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Sortie, Getting Stronger And Randomness



So, basically I have been away from the game for I think over a year because I got a daughter and it has taken alot of my spare time.


Now I am back and alot has changed.


I am doing the daily sortie missions and what I notice is how much inferior I feel.


This is my setup today:


Rhino prime ( I know people don't think he is strong) with focus on stomp and buff and range

I usually spank everything in a large  area around me in more normal missions but in sortie basically nothing happens. In the end I just run around and buff people and hope it helps :)


My fav weapon is the Strun Wraith shotgun. Of course smacked with forma and catalyst. Strong as a bull in normal quests and kill everything quite easy. Again in sortie....not much happening. First level I usually kill enemies quite easy but at the 2 last ones I don't do much damage


My questions now is am I missing something? Do I get buff from being in a clan or this syndicate that has popped? There is a new specil mod slot in the warframe. Does that any good bonus?


I just want to feel strong again :) Any tips is appreciated


Now I am off to kill that frickin "codex quest odonata monster in space thingy"


PS. I have alot of other warframes and my mastery is now almost 11 so maybe I should go for another warframe in sortie, but I just love running around with rhino and a shotgun :)

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11 answers to this question

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As Dabus said, the Tonkor is a really good choice for Sorties, but if you want to stick with using a shotgun then i would suggest getting to MR 12. Then you can get the Vaykor Hek and Sancti Tigris as they are far stronger than the Strun W and with the bonus of having the syndicate proc.

Edited by tyny89
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you should use the right frame for the job if you wanna feel strong 

so in today's sortie, it's against corpus, use Mag cos she totally recks them. and for the 'sneaky' mission like rescue, spy and sabotage, use a stealth frame like loki or ash to get the job fast 

for survival,defense and mobile defense you really should get in a squad and go for CC roles, because dmg isn't that relevant in high lvls anymore 

EDIT: just to add...it's not that you're not strong, isn't just that the enemies are too strong. for example, whatever frame I use, a corpus tech recks me in less than 1 second if I stay still 

Edited by Kenshin98
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Remember, when against corpus use toxin damage to BYPASS shields, or use a Mag like me and screw them. With Mag, every time i see "reinforced enemy shields" i give an evil grin saying to myself "i will slaughter them in a snap"


For other situations, i suggest viral damage and/or corrosive. Even if enemies have resistance to elemental damage, doesn't mean they are resistant to elemental procs, which means you can debuff them all the same.


And, even if you're a using a tanky frame, stay ALWAYS on the move.

Edited by renleech
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firstly, congrats on being a father! lot of responsibility there, but to your point:


since his Rework, Rhino IS stronger, and he can be useful during those first couple of Sorties, but the Third one is a little much for him IMO. you've got the right idea by going for a support Rhino build, but in the Third sortie in particular, his damage falls off pretty quick. it should be noted that if your Stomp isn't doing the trick, you can now Rhino Charge Stomped targets for a lot of bonus damage, plus it ragdolls them quite some distance.  every frame has their place though:


 - Loki for Spy/stealth Rescue

 - Valkyr for Survivals (only really needed for the Third one, Rhino and Wukong, if built right, can still get through the first couple quite nicely.)

 - Frost for Defense (can replace with Vauban if it's Infested)

 - Mag for just about anything Corpus, she ends up being the best damage dealer.

 - Nova for Interceptions, because Antimatter Drop and Molecular prime.


now while the Strun Wraith isn't a bad weapon, I think you're gonna need a more powerful Shotgun. I would highly recommend working towards either a Vaykor Hek or Sancti Tigris, both are extremely powerful Shotguns that can handle endgame enemies nicely.


finally, you should know that it's not you, it's them (the enemies). they are incredibly strong and can be a challenge for even the most experienced players, especially when Nullifiers and the like get involved. also, Sapping Ospreys WILL wreck you, don't give them the chance.


good luck, and may RNGsus bless you!

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Thanks guys for all the replies. My daughter is alright, maybe I wrote the sentence wrong :)


I am thinking that in all sorties there are already mags, lokis and other frames so I could always give a little buff instead.


I never see for example necro in sortie. Isn't it good with having high lvl enemies killing high lvl enemies? :)


So what about the other things, the new mod slot and syndicates etc? Does it give anything? I will surely look at the better shotguns from now. Vaykor hek will be my first target :)

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Thanks guys for all the replies. My daughter is alright, maybe I wrote the sentence wrong :)

I am thinking that in all sorties there are already mags, lokis and other frames so I could always give a little buff instead.

I never see for example necro in sortie. Isn't it good with having high lvl enemies killing high lvl enemies? :)

So what about the other things, the new mod slot and syndicates etc? Does it give anything? I will surely look at the better shotguns from now. Vaykor hek will be my first target :)

While I only came back recently myself. I can answer the mod slot question. It's an aditional slot that once unlocked, can only take certain types of mods. These mods are, from what I have seen atleast, mostly fluff mods like master thief.

They are basically there to give you access to a mod that gives you a perk that your build likely wouldn't give you slots for. The nods in this slot still take up points and can be formad.

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So, basically I have been away from the game for I think over a year because I got a daughter and it has taken alot of my spare time.

Now I am back and alot has changed.

I am doing the daily sortie missions and what I notice is how much inferior I feel.

This is my setup today:

Rhino prime ( I know people don't think he is strong) with focus on stomp and buff and range

I usually spank everything in a large area around me in more normal missions but in sortie basically nothing happens. In the end I just run around and buff people and hope it helps :)

My fav weapon is the Strun Wraith shotgun. Of course smacked with forma and catalyst. Strong as a bull in normal quests and kill everything quite easy. Again in sortie....not much happening. First level I usually kill enemies quite easy but at the 2 last ones I don't do much damage

My questions now is am I missing something? Do I get buff from being in a clan or this syndicate that has popped? There is a new specil mod slot in the warframe. Does that any good bonus?

I just want to feel strong again :) Any tips is appreciated

Now I am off to kill that frickin "codex quest odonata monster in space thingy"

PS. I have alot of other warframes and my mastery is now almost 11 so maybe I should go for another warframe in sortie, but I just love running around with rhino and a shotgun :)

Well congrats on the daughter and welcome back!!

So to answer one question I'm assuming that specific mod slot your talking about is the exilus slot. So to talk about that first, if you haven't done it by now go to your quests and complete the 2nd dream that will unlock the moon tiles 4 you. Which also in affect give you something called focus schools which are pretty big now. Do the moon tiles and they have challenges for you to do with the reward of drift mods (go on YouTube there is videos of people showing how to complete said drift tests.) Put the desired drift mod or whatever mod you prefer in the exilus slot that fits your build.

Lastly just pay attention to what the description says for each mission and the hazards associated with them. Because I feel like you can complete these with any frame as long as you got familiarity with them. Weapons are a little different because sometimes you can go in feeling a little under powered with them. Can easily be solved with a bow or since you like the strun shotgun if it is falling off get a syndicate shotgun from either new Loka or steel meridian.

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