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Appearance: Chroma


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Thought I would rehash an old topic, and hopefully grab the attention of some higher-ups.


Chroma is an amazing frame. I really love his abilities, and while I would argue that he needs a rework to make both his #1 & #4 viable again, that's not really why we're here.


I'm here to see what, if anything, can be done about his appearance. Chroma is supposed to be a dragon, and while I really appreciate the time and effort put into him, his appearance is a major turn-off.


Not to be too critical, or look our wondrous gift horse in the mouth, but it's like watching a Prune either freeze or melt things. It's just... really weird. He just doesn't have that "dragon" factor. He reminds me of my grandmother, who's old, shriveled, and if angered, breathes fire. *Love you Grandma*


Edit: I know his base appearance isn't going to get changed. I'm speaking in reference to a potential Deluxe Skin or Upgraded-Variant, so don't bother replying with verbal attacks and general Ad Hominem. 


Here's both a poll, and link, to the original post referencing what I think is an issue.


Original Post:


*Credit to Hanzo29


StrawPoll on Chroma's Appearance:


*Credit to whomever organized this.


Awesome "Prime" Concept:


*Credit to whomever made this.



Either way, I highly doubt DE would ever alter the original appearance, but if we could have a Tennogen Skin, Deluxe Skin, or Prime (Upgraded) Variant (even though it goes against the Lore) made to somewhat combat this "issue," myself, and many others would be extremely grateful. 

Edited by (XB1)Austinjt126
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Chroma is a knight with a pelt, rather than a dragon. Anyway, me might expect a premium skin at some point.


I'm really looking forward to his Deluxe Skin, since it's a complete rework. If it's anything like Saryns Deluxe Skin in comparison, and it gets the same amount of detail and effort, then I think everyone will be happy.


Not entirely sure if Chroma will ever get a Prime variant, seeing as Lore-wise, he shouldn't have a Prime variant. Chroma was made after the Fall of the Orokin, from parts of numerous Frames. He's much like Mirage or Limbo, in that the way he's talked about or referenced in his quest line. Lotus makes it seem like he's the ONLY frame of his kind, being the original. Granted, we don't know for sure, but it just seems like a contradiction Lore-wise.

Edited by (XB1)Austinjt126
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I'm really looking forward to his Deluxe Skin, since it's a complete rework. If it's anything like Saryns Deluxe Skin in comparison, and it gets the same amount of detail and effort, then I think everyone will be happy.


Not entirely sure if Chroma will ever get a Prime variant, seeing as Lore-wise, he shouldn't have a Prime variant. Chroma was made after the Fall of the Orokin, from parts of numerous Frames. He's much like Mirage or Limbo, in that the way he's talked about or referenced in his quest line. Lotus makes it seem like he's the ONLY frame of his kind, being the original. Granted, we don't know for sure, but it just seems like a contradiction Lore-wise.

DE has said multiple times that they want to prime all frames, including again in the last devstream. Also there is nothing in the lore to say that Chroma was built after the fall. The fact that his pelt may in fact be a sentient pelt indicates that he was active during the Orokin timeframe.

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DE has said multiple times that they want to prime all frames, including again in the last devstream. Also there is nothing in the lore to say that Chroma was built after the fall. The fact that his pelt may in fact be a sentient pelt indicates that he was active during the Orokin timeframe.


You're missing my point. In Mirage's Quest Line, Lotus refers to the Mirage, who's parts we are collecting, as if she's the only Mirage to exist.


Remember, before the Second Dream, we controlled multiple Warframes, but we had no clue that we were actually a Tenno Child. 


If Mirage legitimately thought she was a Warframe, and died... You should know how consciousness works in theoretical movies and games. You're mind, even though it doesn't exist in the Warframe, but through Transference, still perceives that you're being harmed, your body or not. 


Same goes for Limbo. The Tenno Child controlling Limbo was a prodigy (of sorts) in regards to calculations. He messed up, and scattered his Warframes components. Ordis also refers to Limbo, as if he's the only Tenno Child to possess a Limbo Frame. For all we know, his consciousness died with his Warframe too.


As for Chroma, Lotus refers to him as being one of the most powerful Warframes to exist, but still in the sense that he's a rare specimen that she almost completely forgot about. When we find Chroma, he's being controlled by currently unknown forces, without a Tenno Child. I infer from this that the child, not knowing of his human existence, suffered immense trauma, and died, leaving his Warframe greatly damage and intact. 


When Alad V is able to control the Mesa Frame in a similar manner, we found out that it was through the use of the Technocyte Virus, which uses Infested properties in combination with other functions and materials to create Transference, which projects the consciousness of a Tenno Child into their Warframe.


I can't say anything in regards to Atlas from the Jordas Precept Quest, because it's something I have yet to do. I've played long enough, but never got around to it.



My point being, that each time we go on a quest to retrieve a lost Warframe, Lotus and Ordis either treat it like it's the only Frame of its kind to exist, or treat the Warframe like it is a Tenno Child specifically


I may be entirely wrong about this, but it doesn't make sense, as of current, for their to be Prime-Variants of these Frames. Lotus is supposed to be the "mother" of the Tenno, yet she forgets about or doesn't remember half of them. If these Frames are the originals, or if the Tenno-children controlling them were the only ones with access to those specific Warframe-line Blueprints, then it would follow that there were never Prime-variants of these Frames to begin with, or at least, wouldn't the Prime-variants be lost if they did exist?


I could completely understand reverse-engineering, but like I said, without our limited access to Lore based around these Frames, it personally doesn't seem logical for there to be Prime-variants. Hopefully, it will all be explained/clarified soon.

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If I may chip in here a bit... I think that Tenno didn't start remotely operating Warframes at first. They weren't crippled by the Void, back when the Orokin ruled the seas. 


Personally, I believe that Warframes were first made with the intention of Tenno to wear them physically. In that aspect, the very first Warframes - the originals - were made specifically for each individual Tenno to wear on the battlefield. At first. When the Orokin realized that was not the way to go because of the loss of their soldiers/body guards, or maybe the Tenno started to get crippled already, they went the Avatar way instead - having Tenno operate them remotely.


This would explain the Mirage and Limbo quest. Why Jarvi... Sorry, Ordis talks as if the original Limbo was very much a conscious being of it's own (forgive me, it's been a while since I did that quest, but I remember it was something like that), whom made a fatal miscalculation. Why the Lotus, talks about Mirage "smiling", referring to her as one of her "children", as if there was actually a Tenno inside of that Warframe. 


I really hope that they're going to implement a way to have us replay some of those quests soon. I would love to replay the Limbo quest, and Mirage because of the seemingly inconsistent lore we have now after the big reveal of U18. Right now, there seems to be some plot holes with some of the lore quests. Maybe DE didn't even know where they were headed with all of this before last year. Or maybe they did, but changed their minds along the way.


I always thought that we - the Tenno - wore the Warframes physically. That they were our exo-suits, to wear into battle, to significantly enhance our potential as soldiers. Kinda like the exo-skeletons from the real world. That's what most of the lore strongly hinted at previously.



As for Chroma... Well, I do not remember that quest much at all. I wasn't as invested in it as with Limbo and Mirage. All that I know is that all and I mean all Warframes are Orokin made, and therefore all of them have the potential and will eventually get a primed variant.

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Chroma is a hunter in a dragon pelt.



Mirage and Limbo referenced in their respective story lines can be assumed to be the original Mirage and the original Limbo. The Chroma in his story line can be assumed to be the original Chroma. Why an original Warframe is not appearing in its Prime form can only be speculated, but my thoughts are that the Tenno of the Old War gave up their Orokin Prime adornments when they destroyed the Orokin Empire (and we modern-day Tenno have no such sentimentality to continue to reject the Orokin).



Also, Chroma looks awesome.

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when will people get Chroma is a knight,not a dragon 


The community wanted a dragon frame, and thus, Chroma was born. He was inspired by the concept of a Dragon Warframe, mixed with a Knight / Hunter. 


My point being, his abilities are focused on Dragon-like qualities.

(i.e. Breathing Fire, Scales and Hide, Dragon's Hoarding Treasure in reference to the Credit Boost from Effigy, etc.)

So yeah, he's essentially, for all intents and purposes, a Dragon-Warframe. 


Chroma only happens to be a Knight because of the Humanoid-factor, being the Warframe and Tenno Child itself. That and wearing the pelt like a trophy of war.

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The community wanted a dragon frame, and thus, Chroma was born. He was inspired by the concept of a Dragon Warframe, mixed with a Knight / Hunter. 


My point being, his abilities are focused on Dragon-like qualities.

(i.e. Breathing Fire, Scales and Hide, Dragon's Hoarding Treasure in reference to the Credit Boost from Effigy, etc.)

So yeah, he's essentially, for all intents and purposes, a Dragon-Warframe. 


Chroma only happens to be a Knight because of the Humanoid-factor, being the Warframe and Tenno Child itself. That and wearing the pelt like a trophy of war.

I can agree with that,still,that dosent mean hes not getting a prime variant 

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I can agree with that,still,that dosent mean hes not getting a prime variant 


That has nothing to do with not getting a Prime-variant. His lack of lore, and from our limited understanding of his personal questline, shows that he theoretically shouldn't have a Prime-variant. 


We might get Chroma Umbra, or we might reverse-engineer a Prime-variant, but as of right now, and from the way it's implied, he shouldn't have a Prime-variant unless the missing link is clarified.

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That has nothing to do with not getting a Prime-variant. His lack of lore, and from our limited understanding of his personal questline, shows that he theoretically shouldn't have a Prime-variant. 


We might get Chroma Umbra, or we might reverse-engineer a Prime-variant, but as of right now, and from the way it's implied, he shouldn't have a Prime-variant unless the missing link is clarified.

alot of frames dont have their lore fleshed out,why do they have a prime variant? (Nyx,Loki,Ash etc)

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alot of frames dont have their lore fleshed out,why do they have a prime variant? (Nyx,Loki,Ash etc)


You're misconstruing lack of lore as an inability to have a Prime-variant. Lack of lore enables one to literally do anything with a Frame. It's a blank canvas, more or less. They can do as they please, without limitations.


However, the lore we have, and the way that it's presented, is what limits Chroma, Mirage, Limbo, and potentially Mesa/Atlas, from having Prime-variants, unless DE goes and changes their storylines, or adds more information that makes it plausible. 





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You're misconstruing lack of lore as an inability to have a Prime-variant. Lack of lore enables one to literally do anything with a Frame. It's a blank canvas, more or less. They can do as they please, without limitations.


However, the lore we have, and the way that it's presented, is what limits Chroma, Mirage, Limbo, and potentially Mesa/Atlas, from having Prime-variants, unless DE goes and changes their storylines, or adds more information that makes it plausible. 

Sorry,but as much as you deny it,Chroma will have a prime 

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 People already 'forced' DE to change the default helmet because of the salt that he did not look like a re-skinned Rhino. Anyone who voiced their opinion that they like the original default helmet was immediately attacked by the louder majority and it proved again how toxic the community on the forum can be. And so the artistic integrity was compromised and the default helmet was swapped.


 Chroma will not be getting an appearance make-over so just accept it and move on. Wait until his Tennogen and Deluxe or any other sort of skins will eventually come out.  


 And then a Prime.




 No point digging out the corpse and trying to resurrect it.

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 People already 'forced' DE to change the default helmet because of the salt that he did not look like a re-skinned Rhino. Anyone who voiced their opinion that they like the original default helmet was immediately attacked by the louder majority and it proved again how toxic the community on the forum can be. And so the artistic integrity was compromised and the default helmet was swapped.


 Chroma will not be getting an appearance make-over so just accept it and move on. Wait until his Tennogen and Deluxe or any other sort of skins will eventually come out.  


 And then a Prime.




 No point digging out the corpse and trying to resurrect it.


If you had bothered to read past the first post, then you would know that I "gave in," and decided to just look forward to the Deluxe Skin.


Sorry,but as much as you deny it,Chroma will have a prime 


I'm not denying anything. I'm saying, they better clarify the Lore, or correct it, because otherwise, it won't make sense having a Prime-variant where there shouldn't be one. 

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If you had bothered to read past the first post, then you would know that I "gave in," and decided to just look forward to the Deluxe Skin.



Thought I would rehash an old topic, and hopefully grab the attention of some higher-ups.




I'm here to see what, if anything, can be done about his appearance. Chroma is supposed to be a dragon, and while I really appreciate the time and effort put into him, his appearance is a major turn-off.


Not to be too critical, or look our wondrous gift horse in the mouth, but it's like watching a Prune either freeze or melt things. It's just... really weird. He just doesn't have that "dragon" factor. He reminds me of my grandmother, who's old, shriveled, and if angered, breathes fire. *Love you Grandma*




Either way, I doubt he'll get the original appearance altered, but if we could have a Tennogen Skin, Deluxe Skin, or Prime (Upgraded) Variant (even though it goes against the Lore) made to somewhat combat this "issue," myself, and many others would be extremely grateful. 


 I did bother, although you mention it would be good to have an alternate skin to combat the 'issue' (while there is no issue, people just don't like it but need to accept it). I can't remember which DevStream it was on, but I remember one of the devs mention all frames will be getting a skin, one way or another, so now it's just a matter of waiting.



 As for the lore- as someone mentioned, they're still Orokin tech and there's no evidence of the Prime variant of the mentioned frames (Mirage, Limbo, etc.), it doesn't mean they can't be a thing.




 Overall, just give it time and some cool skins and a Prime variant will come, no point bringing this up again and again.

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He is an Eastern styled dragon by design. The vocal community already ruined him by making them use what WAS going to be a new Nekros alt helm as his default instead of his original (Now Drac helmet), now you want his body changed? Sorry but no. You will have to wait for his deluxe skin someday.


If you don't like his design, either get over it or don't play him. He doesn't need to look like a western styled dragon. He would look like a trashy Rhino anyway.

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He is an Eastern styled dragon by design. The vocal community already ruined him by making them use what WAS going to be a new Nekros alt helm as his default instead of his original (Now Drac helmet), now you want his body changed? Sorry but no. You will have to wait for his deluxe skin someday.


If you don't like his design, either get over it or don't play him. He doesn't need to look like a western styled dragon. He would look like a trashy Rhino anyway.


I'm not asking for his entire body to be changed. I was saying that the texture looks awful. 


Regardless, I'm not the only one who thinks this. If you've even bothered to look at the poll, I clears that up pretty well. Had you looked at the bottom of my post, I pretty much stated that I knew his base appearance wouldn't get changed, but it wouldn't stop anyone from improving the standards of what may be a Deluxe Skin. 


Try not to be a jackwagon next time, if you even bother to reply.

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Regardless, I'm not the only one who thinks this. If you've even bothered to look at the poll, I clears that up pretty well. Had you looked at the bottom of my post, I pretty much stated that I knew his base appearance wouldn't get changed, but it wouldn't stop anyone from improving the standards of what may be a Deluxe Skin.


 The forum represent a minority of the overall Warframe playerbase. The poll was created and voted on by a small percentage of people active here. Majority of the playerbase doesn't go to the forum, so the poll represents a very small fraction of the players.


 And even then, the vocal majority on the forum tends to be very toxic when something doesn't work or look as intended by the developers. People were teased by the devs about a dragon warframe, everyone thought it'd be a Rhino-like frame, it was something unique, there was an uproar that made the devs change the default helmet.


 Which caused threads like this to pop up constantly back -before- Chroma was even released.



 And really now, improving the standards? That's a very subjective point of view.

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 The forum represent a minority of the overall Warframe playerbase. The poll was created and voted on by a small percentage of people active here. Majority of the playerbase doesn't go to the forum, so the poll represents a very small fraction of the players.


 And even then, the vocal majority on the forum tends to be very toxic when something doesn't work or look as intended by the developers. People were teased by the devs about a dragon warframe, everyone thought it'd be a Rhino-like frame, it was something unique, there was an uproar that made the devs change the default helmet.


 Which caused threads like this to pop up constantly back -before- Chroma was even released.



 And really now, improving the standards? That's a very subjective point of view.


Don't you think that I know that? I didn't say that "the majority of players agree with me." I said that I wasn't the only one who thought the same way. If there was a way to poll the entire playerbase on the point, then someone would have probably beaten me to it. 


I've known about the entire debate surrounding Chroma. No need to repeat it.


Of course my statement was subjective. You've read my posts. It should be very clear at this point that I'm not a fan of Chroma's Texture/Hide. I've been using Hulta Armor pieces to hide it, just because it has the texture of a prune. At this point in the conversation, it shouldn't be a surprise that I don't like it.

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