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Has Anyone On Console Gotten Buzzkill From This Tac Alert?


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You cannot receive Buzz Kill from this Tactical Alert, only the Puncture Set.

Umm, according to the wiki, this is exclusively where buzzkill can be aquired right now

You cannot receive Buzz Kill from this Tactical Alert, only the Puncture Set.

Please read before you comment, this is console not pc

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Just wanna know ig and how long grinding it took, or is this mod a myth


Ok,. all these guys saying u don't get buzzkill and the other mods are idiots....They (DE) has it posted what all the tac alert on consoles is dropping and yes, sorry to u idiots, it does indeed include buzzkill, sweeping serration, maim and fanged fusilade...

You just gotta grind a ton....



Edited by (XB1)T0PP HATT
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Had a Friend to get it after the 4th run. Posted a screenshot in the Community. Kinda Pissed me off, until i realized, it's just another mod not worth the time and Effort. Not Much of a Melee User in the 1st place, and i doubt i'm still not after the new Event mods arrive for Consoles. 


When you run 25 waves of Brain Cell Killing, Cancer inducing, Defense for 20 times in a row nonstop, for hours on end, only to end up with a detonite ampule or a mass sample, or some dumb credit cache, it really gets to you. Makes you wonder why they even bother bringing it back if they were just going to screw over newer players as much as the 1st few people who had trouble the 1st time this Tact Alert was introduced. 

Edited by (PS4)sanemane213
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mutagen samples and credits only so far. i just it after work and i am up 33 runs with nothing to show for it. most of the weapons i use are Slash based so these mods would really help. however the drop rate it so bad that us newer players cannot get these mods as older players (or lucky ones who got it from the alert) want 700p PLUS for these.

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