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Volt needs a rework.






You need to freaking look at the other frames, like seriously? Volt? Out of all the frames...? NO! 


Volt has already been tinkered with one too many times! He is meant to be how he is.... Energetic and such. 


Please explain why he needs one.... Seriously.... UHG!

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Rhino doesnt have a horn!


JUST BECAUSE THE RHINO DOESN'T HAVE A HORN DOESN'T MEAN HE NEEDS ONE! Sheesh! Learn to be less horn-ee once in your life... Like, I hear this all the time, and i'm just like... What does that even accomplish? Rhino's don't need their horns in the first place, they could hurt themselves, or stab it into something that they can't get out of.... Then they'd have to cut it off anyways to get it out... So of course rhino isn't gonna have a horn... Why should he?

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NOW LISTEN HERE YOU LIL SH... oh, yeah. No. You're right. And Mag too. Let's not forget about her.


Oh  okay, bring mag into this battle... wooooooowwww. Look mag is a very versatile frame mmm k? Almost all her abilities work at a 25% success rate in higher tier missions like T4 def wave 10. Frankly that sounds rather great to me. What's wrong with mag? Seriously...


Edit: correction a 5% success rate. Which frankly any more then that would be OP. 

Edited by oPANDAFRAMEo
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Valkyr is OP.


If valkyr was sooooooooo OP why is it that I can't splat enemies with my Dive Bomb? Also she can't even fly... she just casually glides... she doesn't even get decent until she has her augment mods on... Not mention her health is probably the lowest out of all the frames... Does she even flap her wings arms? nope. She's probably the lowest quality frame out there... all she does is jump really high, and smack her face in the ground... and make giant theme park rides with air... think the enemies will get hurt from that? nope... they probably enjoy it... also the brain damage she could get from crashing into the ground headfirst. yikes. Yeah she's a weakling mate.

"Both of Equinox's forms are female" :)


Actually sir, I'm pretty sure I saw a dingle hopper poking out of their suits. Those aren't dangly bits mate... they are... something you should ask your mom about.

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I think Warframe is a highly overrated game that suffers from many problems. 

It must be removed from steam and the internet at once!


Are you joking right now? It's free to play imo. Really good graphics compared to over f2p. Has great combat, original plot, crazy amounts of character customization, a mod system that lets you do whatever the crap you want, many frames to choose from... overrated? HA! more like unappreciated, and UNDERRATED! Frankly it deserves more attention... It holds a lot of content... You got, PVP, PVE.... You have syndicates.... clans... all the weapons you can possibly imagine... if it's so overrated why isn't it at the top of the most played games on steams list? It damn well deserves it! 


Uhg.  Seriously do you even play warframe? If not, try it before you start saying that stuff. If you believe that warframe is overrated then surely you don't have any knowledge of what warframe is... I will pray for your soul.

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This game is p2w, you're all stupid.


LOL PAY 2 WIN! That's the worst comment ever! Everything in the game can be obtained free! No seriously! Just jumping into missions will give you free stuff! You don't have to spend a dime! It's amazing! all you have to do is get the nesscary bp's from the market and craft the stuff you want! Or even join a clan, and get even more free stuff! Heck some weapons and stuff are just given to you from events or log in rewards!

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The OP is beautiful.


Are you crazy? I have zits all over my back, and some on my bum... I even am going a little bold... I look like the Thing from fantastic four had a baby with elephant.. I have gross poopy brown eyes that look like a turd's turd... My nose is a tad crooked and I have constant snot rolling out of my nose in wods.... not to mention my hunchback... oh and that nose hair.... WHOA MAMA THAT IS LONG!

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This sentense is false.

Ha. Actually it isn't. It meets all the requirments of a true sentence. It has its subject and it has what it is doing. The action. Which states it is false, which ironically makes it a true statement, which makes it a true sentence... Thus not false at all. If that sentence was false then the person who wrote it would be too and none of this would be real, in fact I wouldn't even be able to reply. There would be nothing replying to nothing which is false. So no... I'm certain your sentence is true... But not about being false... Because your sentence is a conflicting arguement... I however think you have misused the word false... I think you should take a look at that sentence again... For you should know the difference between what is false and what isn't. Also sry on phone so lots of text in a wall.

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Ha. Actually it isn't. It meets all the requirments of a true sentence. It has its subject and it has what it is doing. The action. Which states it is false, which ironically makes it a true statement, which makes it a true sentence... Thus not false at all. If that sentence was false then the person who wrote it would be too and none of this would be real, in fact I wouldn't even be able to reply. There would be nothing replying to nothing which is false. So no... I'm certain your sentence is true... But not about being false... Because your sentence is a conflicting arguement... I however think you have misused the word false... I think you should take a look at that sentence again... For you should know the difference between what is false and what isn't. Also sry on phone so lots of text in a wall.

Also on phone so no worries lol.

Sentence structure is not the only thing that is necessary for sentence but also it must make sense within context of itself.

For example,

“i walk the urine”

Has a subject and an action. However the sentence meaning doesn't make sense. Urine is not capitalize so therefore it is not a name of an object or place.

Similarly, my the statement i stated, while meets the linguistic requirement of a proper sentence, its meaning is invalid.

Second of all, a sentence is a mixture of words, it does not have some kind of mystical power that suddenly break time and space due to simple speech, nor is the sentence under the schrondinger paradox as it is perfectly been observed by the outside.

And no, the word false as not been misused. I'm well aware of the dictionary definition of the word and its meaning.

Therefore your argument remains invalid.

(have fun countering this :D )

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