame? A CC/Trickster Warframe that transforms his allies and enemies to gain advantage?

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For Tanuki, I'd prefer a CC/Trickster with truly unique bags of tricks (that will obviously be capable of damage on some levels). It isn't that I didn't want to see the concept at all, just not the current version.


However, I'd still like to see you create a Drunken Master martial-arts/brawler 'frame (but you'd need some elemental/ethereal/animal influences, I suppose).


Not that you wanted to hear from me again, but there you have it.

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For Tanuki, I'd prefer a CC/Trickster with truly unique bags of tricks (that will obviously be capable of damage on some levels). It isn't that I didn't want to see the concept at all, just not the current version.


However, I'd still like to see you create a Drunken Master martial-arts/brawler 'frame (but you'd need some elemental/ethereal/animal influences, I suppose).


Not that you wanted to hear from me again, but there you have it.


The only way I can make a CC/Trickster variant of this work is if I focus on the leaf transformation gimmick to its max. My only fear is that if I go that route, people would see a bit of Vauban in her where Vauban's abilities has him throwing some device all the time.


I'll give it a shot with my next thread.


And I don't mind that you are the only one responding to this thread. I just feel kinda discouraged that you are the ONLY one responding.

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