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Zanuka Warframe


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Not entirely sure if this is the correct place, and had a quick search but couldn't find anything on the forums but:


Me (and many I've talked to) think that Zauka would make a fantastic Warframe.

It wouldn't even be that difficult to implement at the end of the day.



Or alternitavely, the Zanuka Hunter


(If there's even any difference in the model, I think it's just colours)


It would bring an interesting dynamic being a non-bipedal (though still 'roughly humanoid') warframe.

Mounting weapons would be simple enough, mounting the barrels in the spine case there.

Melee can be in the tail.


As per the wiki, it already has 4 abilities:

  • Missile strike: Launches several guided missiles, doing moderate damage. Due to their powerful guiding capabilities, the most reliable way to dodge them is still to hide behind cover.
  • Frost bomb: Launches a gray spheric bomb that explodes in a small AoE, applying Cold and slowing down any Tenno within the explosive radius temporarily.
  • Dispel bomb: Uses when a Tenno has deployed a self-buff such as Iron Skin. The bomb acts similar to the Frost bomb, but dispels active abilities on hit. Unlike the Stalker's Dispel, this one will not stagger the victim. It also affects Shade's cloak as well.
  • Antimatter Drop

Albeit Antimatter Drop would likely need to be changed to something different.

Missile Strike, Frost Bomb and Dispel Bomb are fine.

The missing ability could involve its existing claws.


It's crafted using other warframes, so logically crafting its Helmet, Systems and Chasis would require parts from others, in the same manner as Chroma.

I would say Frost, Nova and Valkyr are the logical choices for 'donor' parts.

You could have the Zanuka parts drop from Invasion Missions of some sort, or even Zanuka itself.


Lore Wise, it's already effectively a Warframe, it'd just need to be modified to allow Tenno Control, rather than Alad / AI control.

Additionally, it would be a 'new development', meaning not created by the Orokin, so no Prime would be available, making it further unique.



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"Simple enough to do." So long as you ignore the fact that it would need custom animations due to not being bipedal. That means new animations for guns, reloads, parkour, and melee - every weapon and stance.


Also, Antimatter Drop is a copy and Dispel is built to fight Tenno. So you would have a frame that A) breaks the lore B) needs all-new animations, and C) needs half a power set still.

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You know why Zanuka "Would make a fantastic warframe"?



Also no, this does break lore.


"Simple enough to do." So long as you ignore the fact that it would need custom animations due to not being bipedal. That means new animations for guns, reloads, parkour, and melee - every weapon and stance.


Also, Antimatter Drop is a copy and Dispel is built to fight Tenno. So you would have a frame that A) breaks the lore B) needs all-new animations, and C) needs half a power set still.


Rehtael + A:

Please explain how it breaks the lore? If I simply haven't found it, it'd help to know if it does.

It's already effectively a warframe, being built out of them.

(Flavour text states:

"Good job, Zanuka. This Tenno's bones will make you a fine sibling."

"Alad V's newest prototype is a monstrosity forged from the bodies of our fallen Tenno, we cannot allow Zanuka to go into full production. Destroy Alad V and his horrid 'pet'."

"Alad V sees the power of the Tenno and thinks he can take it for himself. That power is sacred, this blasphemy must end now."

"Be careful Tenno, Zanuka has all the power of a Warframe with a full complement of mods. It's as if you are fighting one of your own today."

"Too many Tenno have perished to make Alad's abomination. There will be no stopping the Corpus if Zanuka is mass produced. You are here to make sure that doesn't happen."


There are Tenno / Tenno affiliated Scientists, especially post-second dream, I haven't found any reason replacing the AI / control system of the Zanuka Warframe system with one that allows Tenno to control it as a Warframe.

Additionally, at the end of the day, we failed to stop Alad V from creating the project, so it's an active tech, with plenty of sourcing material.



It already has the model and basic animations from Zanuka/Zanuka Hunter.

It has no actual hands, so all ranged weapons can be simple barrel mounts from the back, like this (lazy rapid photoedit go!)::


(Alternatively, albeit slightly more boring, is it already has a Plasma Rifle mounted in its 'mouth', simply having Primay/Secondary weapon shots fire from here, while boring is possible)

So yes, it would need a set of new/modified melee attacks / stances, and expanded movement animations, but it already has a base to work from.

Instead of looking at it as 'half the work needs doing still', look at it as 'half the work is done already', which means it's (relatively) easier to do than something that you need to start from scratch.



I noted AM Drop would need replacing (though it's not like there aren't very similar / the same abilities across frames anyway, but replaced would be better).

Dispel would need changing a little yes, but there's powers that act like Dispel in Conclave, or having it change to negate enemy abilities wouldn't exactly be a bad thing either.


So we've got 2 pretty well set powers, and 1-2 that would need modifying / replacing, but there's already options for it.

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A: The ability to simply design new warframes was lost with the Orokin empire. Additionally, even if you made a frame after Zanuka, guess what's never going to get a prime variant. Additionally, Warframes are a combination of Technocyte and synthetic components. Zanuka is presumably synthetic components and Corpus robotics, and you know what that means... https://youtu.be/xS3WMXvkCSY?t=3m29s


B: No, it's not nearly as simple as you think. Zanuka's animations are designed for its AI behaviors, not for player input. Also, this "frame" is going to be unable to use a number of weapons.


C: And guess what, Zanuka is a robot. Made out of Valkyr. Would it not be a bit redundant to make a S#&$ty Warframe out of S#&$ty corpus robot parts made out of scraps of Valkyr?

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A: The ability to simply design new warframes was lost with the Orokin empire. Additionally, even if you made a frame after Zanuka, guess what's never going to get a prime variant. Additionally, Warframes are a combination of Technocyte and synthetic components. Zanuka is presumably synthetic components and Corpus robotics, and you know what that means... https://youtu.be/xS3WMXvkCSY?t=3m29s


B: No, it's not nearly as simple as you think. Zanuka's animations are designed for its AI behaviors, not for player input. Also, this "frame" is going to be unable to use a number of weapons.


C: And guess what, Zanuka is a robot. Made out of Valkyr. Would it not be a bit redundant to make a S#&$ty Warframe out of S#&$ty corpus robot parts made out of scraps of Valkyr?

We 'fixed up' and copied Valkyr out of Alads labs - that's why it's all angry and mishapen.

You aren't 'simply designing a new warframe', you're modifying an existing (corpus) one, replacing its control unit with a Tenno one, allowing transference.

I also noted there couldn't be a Prime version of it, that's fine.


As to the video - there's plenty where Warframes die, heads thrown at sentients, and numerous have been killed to make Zanuka's (not just Valkyrs).

We've also fought and killed several warframes as AI enemies - Chroma, Mesa, Limbo, Excalibur, Nekros, Frost, Loki, Valkyr for example.

And (especially post second dream), Warframes are nothing but synthetic parts and robotics.

Being Zanuka has been made from Warframe parts, and is described as working like one, one can assume it is also a mix of these things.


I can't really think of anything it couldn't wield weapons wise..

And I said relatively simple for the animations, it'll still take work - but the core of it, basic walking, jumping, wall hang / leap the model, the skeleton, etc is all there.

Designed for AI/Player input shouldn't matter, they'll do the things when we press the buttons.

It would need Bullet Jump and weapon animations primarily - a lot of work to be sure, but certainly doable.


Zanuka is a quadrapedal corpus created warframey robot thing, made using parts from Valkyr and several other warframes (there's likely Frost and Nova in there too), just the core of the research on Warframes, the understanding of their workings, was mostly drawn from Valkyr.

It's hardly going to be the same as Valkyr.

Which is what redundant means. The same as, a backup of duplicate function.


At this point in time, the living person who knows most about how Warframes work is probably Alad V, being he has created the Zanuka project, Revived, controlled and infested Mesa, etc.

He is the only non-orokin we know of to create and use his own warframe.

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The question to ask is can tranference work with non-humanoid forms. Tech aside, would it work? Especially the many and complex movements associated with parkour run and gun.


And on the animation, "a base" is not the same as "half-done." We're talking ~40 stances, with all combos. Basic attacks, slide attacks, slams, for 22 weapon types. Plus, for every stance/weapon added from Zanukaframe-on, you need two sets of animations, doubling the work for the animation team. It needs its own aiming, crouching, reloading, walking, animations. Glide, latch, wallrun, slide, bullet jump. Stick it into Second Dream retroactively? Good luck with mocap there.

No, it's not half-done - closer to a 5%, with 100% more work for everything added hereafter - only worth it if there's going to be a massive, game-shifting introduction of "kubroframes" en masse.

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The question to ask is can tranference work with non-humanoid forms. Tech aside, would it work? Especially the many and complex movements associated with parkour run and gun.


And on the animation, "a base" is not the same as "half-done." We're talking ~40 stances, with all combos. Basic attacks, slide attacks, slams, for 22 weapon types. Plus, for every stance/weapon added from Zanukaframe-on, you need two sets of animations, doubling the work for the animation team. It needs its own aiming, crouching, reloading, walking, animations. Glide, latch, wallrun, slide, bullet jump. Stick it into Second Dream retroactively? Good luck with mocap there.

No, it's not half-done - closer to a 5%, with 100% more work for everything added hereafter - only worth it if there's going to be a massive, game-shifting introduction of "kubroframes" en masse.

Thank you. For once I'm not the only voice of reason.

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i kind of like the idea of possible beast frames, running on all fours to our targets

we could shoot the guns from our heads or hip maybe

and melee would be integrated into our front claws 


i have seen many other beast warframe ideas, it just depends because of our weapons

As is fun, is fun


logic and lore aside, fun comes first, not derogatory antics of slandering and insulting

+1 meng

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i kind of like the idea of possible beast frames, running on all fours to our targets

we could shoot the guns from our heads or hip maybe

and melee would be integrated into our front claws 


i have seen many other beast warframe ideas, it just depends because of our weapons

As is fun, is fun


logic and lore aside, fun comes first, not derogatory antics of slandering and insulting

+1 meng


Fun should come first, but never to the detriment of logic and lore. They can all co-exist just fine.

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The question to ask is can tranference work with non-humanoid forms. Tech aside, would it work? Especially the many and complex movements associated with parkour run and gun.


And on the animation, "a base" is not the same as "half-done." We're talking ~40 stances, with all combos. Basic attacks, slide attacks, slams, for 22 weapon types. Plus, for every stance/weapon added from Zanukaframe-on, you need two sets of animations, doubling the work for the animation team. It needs its own aiming, crouching, reloading, walking, animations. Glide, latch, wallrun, slide, bullet jump. Stick it into Second Dream retroactively? Good luck with mocap there.

No, it's not half-done - closer to a 5%, with 100% more work for everything added hereafter - only worth it if there's going to be a massive, game-shifting introduction of "kubroframes" en masse.

This is what needs to be considered more than the fact that this would shatter existing lore. It would be not impossible, but more work than making 40 new warframes due to all the animations you'd need to string together.


You want an example of a quadruped warframe that actually had thought put into it? Look at Furion. now, I don't 100% agree with everything that Furion does, but it has actual effort put into the conceptualization, unlike the Zanukaframe.

Edited by Rehtael7
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