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Estimated "time Frame"?


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Bad joke is bad... BUT


Considering I haven't been around on Warframe enough to know this, having only learned about it since May or so, is there a set amount of time until a Warframe is released? Or is the time completely dependent upon how much work is accomplished by the Design Council? The reason I've been thinking about this is becoming a Hunter level Founder has left me with some extra Platinum (384 to be exact) on the side, and from what I've read about this new Antimatter Warframe, I Want it. Only hitch is I've been looking at getting Frost as well, and I don't know anything about how this new Warframe will be obtained or when it'll be finished.. Though there's a good chance of me not purchasing Frost through platinum, I'd still like to know in advance, if that's possible.



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while there is a design counsel frame being worked on, its not a regular thing. they are not the "frame makers"

DE is the one that rolls them out as they make them so "when they are ready" is probably the best answer you will get. the anti-matter one is its own separate thing from their regular production. we just get to vote on things on a set schedule. nothing we can do to speed it up.

they only just finished deciding the theme and are working on skills. for all we know it could be a long time before its out. each voting session last a week or so.

also remember they are working on their big E3 presentation and that is going to take up most of their time from how i understand it.

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