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[De]Scott, Backtracking Issues Were Not The Minimap's Fault.


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Please listen to what I have to say:

As I said before, the backtracking is a bug in the spawning system: it's not spawning all the units it has to, forcing you to go back and allow the Engine to spawn more units.

I know this because I like thorough gameplay and I'm rarely ever in a hurry. I clear EVERY tile before I move on, yet when I'm the end, the Engine hasn't spawned all units yet, and the Minimap shows that it's entirely clear, objective marker pointing at Extraction. 

Even with the minimap pointing out the units furthest from Extraction, I still have to go back and allow more units to spawn.

We need to clean this error up. Search for the source of this issue, and exterminate it.

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 I think the title of this thread could use a dash of help.  "The backtrack was not "just" the minimaps fault."

 But you are definitely right, there are plenty of times where you kill everything and when you get to the last 10 enemies it tells you to go to extraction even now with the change, it still tells you to go the to the end and then suddenly there are enemies behind you.

 Maybe enemies should sometimes be behind the tenno, reinforcement style, but they better be worth the backtrack.

 We certainly aren't passing enemies now that the minimap really does track the one furthest from the exit, but we are still going back for enemies at times.

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The spawn system has many problems right now. Either enemies don't spawn or they spawn in large groups is small rooms (so forget stealth in numerous cases). I hope at one point we will gen an extermination rework that will adress these problems and add some new features. We're going to get new sabotage so who knows.

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