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"we'll Add A Speedrunner Toggle For Public Matches"


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"We'll then remove speedrunning because why not"




Guess people are consuming "content" faster than your predictions. I'm sure that's related to movement speed, not the content itself.


Altough the defense changes are a good bandaid right now.


Why, though? Why do you want the space ninjas to go slow?

Edited by Kordy
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If you want to go fast slot a Sprint mod because until now Wave-Dashing, Slide-slashing and normal slide every second pretty much make those Mods unnecessary. I play Rhino so i suffer the most but i welcome the change.

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"We'll then remove speedrunning because why not"




Guess people are consuming "content" faster than your predictions. I'm sure that's related to movement speed, not the content itself.


Altough the defense changes are a good bandaid right now.


Why, though? Why do you want the space ninjas to go slow?


Cuz people asked for it. DUH. 

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"We'll then remove speedrunning because why not"




Guess people are consuming "content" faster than your predictions. I'm sure that's related to movement speed, not the content itself.


Altough the defense changes are a good bandaid right now.


Why, though? Why do you want the space ninjas to go slow?


You don't have to go slow. If you want to zip around like a bullet then you'll actually need to equip mods to do so.


Makes perfect sense to me.

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"We'll then remove speedrunning because why not"




Guess people are consuming "content" faster than your predictions. I'm sure that's related to movement speed, not the content itself.


Altough the defense changes are a good bandaid right now.


Why, though? Why do you want the space ninjas to go slow?


Because every space ninja is different so deal with it.

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You don't have to go slow. If you want to zip around like a bullet then you'll actually need to equip mods to do so.


Makes perfect sense to me.

I shouldn't have to equip mods in order go fast in a SPACE NINJA GAME. Speed Modifications should allow me to go EVEN FASTER.


This isn't Call of Duty or Gears of Wars this is Warframes where we're ninjas, ninjas are meant to go naturally fast.

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I shouldn't have to equip mods in order go fast in a SPACE NINJA GAME. Speed Modifications should allow me to go EVEN FASTER.


This isn't Call of Duty or Gears of Wars this is Warframes where we're ninjas, ninjas are meant to go naturally fast.


Granted, but that's the way the game works and asking DE to remove mods and make frames naturally faster is not likely to ever happen.

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Hate to say it but FatalX7 is right the ninjas in real life would be face palming and killing most of the players here in their sleep. Ninjas in reality was stealth assassins of the shogun they AVOIDED mass fights to kill with out any one knowing how they got in to the shoguns fortress. 

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Hate to say it but FatalX7 is right the ninjas in real life would be face palming and killing most of the players here in their sleep. Ninjas in reality was stealth assassins of the shogun they AVOIDED mass fights to kill with out any one knowing how they got in to the shoguns fortress. 


I didn't know Warframe was based on reality.

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I am genuinely irritated by this move. The last two months I have been experiencing gradual degradation on speed, which I find to be part of the very core of enjoyment in this game.


I find the whole approach of the devs to mobility disjointed and volatile. Now we have another band aid patching on a mobility aspect many players loved to use. 


The devs should take a stand and come out and say what is their vision of mobility in this game and how they plan it's implementations.


I think they should approach the mobility issue as a whole and give options when they take away options even if these options where not in agreement with their vision.


It is possible that they reacted to all the negative feedback on "non-standard" mobility gameplay. While I find that positive since it goes to show they are open to community feedback, I also find it disheartening at the same time.


Negative feedback from many players on the specific subject is based on their subjective opinions on the gameplay that can be avoided to a certain extend and yet with direct impact on the way many other players enjoyed or envision movement in Warframe.


Why would the Devs remove an aspect that many enjoy and those who don't can avoid or not make use of? 


Why would any player like less options?

Edited by alphaMinus
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Ninja's also didn't use guns or commit genocide on a dialy basis with mystical magical tenno powers. What's your point?


Ninja didn't use guns?


Firearms and explosives were a common part of their arsenal. Ninja used whatever weapon and tactic the situation called for.


Ninja started out as simple farmers and villagers, forced to take up arms to protect themselves. Ninja grew as time went on, they became blades for hire around the 16th century.

Edited by FatalX7
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No they're not. Stop relying on Hollywood and anime for your info.

What do you think the average person is going think of when they hear the term "space ninja"?


If DE doesn't want to be confused with the popular culture perception of ninjas perpetuated by fellow games like Ninja Gaiden or Metal Gear Rising, perhaps it should revise its marketing.


If DE however, intends to rely on said popular culture perception for getting potential customers, perhaps it should take a look at whether or not nerfing one of the few ways Rhino players can keep up with everybody else is really that good of an idea compared to the aforementioned "Ah screw it, we'll just let people sort themselves out with an option to toggle for matchmaking" idea.

Edited by RealityMachina
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Ninja's also didn't use guns or commit genocide on a dialy basis with mystical magical tenno powers. What's your point?


Yes, Ninjas did use guns and poison water supplies so the next day of battle the enemy troops would be pooping all over the place.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Yes, Ninjas did use guns and poison water supplies so the next day of battle the enemy troops would be pooping all over the place.


I think what he's trying to say is ninjas don't use guns that often.


And I don't see any point to this conversation. 


Edit: Kitchen time for both  of you.

Edited by Pisirk
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