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Wake Up Warframe-A Lore Theory-Spoilers For 2Nd Dream


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If you have not played the 2nd dream and you still came here I would advise you to not continue it would ruin the fun.

Now 1st I would like to explain to you that this theory may not be perfect and is based on assumption with the back up on my theory based of only the nature of the Warframe we have seen far as well as proto rhino codex entry.

As well this theory is a way or form I explained to myself the action of why the warframe broke War and why certain thing occur when warframe and tenno are in contact or without contact.


How my theory may be wrong

Now my theory can be wrong if DE somehow introduces a quest or event were a rogue warframe without a tenno is in the void

Another way this can be wrong if DE themselves provide an explanation to the nature of warframes without their tenno and with their tenno

In additional way DE can also prove this wrong with well other way I have not think off

And final way would be if the events of the proto rhino codex took place in the void


My Theory

My theory is that warframe themselves are sleep in the presence of Tenno and the energy irradiated by them which of course is called the Void energy/or for pvpers when energy is gather in one spot called the oro which is how we can repair ourselves(our warframes) from all the thing Tenshin explains.


This is why when the tenno sleep is called the 2nd dream because the 1st dream is the warframes.


How I came to this conclusion



Well for starters I wish to remind you 1st the proto rhino codex entry the rhino is going insane causing mass murdering but until he break the room/enter the room were the tenno are is when the rhino finally calms down doesn't go limp but calms down.

Now to explain this nature would be when the people in the codex open up the cell the morgue as one explains the Void energy we the tenno irradiated came in contact with the Rhino and he began to loose his bloodlust and calm down enough to understand what was occurring.

Of course if this effect was caused by the simple contact of the void energy

Then I started to think what if the warframe were also created with a fail safe switch being the same one as the Sentient and what if the fail safe switch works almost like drug in high amount it causes the warframe to behave a certain way.

This would explain the Rhino reaction as is bloodlust began to calm down from the effect of the void energy he began to enter a conscious level and began to understand is own action as why he looked at its hands.

Now what does this mean

well it got me thinking what would occur if a warframe enter the Void it would automatically begin to feel the effect of the Void energy causing him to slowly enter is sleep and shutting them down. As follow prime warframe who are more adapted to the void would require larger amount of energy to put knock them out hence why I believe Void traps deliver high amount of energy when a Prime warframe approaches them. 


Well as follow I did some looking around to see how do you make warframe and of course a warframe is made of both the marrying of infested and metallic matter with the allowing of void energy to channel thought them so that they can manifest their power at the cost of using the energy.

And as we know the Orokin can make living beings so I wouldn't put it pass them to make warframe a tool and put a safe switch on them to maintain them in control.

And of now we both know that warframe can be made by Orokin technology or by the foundry of the old war such as the one Ordis provides


So after doing what I mention above I began to take a look at what other times we had warframe in the presence of void energy, and as follow this are them.

While we do a Key Void mission/sabotage missions

in the second dream:

When the pod open disengaging the transference link between the warframe and tenno

When the tenno came in contact with the warframe

When the Tenno enter the ship with the Warframe no longer being in the void

When the tenno got separated from the warframe

When the Warframe got pierced by war

When the Tenno got back on the transference link connecting the warframe and the Tenno once again.

Now I want to use my theory to explain this events and as follow this is what I came up with




1st The Void

Now to explain this is simple when we are in the void transference link is still engage keeping you connected to the Void and unless transference link is disengage the Warframe will move to the tenno command

2nd The Disengagement in the Void

Now I mention disengagement which of course as follow if a transference link is disengage in the Void the warframe being surrounded by void energy will still be in is relaxed sleep mode were it doesn't move unless transference is engage

3rd The Tenno Touch

Now as is clear with tenno touching our warframe our tenno regained control of the warframe and is clear that the tenno would never have been used if they could not make warframe a conduit of their will and power which explain why when the tenno came in contact with the warframe it was able to command the warframe to stand up and pick him up and carry him.

4th The Warframe in the ship

Now the warframe is in the ship away from the contact of the void apart from the tenno touch is having so what would happened if the tenno remove contact from the Warframe?

5th The Warframe in the ship without contact

As we see here the warframe is no longer in contact and has gone limp no longer functioning but still in the presence of the irradiated energy the tenno releases meaning that now the warframe would be in the same state the Rhino prime was in relaxed but not reacting

6th part 1The warframe in the ship is pierced by war

Now the Warframe is pierced by war, and it got me wondering why did the stalker do this used is only weapon to stabs a dysfunctional warframe? So I thought maybe he didn't want the Tenno some how getting control back of the warframe even if it was at distance I am sure if the tenno focused enough he could establish a short transference link with the warframe. Best way to impede this was to set up disrupted or an interrupter inside the warframe that would stop such thing from happening .That interrupter being hunhow body War stopping the further flow of void energy into the warframe.

6th part 2The Effect of War

Now I mention that a warframe docile relaxed and sleep when in the presence of void energy but with the interrupter of war being in him stopping it what happened? Well

The Warframe Woke up after a bit of time that no new void energy had began to enter him and what he had had begin to exit. And well he noticed their was huge sword inside of him and he decided to break it. leading to what I call the irony of putting itself back to sleep.The Void energy and the presence flowed back into the warframe again because of the interrupter being broken causing the warframe to return to limp state. And I account the tenno not being in control because once the warframe passed out the tenno did not meaning it wasn't the tenno who was in control at that point but an awaken warframe.

7th part 1 The transference link return

Then as follow lotus puts us in the chair we return to our own life support regain conscious and we become linked to our warframe once again but this in itself opens up a new toy call the focus system but the warframe is now back in the control of the tenno and in contact in full flow of the void energy

7th part 2 the Focus Ghost

Now we do realize what happens when the Focus ghost power is used the tenno manifest a ghost of itself as projected conduit from the warframe leaving is conscious outside the warframe which in turn the warframe goes limp while the tenno does this and of course the tenno cannot do this for long cause it needs to return back to the warframe.

What else does can this theory teach us or explain?



Well if this theory is true that means that a Warframe without transference or in the void to maintain itself in control and not enter a limp relaxed state from absorbing to much void energy it must use is power even if It does not wish to.

What those this have to do with anything you may ask?

Well proto rhino used powers that means it had energy so that means their is certain threshold that void energy must build up to affect the rhino as such or a certain amount of energy in the air.

This could also point out to further failsafe were if a Warframe is out of control and gathers from is mass killing a lot of void energy it would just shut down.


Just a Little extra if my theory is correct the levels of dosage of void energy



-to little energy the Infested un connected hive mind takes over meaning now the warframe will act and respond like a wild beast


-A right amount of energy the warframe will be able to dictate is action and have some concept of will and conscious as an example the Chroma/Proto rhino he may have been insane but he responded and they were both able to act


-a little to much energy the warframe will be to relaxed but still conscious just not responsive an example of such would be the proto rhino in the zariman cell room morgue or our warframe in the ship when transference link was not established


-To much energy the warframe will be limp without conscious but as sleep to be able to be puppeted by tenno because tenno can control void energy as we know so.


That just mean if a warframe uses to much energy they will begin to loose control if a warframe absorbs to much energy they will begin to fall sleep and be control by possible connected tenno


Edited by Leavith
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  • 1 month later...

There's an unexamined assumption in your theory: that the 'beast' in the Rhino Prime codex is literally a Rhino Warframe. 


The event depicted in that lore snippet is the first recorded instance of Transference. The beast in it is therefore not a specifically designed Warframe, as it necessarily predates the Warframe project.


Did that beast end up getting refined and used to make functional Warframes? Yeah, probably. It, as itself, was not yet a Warframe, and the assumption that its behavioural traits would be carried down to the actual Warframes is unsupported.

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1 hour ago, Necromanrius said:

Hmm, First of all, I do like your theory, seems pretty well thought.

That said, I have to ask, doesn't Derelict count as part of the Void? because you face Chroma there, and I do believe Chroma was without a Tenno to control it.

Well you may not know this but derelicts are not part of the Void they are ships that have exit the void and are in space you need derelict keys because they are still void inscribed liked all higher void machines that need genetic code to be access

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Orokin_Derelict if you look at the picture of the derelict you will notice how it looks like and that is in space

59 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

There's an unexamined assumption in your theory: that the 'beast' in the Rhino Prime codex is literally a Rhino Warframe. 


The event depicted in that lore snippet is the first recorded instance of Transference. The beast in it is therefore not a specifically designed Warframe, as it necessarily predates the Warframe project.


Did that beast end up getting refined and used to make functional Warframes? Yeah, probably. It, as itself, was not yet a Warframe, and the assumption that its behavioural traits would be carried down to the actual Warframes is unsupported.

Well let me try to answer the question I think your asking because I am not sure if I get what your saying. The warframe on the codex entry is a recorded example of transference but what kind? For starter I want to clarify the tenno body were in the morgue a cold place probably like cryosleep for us. But this best like creature when entering the morgue began to be calmed down and based on my theory that void energy irradiated by the tenno affect Warframes a certain way it add up because this beast you mention on the rhino codex is a template for the rhino warframe.

Now if the beast was refine it probably was but I don't think it was refine the way you think it was. Because warframe are infested flesh naturally that means they carry the infested traits naturally in them because this are caused by the infested virus http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Infested .now if you look at the codex for art section you can find what the virus looks like and it synthesis flesh and metal so is perfect for the creation of living bio mass and since the orokin couldn't cure the infested.

The way proto rhino codex was refined was by adding probably the armors and shields to the beast with probably a system check and regulators to be able to manage the void energy. And yes while the beast may not have been a specifically designed warframe it does not mean the virus variant used for the creation of the proto rhino could not be affected the same like the warframe.

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And, uh. That Warframes are infested is also (as yet) unproven. Seems likely! But unproven.


Also, the process of taking a ravening, completely uncontrolled and experimental war beast and ending up with a full functional Warframe was almost certainly a lot more complicated than encasing it in armour and implanting its shield generators.

Now, I'm not here to crap all over your theory, but to point out that extrapolating from the Rhino Prime codex may not lead to flawless conclusions.



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34 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

And, uh. That Warframes are infested is also (as yet) unproven. Seems likely! But unproven.


Also, the process of taking a ravening, completely uncontrolled and experimental war beast and ending up with a full functional Warframe was almost certainly a lot more complicated than encasing it in armour and implanting its shield generators.

Now, I'm not here to crap all over your theory, but to point out that extrapolating from the Rhino Prime codex may not lead to flawless conclusions.



Now here lets ignore the fact warframe are likely to be made of infested flesh...and lets create a warframe .

Now we are gonna need flesh such as parts that keep living person alive so ligament and muscles. Now we need to design the way the beast we made must react fast and be fast, he must have good reaction time and must be able to extremely do task and do them effectively so we are gonna give the warframe instincts and reflexes.

In addition to this we need to give the warframe some sort of way for it to self recover so we are gonna use bacteria/virus that takes up existing tissues to repair itself and restore itself when needed. Now we have the inside of the body made---which is likely what proto rhino fall under---now like orokin creation we need to give it a fail safe something to make sure it doesn't go out of control and that people can be safe so why not make the flesh be affected by void energy something that our enemies we are making this weapons to fight against can't use against us.

Now we have the warframe Basic inside segment which is proto rhino....but like the tenno children warframe develop abilities that use void energy. Why? well now if we turn the flesh we were using to infested flesh(augmented by orokin technology) we can understand why because the infested flesh adapts so well and is adaptation that the flesh did was developing defensive mechanism against is weakness. Now since his weakness is that Void energy in contact with him sedates then it will come up with a way to use void energy so that it does not build up which is develop power that use void energy as fuel.


couldn't be taken down by usual means because it would just use the void energy as tool against them before it had any effect until it reached the morgue were large amount of energy was presence finally calming the creature down and given the idea of what they could do to use the children.

Their is likely no transference involved at this point but if their was it was probably the existence of some sort of transference way we don't know off.

Edited by Leavith
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47 minutes ago, Leavith said:

Well you may not know this but derelicts are not part of the Void they are ships that have exit the void and are in space you need derelict keys because they are still void inscribed liked all higher void machines that need genetic code to be access

http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Orokin_Derelict if you look at the picture of the derelict you will notice how it looks like and that is in space

Well let me try to answer the question I think your asking because I am not sure if I get what your saying. The warframe on the codex entry is a recorded example of transference but what kind? For starter I want to clarify the tenno body were in the morgue a cold place probably like cryosleep for us. But this best like creature when entering the morgue began to be calmed down and based on my theory that void energy irradiated by the tenno affect Warframes a certain way it add up because this beast you mention on the rhino codex is a template for the rhino warframe.

Now if the beast was refine it probably was but I don't think it was refine the way you think it was. Because warframe are infested flesh naturally that means they carry the infested traits naturally in them because this are caused by the infested virus http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Infested .now if you look at the codex for art section you can find what the virus looks like and it synthesis flesh and metal so is perfect for the creation of living bio mass and since the orokin couldn't cure the infested.

The way proto rhino codex was refined was by adding probably the armors and shields to the beast with probably a system check and regulators to be able to manage the void energy. And yes while the beast may not have been a specifically designed warframe it does not mean the virus variant used for the creation of the proto rhino could not be affected the same like the warframe.


True, it does seem Derelicts are in normal space. However, to reach the place where you encounter Chroma (last mission in the quest), you do use one of those devices that create portals (the ones we have to destroy in Void sabotage missions). If the ship was in normal space, why would we need to use that portal rather than just fly to it? Maybe this particular derelict was in the Void?

I also find this question rather intriguing, as I also try to understand the lore behind Warframes... Hope we'll get some good insights from this discussion...

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23 minutes ago, Leavith said:

Now here lets ignore the fact warframe are likely to be made of infested flesh...and lets create a warframe .

Now we are gonna need flesh such as parts that keep living person alive so ligament and muscles. Now we need to design the way the beast we made must react fast and be fast, he must have good reaction time and must be able to extremely do task and do them effectively so we are gonna give the warframe instincts and reflexes.

In addition to this we need to give the warframe some sort of way for it to self recover so we are gonna use bacteria/virus that takes up existing tissues to repair itself and restore itself when needed. Now we have the inside of the body made---which is likely what proto rhino fall under---now like orokin creation we need to give it a fail safe something to make sure it doesn't go out of control and that people can be safe so why not make the flesh be affected by void energy something that our enemies we are making this weapons to fight against can't use against us.

Now we have the warframe Basic inside segment which is proto rhino....but like the tenno children warframe develop abilities that use void energy. Why? well now if we turn the flesh we were using to infested flesh(augmented by orokin technology) we can understand why because the infested flesh adapts so well and is adaptation that the flesh did was developing defensive mechanism against is weakness. Now since his weakness is that Void energy in contact with him sedates then it will come up with a way to use void energy so that it does not build up which is develop power that use void energy as fuel.


couldn't be taken down by usual means because it would just use the void energy as tool against them before it had any effect until it reached the morgue were large amount of energy was presence finally calming the creature down and given the idea of what they could do to use the children.

Their is likely no transference involved at this point but if their was it was probably the existence of some sort of transference way we don't know off.

It's really difficult to work out what you're saying because your English is.... pretty rough, but if I understand what you're trying to say:

  • The Beast from the RPC is a complete unknown to us, maybe it's infestation based, maybe a precursor, maybe something else. Any speculation on the nature of it is completely unfounded. We know nothing, short of some abilities, the fact it can be eviscerated (Which suggests that it wasn't designed) and the fact it has a mouth and It appears to be able to eat.
  • We don't know what stopped it, IMHO the most likely reason is transference, not any form of void energy. There are no examples at all of void energy "calming" someone/thing down whereas we have an identical "looking at our hands" scene in the Second Dream referencing the realization of transference.
  • Regardless for what the RPC "Beast" is made of, that implies nothing as to what a Warframe is made of, the "Beast" existed before even the first person "Davis" contemplated the notion of transference. It would not make sense for scientist to be building a Warframe before they had any way to pilot/control/use it. The "Beast" is not likely to be "proto" anything.
  • Speculation about "making" a Warframe is just 100% made up, there is nothing supporting your "vision" of the construction of a Warframe, for all we know the muscles may be made of living metal, or just the same sort of actuators you see in Corpus proxies. For all we know there is little-to-no use of anything bacterial or viral.


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2 minutes ago, Necromanrius said:


True, it does seem Derelicts are in normal space. However, to reach the place where you encounter Chroma (last mission in the quest), you do use one of those devices that create portals (the ones we have to destroy in Void sabotage missions). If the ship was in normal space, why would we need to use that portal rather than just fly to it? Maybe this particular derelict was in the Void?

I also find this question rather intriguing, as I also try to understand the lore behind Warframes... Hope we'll get some good insights from this discussion...

Little extra information the derelicts like mention in the wiki that the Derelict are in an area of the sol system in addition to that being said the towers are locked by you know and special areas seem to be more locked and only accessible from certain location like the moon was. Also derelict ships are ships that have fallen out of place from the void and re enter our world.The derelict ship we enter and meet up with chroma we needed to enter that way cause their was no official way to enter ships like that but without a telporter except derelict keys are teleport from sol to sol but void keys are teleports from sol to void.

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40 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

It's really difficult to work out what you're saying because your English is.... pretty rough, but if I understand what you're trying to say:

  • The Beast from the RPC is a complete unknown to us, maybe it's infestation based, maybe a precursor, maybe something else. Any speculation on the nature of it is completely unfounded. We know nothing, short of some abilities, the fact it can be eviscerated (Which suggests that it wasn't designed) and the fact it has a mouth and It appears to be able to eat.
  • We don't know what stopped it, IMHO the most likely reason is transference, not any form of void energy. There are no examples at all of void energy "calming" someone/thing down whereas we have an identical "looking at our hands" scene in the Second Dream referencing the realization of transference.
  • Regardless for what the RPC "Beast" is made of, that implies nothing as to what a Warframe is made of, the "Beast" existed before even the first person "Davis" contemplated the notion of transference. It would not make sense for scientist to be building a Warframe before they had any way to pilot/control/use it. The "Beast" is not likely to be "proto" anything.
  • Speculation about "making" a Warframe is just 100% made up, there is nothing supporting your "vision" of the construction of a Warframe, for all we know the muscles may be made of living metal, or just the same sort of actuators you see in Corpus proxies. For all we know there is little-to-no use of anything bacterial or viral.


Sorry about my English my speculation about making a warframe is just as you said 100% made up but is the idea that makes logical sense in the way that no matter how you look at it they needed something to fight the sentient since the infested idea failed so they made the beast that i refer to as Proto rhino. While i may not know what is in it i do know we bleed and we do have metal and flesh inside of us.

-Yes i can agree with the 1st point

-Yes we do not know what stopped it but we do know the Orokin were fighting the sentient which links the fact that whatever this beast is it was a made weapon to fight the sentient,but just like all creation made by the orokin they needed fail safe switch which is why i label void energy as the switch since this would be a tool the Sentient cannot use but the orokin can use.As for looking at is hands if that form of transference existed that would put the tenno in transference machine that would be already made which is not likely so it must be that the Beast could sense or feel the presence and power of the tenno/influence

-Yes while i may agree that their is possibility that the beast is not a pre-design of the warframe we cannot ignore that it holds a connection to the tenno just like the warframe do...and since is a codex entry of the Rhino Warframe i feel is safe to say The Beast and Rhino/rhino prime are cut/made identical or design identical. And yes your right it would not make sense that scientist would build a warframe before they have pilot but that is because they weren't building warframe in mind they were building Beast/weapon to fight the sentient with similarity to their previous bio weapon like infested but stronger/faster/and better (i am using beast to describe the proto-rhino)

-And your right on this point but you are ruled out viral which means the technocyte virus that infested are made of would not be part of a warframe.And yes their is evidence to support that warframe are made of the virus by people who actually kill us such and can sense us by mediums i cannot comprehend.

Edited by Leavith
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