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Stalkers Acolytes: Tenno Operators Gone Bad Or Liberated Warframes?


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While I 100% agree with the thrust of your points (AKA word-of-god that we are the good guys) just one point on the above.

Since the second dream we really don't know what the result of the Zanuka project actually is. We know there are no Tenno physically inside those Warframes but there are many other options. Maybe Alad V managed to cut up the Warframes while forcibly keeping the Transference link open. Maybe all the tenno are still "driving" the core of those Warframes and believe they are quad-amputees, in constant pain and being driven by Alad Vs control collar. Maybe if a Warframe takes enough damage in a specific way you can kill or drive mad the Operator.

At this point we really don't know what the reality of the "deaths" of the operators of the Limbo, Mirage, Atlas, or Zanuka component Warframes actually are.



Eh. We are the less bad guys, at best.



Otherwise, you're right in that while he has never managed to physically kill a Tenno, there are probably a few Operators out there who are brain dead, catatonic, tortured into PTSD and outright insanity, etc. 






My assumption is that the events of the Second Dream canonically happened to just one random Tenno out there, and it could be any one of us. What happened afterwards and during the event was that immediately upon the Moon falling out of the Void and resuming orbit around Earth, the Lotus pinged all the Orbiters, and there was a gigantic, unbelievably epic rescue operation which took place in Lunar space. Tens of thousands of Orbiters punching into Earth orbit, deploying damned near all the Tenno in existence. Hundreds deployed to the Earth itself to destroy Grineer launchpads and prevent them marshaling for a full blown space assault, while hundreds more launched in entire Archwing battalions to run interference and prevent any assault shuttles from getting anywhere near the Moon. I assume that from the perspective of the Grineer, it must have looked suicidal, the most grievous defeat the Tenno had ever suffered. More than a thousand Warframes must have been destroyed in a matter of hours in reckless, no retreat, balls to the walls absolute defence of the Moon.



In the hundreds of Reservoir stations scattered throughout the Moon, rescue parties gathered to retrieve the bodies of the sleeping Operators and escort them to their ships.....and when all the active Tenno had gone offline for the time it took to get their ships and resume control, hundreds of pods remained unopened. I imagine the last rescue squads tearing those pods open as the Grineer land their first advance parties, running with the comatose Operators to extraction, getting them into reserve life support units as fast as possible. I wonder if the Lotus has them. Maybe they still sleep in secure chambers of the most heavily fortified and well hidden Clan Dojos.





EDIT: Which, come to think of it, could have been utterly amazeballs to play as a multi-stage, multi-component operation. Three separate mission types, (1) an Earth Sabotage hunt and destroy type, to prevent the Grineer from launching orbital reinforcements, (2) an Archwing Exterminate, and then (3) a final mission on the Moon, which would be a Rescue mission OR a Defence mission. Why Rescue OR Defence?


I'd tie the success of the missions together. To get the best Operation Score, you'd personally need to take part in each mission type more than once. On the greater scale, if too few people are doing a stage 1 mission, then stage 2 gets harder, and if too few stage 2 missions are being completed, then stage 3 shifts from being a Rescue mission to a Defence mission, because too many Grineer assault shuttles are getting through, wreaking havoc on everyone's Operation score.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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I think they are liberated warframes. They probably have those helmets on so we can't do transference on them just like magneto in the x-men. I think they hate us because we (operators) control their "siblings" (warframes) as though they are our servants, making them kill the people they may not wish to kill or making them bleed for us.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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I think they are liberated warframes. They probably have those helmets on so we can't do transference on them just like magneto in the x-men. I think they hate us because we (operators) control their "siblings" (warframes) as though they are our servants, making them kill the people they may not wish to kill or making them bleed for us.I think they are liberated warframes. They probably have those helmets on so we can't do transference on them just like magneto in the x-men. I think they hate us because we (operators) control their "siblings" (warframes) as though they are our servants, making them kill the people they may not wish to kill or making them bleed for us.I think they are liberated warframes. They probably have those helmets on so we can't do transference on them just like magneto in the x-men. I think they hate us because we (operators) control their "siblings" (warframes) as though they are our servants, making them kill the people they may not wish to kill or making them bleed for us.

This was my original theory...but I'm not so sure....
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